Community > Posts By > mom333

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 01:12 PM
Can I put it on YouTube then here

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 12:28 PM
put a video on here that is on my desktop?

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 12:13 PM

TY - Mom333; that was very interesting...not often we get a birds eye view of what it's like to be right there on the inside 'day-to-day' events of a foreign country! Sure the media gives us a POV but it's often stilted and biased about one side or the TY for your post! flowers
right back at you flowers

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 12:08 PM

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 11:04 AM
oh and the politicians here we know they are all twats who don't keep promises and are out for there own gain, one of them was in the paper because he has 4 kitchens in his house people weren't happy with that. and Nigel farage he is a total racist politician he was on this show with this white couple who just made him look a knob lol. some like him though because they blame immigrants for everything. I like some of his views like not making nurses train at uni just nurses college and stuff like that.

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 10:38 AM
Edited by mom333 on Thu 04/30/15 10:47 AM

mom333 stated >>>
that is exactly what happening and yes I live in England but I can send my son to the shops knowing he will come back home safe, and what I fear for him is peadoes and murders etc. not a thug copper beating him to death because he has a load of sweets and money on him. my neighbours who are white and good friends of mine can let their girl who is obviously white and my girl go round the block with there bikes in the summer without the coppers coming up to them because they have nice bikes. its not perfect here at all and things happen not like in America but they do, but if a copper here tried to beat someone to death of any colour just because well just because people here would go ballistic. and yes there might be some looting of all colours well lets face it everyone loves a free tv. but it would not be acceptable to do that to anybody. and if people here stood up to that kind of treatment you can bet they wouldn't be shunned. everyone knows the government is corrupt, well everyone should know. They lie and do things they shouldn't just like a certain man and a cigar. they are human and flawed like the rest of us, they are not sent from above they are merely mortal like us. hence they can break the rules like us. the difference is they shouldn't lie and treat people bad and break the rules and im including the police in this too, because they took an oath to protect all and serve in the best interests of you. not watch you hate each other and do nothing. the one thing in the whole mess is you are all citizens of a country you hold dear and its not because of the government its because of the citizens in it, whether your from Timbuktu or Spain if you live in America and have made a life there you should be left alone there until you commit a crime there and if your being treated bad there your views should be listened to there because your supposed to be important there. so instead of hating each other because the government says you should you should get along and look out for each other because you cant trust the government to look out for you and to have your best interests at heart. you can gang up on me if you want to but I am someone looking in from the outside, and sometimes an outside view is a good thing.

While I enjoy reading your posts and your input here is of value; we need everyone's insight into our nations mess...I wonder about the differences though between England and America!

And correct me, PLEASE!

A.) we might have camera's on our police officers {but not all have those body cams}
B.) England has a plethora of PUBLIC STATIONED video camera's linked into a recording system so that at any given incident a 'play back' can be obtained - so the officers/citizens know that there is an excellent chance that they are being recorded by their government
C. We have a weapon for every human {or if not every human 4x's per ownership} and England does not
D. Incidents of violent crimes has never been the same between England's records/data and Americas --- WE EXCEL AT KILLING
My generation {circa 50's - 60's} childhood days isn't what these young children have to deal with; granted I didn't grow up in an inner city like Baltimore {lived all my life rural America} but England hasn't changed much since your parents age or your grand parents age has it?

im so glad I live in England now and not when my dad first came here, the racism was so bad they had cards in the windows of the b&bs saying no Irish no dogs no niggers. in that order. he was spat at and told to go back home, even though it England (the government) saying come over we have jobs for you. certain pubs would not allow him in etc. if that happened in the uk today well it don't. mixed marriages here are commonplace and in my particular neighbourhood and in many others well all really, black and white stand together, even in gangs who rob and do all sorts even they are mixed lol. the ones that are still outwardly racist are the older generation. its so good here I actually for the first time when I took my kids to the park saw a little OLD Chinese woman and a black man together arm in arm they were married, he wasn't trying to rob her lol. they smiled at me when I walked past them they looked so cute. my street has all sorts of races and we get on just fine especially when we have sales here at the local sports hall and everyone is down there looking for a bargain lol. it sounds ideal and it is. there are lots of thugs in the uk we call them chavs because they wear the customary knock of sports clothes you can tell because they nearly always have a hole where the tag used to be before they ripped it out lol. when they get arrested they get arrested for a REASON. even when you see someone get stopped in the street and taken away of any race you just know they have done something because they never run lol. in the betting shop its black white Indian Pakistani Muslim Chinese Turkish white and polish loosing all their money and smoking pot whilst drinking cheap cider lol. I can go out with the kids and know my Chinese neighbours will watch my house (I don't get on with the other side lol.) the only thing is people are fearful of Muslims now because of all the things that has and is going on which is understandable. when black kids don't do well in school here its because there lazy and smoking pot and in gangs not because they are treated bad. a black woman was in the post office not so long ago showing of on the phone because she had just bought her house. the police are corrupt here but they have to watch their back because they cant just get away with stuff like that. there is no reason to get involved with the police here if you don't need to. I was in a van with a friend me and another black man and he was driving to fast, the police stopped us and told him of and then went. I was panicking because I've never been stopped by police, oh I lied once when one I know asked about my son who has Asperger's because we had talked before about him not getting a school yet, and how the school system let him down etc and were there for ages chatting. you cant have a gun here unless the police come to your home and check that it would be kept safe and secure and your not a head case. England is not the best country but I have to say im proud to be English, if you make your life here and don't keep yourself to yourself and integrate with your fellow neighbours your English full stop. if you get punched in the face here its because your a twat not because I don't like your colour lol. football season you get the larger louts saying and being aggressive but if you can hold your own you will be ok and will just walk away with a black eye. when there is a killing of a young person its 50/50 gang related, not because the media says but because (we all know here the news is full of crap,) but because there is nearly always a history of gang related issues surrounding the person in question. here we poke fun at all races now that's what you call equal opportunities lol nobody gets left out lol. its not perfect but if your getting robbed in the street you can guarantee you will have your wallet pinched but they will call the ambulance for you lol. its not perfect but by eck its England.

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 03:45 AM

notice how this all started as cops murdering another man that wasnt justified, how quickly the government changed it all about race and looters and thugs... thats all anyone is talking about now. like i said lets not forget why this all started, government from the president all the way down to local police is mostly corrupted. i say mostly because i know there is some good people in gov. but i feel like the good people are the minority. the media has turned this whole thing from "cops murder another man unjustly" to "thugs and looters rioting in baltimore". they really know how to deflect attention from what we should really be focused on.
very true

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 03:44 AM
the media prints what the media prints, and at the minute there is nothing you can do about it. but instead of just listening to the media find out for yourselves, think for yourselves, and then make decisions and have views on what you find out for yourselves not what the media wants you to think. there is a saying knowledge is power. not money or things, if you know something you can avoid it or embrace it or you can not be treated bad or you can just know. but making views that are not really your own does not serve you well. my dad always says im stubborn and I am and if he told me the sky was blue I would go out and see for myself, because he could tell me anything. just like he told me to drink this really nice cocktail he made once, I didn't sniff it first I just drank it and it turned out to be chillie water. I can still taste it to this day lol. now I make sure what people tell me is the truth and not lies for their own gain.

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 03:26 AM
that is exactly what happening and yes I live in England but I can send my son to the shops knowing he will come back home safe, and what I fear for him is peadoes and murders etc. not a thug copper beating him to death because he has a load of sweets and money on him. my neighbours who are white and good friends of mine can let their girl who is obviously white and my girl go round the block with there bikes in the summer without the coppers coming up to them because they have nice bikes. its not perfect here at all and things happen not like in America but they do, but if a copper here tried to beat someone to death of any colour just because well just because people here would go ballistic. and yes there might be some looting of all colours well lets face it everyone loves a free tv. but it would not be acceptable to do that to anybody. and if people here stood up to that kind of treatment you can bet they wouldn't be shunned. everyone knows the government is corrupt, well everyone should know. They lie and do things they shouldn't just like a certain man and a cigar. they are human and flawed like the rest of us, they are not sent from above they are merely mortal like us. hence they can break the rules like us. the difference is they shouldn't lie and treat people bad and break the rules and im including the police in this too, because they took an oath to protect all and serve in the best interests of you. not watch you hate each other and do nothing. the one thing in the whole mess is you are all citizens of a country you hold dear and its not because of the government its because of the citizens in it, whether your from Timbuktu or Spain if you live in America and have made a life there you should be left alone there until you commit a crime there and if your being treated bad there your views should be listened to there because your supposed to be important there. so instead of hating each other because the government says you should you should get along and look out for each other because you cant trust the government to look out for you and to have your best interests at heart. you can gang up on me if you want to but I am someone looking in from the outside, and sometimes an outside view is a good thing.

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 02:02 AM

probably experience,,,,,not all cops in every community interact with the citizens with professionalism or respect

the fact that he was even chased simply because of choosing to run,,that he was asking for help BEFORE he was put in the van.....people are upset that citizens lives aren't valued more

Let's see.. KNOWN Criminal (25yrs +), running from a cop, or trotting or skipping & singing the Barney song laugh IS A CRIME & IS EVADING ARREST , another crime, & IS INTERFERING WITH A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, another crime.... equals use of deadly force, by LAW.

* Not to mention, incredibly foolish & self defeating or just suicidal as opposed to more jail time *

lol, actually its not, since he was not under arrest or being threatened with arrest,,,

he was not in the process of a criminal act, and merely made 'eye contact
,,but nice try

and you may be ok with deadly force as penalty for running, but I like our system where the only excuse for the justice system to impose a death penalty is for those convicted of murder,,,

Your words " because he choose to run "

Yea .. that's what * cough * innocent people do.... run from police when they " make eye contact "

no, sassy euros may not

but people in areas that have reason not to trust the police in that area , may do just that, as fast as they would run from any other situation where a thug has a gun and is eyeing them

No Ms Harmony laugh

I'm an American, big ASSumption there. Euro is just part ONE of my heritage.

But the public,the black powers that be have every reason, NOT to trust the their citizens & criminals, who have proven for over 5 days that they can not be civilized.
We don't have 5,000 National Guard here & (another 5,000 on back up - Thank you govenor. :angel:& ) 500 (borrowed) State troopers & a 10pm- 5am curfew & countless schools & colleges & shops & buisness & bus routes closed down & 15+ wounded officers (some unresponsive) & 4 beaten journalist. And countless injuries & millions of dollars in property damage & man power..... And a President & Councilmen calling the rioters " thugs & " criminals"... . because they trust them & think feel sorry for them & make excuses for them.

it didn't have to get to the point its at if measures were put in place to protect people properly instead of hurting them unesseseraly (I think ive spelt that wrong), people are just fighting for equality and to be treated the same as everyone else. the government should step up and do what's right instead of hiding behind closed doors and hoping it will all just go away.

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 01:54 AM

problem is cops dont even know/understand most of the laws they enforce. they think just because they have a badge its an excuse to do whatever they want. someone needs to start holding bad police accountable for their actions, and it cant be other police or people who know and have a relationship with the cops in question. i've seen firsthand cops abuse their authority and beat/falsely arrest people and get away with it everytime, because now in this country your guilty until proven innocent. a friend of mine witnessed someone getting beat by like 4-5 cops and he yelled to the cops "hey that isnt necessary" 5 seconds later hes in handcuffs being charged with disorderly conduct. he went to court and told the judge what happened, the judge said "you were in the wrong place at the wrong time" and found him guilty. so much for rights in this country.
that's horrendous no wonder people are angry if that's what their living with.

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 01:50 AM

if they can label you 'criminal' from anything as small as having weed to being in a fight,, you lose basic human rights and some are apparently ok with it,,,


yea it is sad. free country my @$$. politicians trample all over our rights and average citizens try to defend the politicians, not the people.
drinker drinker

mom333's photo
Thu 04/30/15 01:47 AM
I have faith in human kind when I see that people know what's right from wrong and are not afraid to say it even when they could get backlash. :)

mom333's photo
Wed 04/29/15 09:27 AM
It's true simple minds do don't they

mom333's photo
Wed 04/29/15 09:15 AM
Yeah we have bad teeth and a lot of snobs. The view of America from this side is its full of homer Simpson and badly educated people. What do you think is that true

mom333's photo
Wed 04/29/15 09:11 AM
Most of the world only have an idea of what America is really like. Mainly from the media. Russel howerd has a show in the UK where he states facts but presents it in a funny way. What do you think the rest of the world see when they see America in the media

mom333's photo
Wed 04/29/15 08:59 AM
Edited by mom333 on Wed 04/29/15 09:01 AM
Is this show a real representation of what typical Americans are.
And is British TV portraying America correctly.

mom333's photo
Wed 04/29/15 06:33 AM

IDK... Im not a US citizen...but i do live in a country that is heavily influenced by the US...historically and economically...
Over the years, the US political and social climate has changed in terms of overall satisfaction...
When once we considered the US as a go to for immigration, studies, opportunities... just seems to me that the US has reached a tipping point in the index...whether it will plateau or drop, remains to be seen... But then that's just my humble opinion... I guess the "big boys" will be determining that outcome...
true and I think tensions and unresolved issues don't help an already delicate situation. the big boys have the power to get beep beep done but they just keep things going in the same direction. things have to change, if Obama can become president and gay couples can marry then why shouldn't they make not unreasonable changes to an outdated and dangerous system which is not good for anybody who has to live in it so to speak.

mom333's photo
Wed 04/29/15 06:15 AM

Everyone has a right to express what they believe in... It doesnt preclude being tolerant or understanding of those that believe other wise...

Tho it is a fact that over the ages, people who have suppressed the freedom of speech and expression (among other suppressed rights) have been met with anger and rebellion...there are also instances when dictatorship has been met with peaceful revolutions....but one way or another, people individually and /or collectively will always have that desire to be free to be themselves and to better themselves...the problem is when they overstep their personal rights and take over someone else's...

I think there are those who respond to suppression of their rights thru anger, tho may be justified in it, are simply being intolerant as well...and exert their rights through a show of force...hence the riotings...not in all cases, mind you...but somehow, increasingly so nowadays...the sad part is... Most changes effected through this process are likely to be short lived and are just done as a gut reaction to the present situation for public satisfaction and not for the long term effects that are really needed...

its been brewing a long long time now and I just think people are tired and angry. all it takes is for the ill call them the "big men" to listen and act on the behalf of the people for the good of the people all people, everyone moving forward together.

mom333's photo
Wed 04/29/15 05:59 AM
I sympathise and understand a point of view that has been pushed to one side, I think the violence is abhorrent and that goes for everyone that has either blood on their hands or anyone that has engaged in a beating like that.

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