no photo
Sat 01/22/11 01:54 AM
Why is it okay to take money from others by force? I mean healthcare a right? I won't get nothing but a bill, my healthcare won't change except maybe get worse! Why is it people don't understand working people pay the bills of government and there is no free lunch for us! What happens when we have had enough and refuse to pay your bills anymore! I don't get the thought of freeloading! Do Americans even have pride anymore or are they just all waiting in line with their hand out? Look if you want government healthcare why not just send your money to the government and let them care for you, and allow me to opt out? I tell you why cause you want me to pay for you! That's what this is really about! You want free healthcare for you and double priced heathcare for me right? yeah that's the truth and nobody wants to admit it! Unless you actually beleive the government will make it cheaper! But I can't beleive anyone buys that lie! So which is it? Do you beleive government will make it cheaper or do you want other citizens to pay your share?

no photo
Sat 01/22/11 01:31 AM

only one out of ten Americans support health care reform?
It could be they don't support
the current legislation,not reform in general. Where did those poll numbers generate?
Access to health care has become a privilege to far too many people instead of a basic right.
Why should those in the senate and the house have access to the very best the system has to offer when the average person is denied the same coverage? Lest we forget it is our tax dollars paying for
that medical access
Health care reform has been debated and argued dating back to the early 1900's.
Whether you agree with the current legislation or not,
it is at least a start to fix
a system that focuses more on beaucracy than on providing health care services

everyone misses the point! Government has no money! NO DAMN MONEY I SAID! So if they have no money how are you gonna get your healthcare? your gonna get it from me that's how! Well how about me? Why should i have to pay your bill's? How is that fair? Stop taking from others and support yourself damn it! So what politicians have great healthcare plans.....that's their job! At least they work for it! You want it free off the sweat of my brow! Stop whining for handouts and get to work lazy Americans!

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Sat 01/22/11 01:17 AM
Wow...someone actually wants to enforce the laws? Isn't that racist? surprised

no photo
Sat 01/22/11 01:12 AM

Only the ignorant want the American health care system to remain as it was before Obama and supporters changed it. In fact, many of us won't be happy until the US adopts nationalized health care. And just so there won't be any incorrect assumptions, I have what is currently considered excellent health insurance. It's expensive and it still sucks.

Really only the ignorant? Why? What's wrong with me wanting to pay my own bills? I'm ignorant cause i'm self reliant? I'm ignorant cause i don't want to pay your bills? My healthcare doesn't suck! I have a caring doctor that has taken good care of my family and it has never been a worry! Is it expensive? Yes it is, but you know it gets that way when you have government regulation, fraud, freeloaders, and crackheads to support! Handing it to government is ignorant and if you look at any other government agency you can easily come to that conclusion! Maybe you just want other people to pay your bills?

no photo
Sat 01/22/11 12:39 AM

January 20, 2011 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- It's not about what you can't do; it's about what you can do. A woman and her son are able to do anything even though they were born without arms and choose not to wear prosthetics.

Born with a rare genetic condition, Linda Bannon and her 5-year-old son Timmy are independent and great problem solvers.

Cooking for her family. Helping Timmy write. Playing video games. These are typical activities for the mother and son.

"I think a lot of people, when they first see me, they don't realize how independent I am and how capable I am of doing everything that I do," Linda said. "And I always say because I've been without arms my entire life."

In addition to being a mother and wife, Linda is also a kindergarten teacher.

"People think that it's such an easy job to teach kindergarten," Linda said. "They're so little, but there's so much to do for them, tying their shoes, zipping their coats. Teaching them how to hold a pencil, which I always think is funny because I'm trying to figure out how to show them how to hold their pencil with their hands using my feet."

Using their feet to complete different tasks came natural for mother and son.

At one time Linda wore prosthetics.

"When I wore prosthetics I had to figure out a way to move my arm outta the way so I could use my legs," said Linda.

Linda and Timmy have a genetic condition called Holt-Oram syndrome.

'It pretty much said that it's a 50/50 chance that any children that I have will also be born without arms," Linda said.

Her husband Richard says people something pity him for having a child and wife without arms.

"I think a lot of people judge other people based on appearance without giving them the chance to prove what they can and cannot do," Richard said.

People born with this genetic condition also have heart issues.

the link has the video and its actually interesting

great story! It should be a prerequsite to read before getting a welfare check!

no photo
Sat 01/22/11 12:37 AM
I was amazed they uttered the words "success" and "MSNBC" in the same sentence? I heard they actually thought of hiring those guys on youtube....what's there names? the turds? no... the turks that's right. Lol good luck MSNBC, you will need it if you even considered hiring those clowns!

no photo
Sat 01/22/11 12:24 AM

Jeez......A 14 year old bangs his teacher and he is the victim? Really? Look i know the whole equality argument, i just aint buying it! I understand women see it different and whatever i can understand why they want her punished but trust me this boy does not see himself as a victim and i seriously doubt he is bothered by this. Boys and girls are differnent!

yeah, girls mature FASTER,, this child was early pubescent, probably not a chance in hell against an adult who seduces HIM(not the other way around) honest! He jumped on her like a dog in heat and smiled all night long! Sorry boys are not built like women mentally! We really can have casual sex and yes even at an early age! But i concede it is wrong! Just saying...."victim"? I don't know how much of one honestly.

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Sat 01/22/11 12:17 AM
Jeez this is a real "parse"! The point is government regulation and forced inclusion by citizens and employers!

"Government takeover" conjures a European approach where the government owns the hospitals and the doctors are public employees. But the law Congress passed, parts of which have already gone into effect, relies largely on the free market:

Really???? So he is defining the phrase "governmant takeover" and then including how the media has defined it as incorrect based upon?????/ what???? lmao! I never conjured any such thing so i guess his assumed definition is incorrect in my case huh? Or is his conjuring no different than the so called media did? hmmmm that's food for thought ehhh. Look this article is all opinion no basis of fact at all! He made his point and agree or disagree it's opinion! I can read the headline and see the careful choice of words such as "healthcare overhaul" everyone knows the word game and left or right they all use it! But to say obamacare is a failure cause we where dooped? Really? I think not! I think the people finally said no more! We fell for social security, but we aint falling for this one! I think the American people seen very clearly the issue and vocalized their opposition and the dems could not pull the wool over their eyes this time! But did they listen? No they didn't and paid the price! Now they want to say we are too stupid to understand? We where fooled by the right wing media? lmao! As long as they are ignorant to the will of the people they will continue to lose! Obamacare's failure is not about idealology and that's what the left never gets! It's about realism! I don't loan crackheads money, why? Cause i won't ever get my money back! Now the crackhead can try and tell me how he will give me 500% interest on my money but will i loan it to him, No! Same as this, not an issue of right or wrong it's an issue of trust! We don't trust greedy lying politicians cause they always burn us time and time again! So sorry Obama i don't want your pie in the sky healthcare And neither does two thirds of Americans cause we know government is just gonna screw it up! Give me my money back and i have plenty leftover for healthcare obama! Now get out of my pocket Obama!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 11:48 PM

Wait a minute, this guys name is National? He sounds like a jackass! The teens daddy should have just punched him in the face, took his stun gun and popped him with it and while he was down writhing in pain he should have depantsed him and shoved his baton up his ***. But then he would be in trouble:angry: I have no use for cops who think they are above the law. National should be pissed at his wife, not the kid.

If I walked in on somebody having sex with my wife, I would probably threaten his life too...or take it. I'm not a cop, I just have red blood and don't cotton to another male putting his junk in my woman's junk drawers.

Yeah i would be pist too, but a 14 year old? Not much you can do but shake your head and move on. Besides i doubt this was the first sign he was with a "ho"! I mean cheating is one thing but a 14 year old boy? He had to know she was crazy! just my opinion!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 11:37 PM

Hell Obama is too bipartisan. He is so damn worried about cooperation and such that he allowed the Repubs to f u c k up his health care ideal so the American people got screwed.

Obama too partisan, not evenslaphead

I agree with you Dragoness.drinker

I don't understand why he is trying so hard at bipartisanship when the Repubs only effort is rejection and impede. Even when he proposes legislation based on an identical Republican bill, like HC and Romney's similar bill.
The Republicans are going to vote no just because they can, so why try.

Okay just cause a select two rino's push bills in state districts or even at federal level how is it a republican idea? I can tell you how "it's not"! Trust me republicans are against naionalized healthcare not just on the idealogical front they also fear getting fired! People like me made it clear vote for it and your fired period! Many conservitives have drawn a line in the sand and said no more freeloaders! Pay your own damn bills! No new taxes! The tea party movement has not just been about bad democrats but purging the republican party of non-conservatives! No more money! We are tired of the lazy, the whiners, the wimps, the cry babies, the drug addicts, the criminals, the illegals, get a job damn it! stop asking me to buy your kids shoes, pay your doctor bills, put food on your table! I'm sick of it! get off your arse and pay your own doctor bills and if you don't have enough, set down the crack pipe and get a second job! Maybe go to school and get a degree! Just stop whining and forcing me to take food off my table for you can watch Oprah okay? I don't mean anyone in paticular cause i don't know your situation but i do know that show me someone suffering in america and it's alomost always due to self affliction! I know, I know there is always that one in a million that is real hard luck story.....but this is the exception not the rule! If your healthcare sucks it's probably because you made some poor decisions 99% of the time! Didn't go to college, had kids before you could afford them, not sure why you blew it but in most case you did! It's you! Your fault! not my fault and i shouldn't have to pay your bills cause your lazy!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 11:13 PM
Jeez......A 14 year old bangs his teacher and he is the victim? Really? Look i know the whole equality argument, i just aint buying it! I understand women see it different and whatever i can understand why they want her punished but trust me this boy does not see himself as a victim and i seriously doubt he is bothered by this. Boys and girls are differnent!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 11:03 PM
It is quite clear to any honest person right or left! One thing history and everyone in America knows is "take a good idea and allow politicians to manage it and it will be a failure!" This is why Americans are against nationalized healthcare even if this bogus poll has been skewed to say otherwise!

Social security, education, unemployment, police, fire, prisons, defense......the list goes on and on! Some in the list you can argue are the best in the world such as defense.....but what you can't argue is they are ran with fiscal responsability! So now you want 1/6 of the total GDP to be ran by Government? No one is buying this but the extreme left because they are the ones on the rolls and not flipping the bill! This is the infighting within the democrat party, this is the outrage from the right! This is why Obama is a one termer and why the conservatives slaughtered the left in 2010 and handed them the largest loss in 70 years! Go extreme left you are gonna bring true reform to this country by highjacking the democratic party and taking the last of any credibility the democrats have left! As long as the extreme left beleives there own rhetoric the right wins the middle! Go Obama! I appreciate your movement! You helped us purge the rino's! You helped us take back the local governments! Keep pushing your ridiculous idealology and the right will take complete control in 2012 and then we can shut this government down and repeal decades of democrat idealology! Shut down the IRS! Shut down public education! abolish social security! that will happen, well maybe we can at least burry the freeloaders in red tape!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 07:26 PM

Hell Obama is too bipartisan. He is so damn worried about cooperation and such that he allowed the Repubs to f u c k up his health care ideal so the American people got screwed.

Obama too partisan, not evenslaphead

I am very confused by this! Do you mean bipartisan within his own party? "Bluedogs vs liberals". Cause if that was your point yes he was bipartisan and made consessions to his fellow democrats that lean right. But if you check the record he had nearly zero support among the republicans! It may go down as one of the most partisan bills in history considering he could not even send it back through the senate for radification instead he did the infamous "deem and pass" Do you recall? The original version of his healthcare takeover was not even passable among his own democrats. The changes where made to gather more democrat votes, not republican!

Being bipartisan means reaching across the aisle which is what the dems did with the Congresscare. If they hadn't we would have had a public option and a hell of lot better healthcare bill like Obama wanted. Instead we get this bipartisan half aased bill that doesn't do all that it should have.

Okay i see your point now, but i can point out your flaw. The changes gave Obamacare no conservative support! So if you sit at a table to reach a compromise and do not reach one that's not bipartisan. The consessions you speak of only got him enough support to slam through with a majority! Far from bipartisan! Keep in mind conservatives want no public healthcare at all! Not any version what so ever! So a compromise was not met and he never got support for the bill from the right! The changes where made only for his democrats....granted they where issues brought to the floor by conservatives and picked up by dems with conservative districts but not bipartisan at all!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 07:01 PM

Hell Obama is too bipartisan. He is so damn worried about cooperation and such that he allowed the Repubs to f u c k up his health care ideal so the American people got screwed.

Obama too partisan, not evenslaphead

I am very confused by this! Do you mean bipartisan within his own party? "Bluedogs vs liberals". Cause if that was your point yes he was bipartisan and made consessions to his fellow democrats that lean right. But if you check the record he had nearly zero support among the republicans! It may go down as one of the most partisan bills in history considering he could not even send it back through the senate for radification instead he did the infamous "deem and pass" Do you recall? The original version of his healthcare takeover was not even passable among his own democrats. The changes where made to gather more democrat votes, not republican!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 06:24 PM

The states doing well right now are conservative states and liberal states are in the tank!

Not really. I live in a very conservative state (sadly), and there's a huge load of debt here. The second most debt-ridden state is Alaska-a very red state. (

Really? I challenge this! Very misleading! Are you an honest person? when i debunk this will you concede? If i show facts to the contrary of economic circumstances throughout the country will you admit the truth or am i wasting my time?

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 06:20 PM

Another thing, these stats are almost impossible to get from the welfare rolls so be very suspicious of someone who states stats like this.

I was born and raised in california and live in california now! I am a conservative that loves the state of his birth and hates the politics!

Now to your quote and other quote in this post! First off California received 100 plus million in federal money so all american taxpayers have a say as long as california is sucking off the fed! Second of all you are absolutely right we can't get the real budget numbers! The democrats successfully "with state controller and state legislature" hid the budget numbers during arnold's governership after many attempts and fight's within the courts! We do have some numbers and with the use of algebra we can formulate an estimate on actual costs. Some costs are hidden within the numbers and we can speculate on those with some critical thinking. The bottom line is California had a 90 billion dollar budget of which 56% of that went to education "The worst results per dollar in world history for education". The bottom line is democrats have been running this state for 40 years and my state is proof that democrat legislation does not work! The most successful state in the union broke and asking for handouts from idaho? Come on people wake up and smell the coffee! The states doing well right now are conservative states and liberal states are in the tank!

Your opinion and not factual. Sorry.

Well your right it is my opinion but it is also based upon fact! Does 90 billion represent the true numbers for california? NO! but it is our projected tax revenue. Would you like to parse on other issues? FINE! The bottom line is this State is a Democrat state ran by democrats and has been for years! It at one time had the 6th largest economy in the world and they ran it into the ground! But I think if I told you this text was black you would say it is not it's gray. right? So no point right? We can just disagree. But I do have one last question. Do results matter? I mean if we saved all the starving children of the world and then our country failed and soon our children where starving would it matter to you? Cause trust me the problems in Mexico are not money they are corruption! So letting and endless stream of people crossing the border without solving the problem in mexico is just nuts! I'm all for welfare, social services, helping the poor and needy. But not the lazy! Not the crooks and drug addicts! Not people from other countries that don't swear allegance to our country and denounce their own! Not to people that have not paid into the tax system as we have! Not when our families struggle and scrape while the mexican government laughs in our face!

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Fri 01/21/11 06:03 PM
Well poster i salute your "follow me" patch. I did bootcamp and airborne school in fort benning.

As to your post I can't completely disagree but the partisanship has been on both sides of the isle! I also think that history shows that good president's find a way to reach across the isle like reagan or clinton two examples on both sides. So honestly Obama really is a bad president! He is probably the worst our country has ever seen! Even Carter did not commit the rookie blunders like this administration! What you think of a presidents politics is one thing but an ineffective leader is just that "ineffective' and Obama has to learn the art of persuasion is a must in a Republic! We are not communist's and if you try and force your agenda on the populist there will be hell to pay regardless of your good intentions. he admitted this himself in his address after the mid-term eLection. I paraphrase, "we need to do a better job of communicating our agenda". So the bottom line is diplomacy is half salesmanship and half delivering! He bypassed the sale and went right to shoving it down our throat and with that he lost the middle and he will not recover until he learns from his mistake and go to the people with his agenda and keep his word. The problem is he beleives in a failed idelology and America aint buying so in effect he is doomed as the worst president in history and bad mermories of Bush will soon succeed to history and facts! In 2012 conservatives will overcome the democrats and Rino's in every facet of politics and America will begin to rebound shortly after the huge budget cuts or their will be riots in the streets this time!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 05:32 PM
Edited by thinkingaboutit09 on Fri 01/21/11 05:33 PM

Another thing, these stats are almost impossible to get from the welfare rolls so be very suspicious of someone who states stats like this.

I was born and raised in california and live in california now! I am a conservative that loves the state of his birth and hates the politics!

Now to your quote and other quote in this post! First off California received 100 plus million in federal money so all american taxpayers have a say as long as california is sucking off the fed! Second of all you are absolutely right we can't get the real budget numbers! The democrats successfully "with state controller and state legislature" hid the budget numbers during arnold's governership after many attempts and fight's within the courts! We do have some numbers and with the use of algebra we can formulate an estimate on actual costs. Some costs are hidden within the numbers and we can speculate on those with some critical thinking. The bottom line is California had a 90 billion dollar budget of which 56% of that went to education "The worst results per dollar in world history for education". The bottom line is democrats have been running this state for 40 years and my state is proof that democrat legislation does not work! The most successful state in the union broke and asking for handouts from idaho? Come on people wake up and smell the coffee! The states doing well right now are conservative states and liberal states are in the tank!

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Fri 01/21/11 05:14 PM
Just another scam.....Another waste of services! The list goes on and on and on and on! Do not vote for the tax hike in june if they have a special election! Make the politicians learn to spend within our means and stop borrowing! They sweep all these statistics under the rug with debt! We need the state to go broke and the people to see the truth! A bailout only prolong's the problem!

no photo
Fri 01/21/11 05:04 PM
Just curious how honest people can really be?

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