hey to all out here
same over here good luck trena :)
would you...
respect the advice of your gp/doctor if they were obese?
hey to all out here
good luck on your search!
its not about what the person 'is', its about what the person 'does' when one goes into a community intending to disrupt the peace of that community to flaunt around what they have the 'right' to do,,,they are exercising BEING a prick jews being jew is about their beliefs,, which they dictate blacks being black is about their ANCESTRY, which they dont dictate 'indians' being so labeled is because of where they were found which they dont dictate fat people being fat is because of health habits, which they do dictate I know people love to lump everyones struggles as the same, but they werent, not their source and not the level of control individuals had over those struggles I can refrain from any BEHAVIOR I want, I dont have to share my religious belief, I dont have to share what I prefer sexually,, I cant refrain from my 'blackness' , anymore than an indian can refrain from being indian,, people will always have their preference of 'behaviors' and their opinions about them,, that is human nature I dont advocate violence or any extremes other than speech by which people should share those opinions I dont advocate being a prick to others either by going where they are and flaunting about behaviors that are not a welcome part of their culture freak: a very unusual and unexpected event or situation unusual IS different, and therefore 'freakish',, Im called religious freak, and it doesnt bother me,, after all,, language is just language? when it crosses into action, thats when it bothers me,,, |
that doctor trippin thinking he can tell me i got a weak bladder, don't worry baby you got a shower aint ya
i did have the op but they couldn't remove all of it so when you do go down there just push it out the way, it shouldn't spring back
but who is anyone to tell someone else your bad for being gay, it wasn't that long ago that Jews were not considered people but animals, black people were spat on and used as slaves, Indian people were taken over and made second class citizens in their own country, fat people are still laughed at in the street and looked down on in they gym and clothes stores, people with special needs were locked up in mental institutions, people suffering from mental breakdowns were used as entertainment, oh and religious people were and still are killing each other because their not the same as each other, gay people were and still are killed shot set on fire buried alive in front of children and families. do i want to live in a world where this stops or do i want to live in a world where if your different your called a freak or a pervert, or disgusting and then killed etc do i want to live in a world where its good that were not all the same and if your not child molesting, or raping, or murdering, or attacking, then your accepted because you arnt doing anything to hurt me your just being who you are.
I dont think we disagree I agree wholeheartedly about peoples 'rights' I just feel there is something to be said about 'consideration of others' and the behavior of those who choose not to have it,, |
can we pick up my friend kiki she workin the block tonight, she the one in the red ..,. Hi mom' |
they do have every right, and are being prickish when they exercise the RIGHT in places where they KNOW it is offensive to that environmental culture,,, of course, and if I am a mother who takes her kid to a public place regularly where kids play,, and someone whose vocabulary is to use the F word every other word chooses to not refrain around my kid,, I can leave too and I will to avoid being around such a prick,,,, but its still a shame, such pricks exist to bully people into feeling the need to leave the places they are familiar to and comfortable within,, everyone has been different in all times,, that isnt new neither is consideration for others,, but its replaced with 'whatever I want' and 'its my right' those who feel no concern for being considerate of others, jsut because they can are pricks and we can certainly choose to just tolerate pricks, or we can feel free to call them as we see them,,, |
can we pick up my friend kiki she workin the block tonight, she the one in the red
your gonna need a shot if you wanna come home with me tonight lol |
they do have every right, and are being prickish when they exercise the RIGHT in places where they KNOW it is offensive to that environmental culture,,, of course, and if I am a mother who takes her kid to a public place regularly where kids play,, and someone whose vocabulary is to use the F word every other word chooses to not refrain around my kid,, I can leave too and I will to avoid being around such a prick,,,, but its still a shame, such pricks exist to bully people into feeling the need to leave the places they are familiar to and comfortable within,, |
your gonna need a shot if you wanna come home with me tonight
lean way over and say " does this look infectious to you?" |
I would rather be skint as a flea but curl up every night on the sofa with my love than have all the money in the world and grow old counting it on my own.
they do have every right, and are being prickish when they exercise the RIGHT in places where they KNOW it is offensive to that environmental culture,,, |
my biological clock is ticking, I hope you don't shoot blanks
if something affects ones environment , it does become ones business. repeating my own belief because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD rudeness is legal in america , doesn't mean it isn't prickish to be rude, not sure where 'here' is,, but,, IF and WHEN muslims go into predominately CHRISTIAN communities to PARADE around their faith,, they are being equally PRICKISH In America, I am not aware of such instances however,, Im certainly not suggesting anything about anyone dictating Im simply speaking about being prickish and people are perfectly within their rights to be prickish legally , with noone having authority to dictate they not be |
if something affects ones environment , it does become ones business. repeating my own belief because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD rudeness is legal in america , doesn't mean it isn't prickish to be rude, not sure where 'here' is,, but,, IF and WHEN muslims go into predominately CHRISTIAN communities to PARADE around their faith,, they are being equally PRICKISH In America, I am not aware of such instances however,, |