Community > Posts By > thinkingaboutit09
have you seen detroit recently? its a ghost town! well not really but in comparison to what it once was.
Do you have Facebook?
Facebook is a huge waste of time! I like that i get to keep in touch with family and friends but damn its not real so its not like your really keeping in touch. So i do it with moderation and pretty much just use it to share family photos.
No Offense
I had a russian one conatct me once and said she wanted to marry me. She was a smoking hot blond virgin but she grew up so poor and poor thing had to take care of her ailing grandmother. If i could just send 500 dollars for the trip she could get a job in america to take care of her ailing grandma. I told he "but i'm a cartoon charachter and i'm only 12..." but she didnt care she would marry me anyways!
RP wins CPAC! :)
I don't think he can win....too radical. the status quo is getting us nowhere. I know, not saying i wouldn't want to see him win, but the reality is he says things that people can't handle! We are so far left at this point the thought of cutting off the gravy train effects almost every American. He beleives in true small government and many still hold on to their ssi, sdi, unemployment, welfare, public education, the list goes on! The thought of returning to what America once was is scary for people and they are unwilling to see the cost of government is times two! If they only could see that cutting this hand out crap people would have far more is beyond their will the safety net is easier! The sheer enormous American economy would thrive over night! We could be out of debt and rich within ten years! The thought of trampling on the lazy drug addicts and shiftless is impossible for most! The thought of cutting 100,000's of job's people cant relate! But if we did it this country would soar to the top! Just don't think politically you can sell it!! Too many people are selfish and only care about themselves and government hand outs are fine to cut as long as you don't cut mine! So on and on we go! |
Dear Politicians
Look here C, our government is evil....EVIL! Don't not matter none whatsoever who is in charge, they are all corrupt. Dude as long as you don't realize that the constitution allows us to take it back they will stay in charge! Fight, don't give up and not everything is black heicopters and lies! |
will elaborate and inform. In 2005 fannie mae and freddie mac under democratic legislation pushed to open their roles to sub prime lending. This opened the flood gates to banks to receive government guranteed loans on subprime lending criteria and then sell as "A" paper loans on wall street. within two years the market was flooded with these loans all backed by the u.s government. The crash came in 2007! This is well documented fact and you can debate if it was the cause "imo" but you cant debate it happend! It's documented fact! The whole premis on my argument is yes subprime was out of control before 2005 but when the government stepped in and told the banks loan tax payer money to sub prime lenders the banks had no skin in the game! In other words if it's a fannie mae loan gone bad who cares the bank says the government is gonna garuntee the loan! So banks wrote them as fast as they could based on the government garuntee and the crash came soon after. Look it up for yourself! But your right there is freedom of religon but sorry bud this happend i watched it go down while in the housing game! You still haven't explained Barney Frank's culpability or what particular democratic legislation was involved. You promised to elaborate and inform on the questions I asked.
That being said, your rendition of history is a bit truncated and inaccurate. The ball got rolling with gramm leach bliley (all three are Republicans) with the revocation of Glass-Steagle in 1999 (but I'm sure you know all this). It should also be old information to you that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are, and were Congressionally chartered private GSEs with the mission of securitizing the secondary mortgage market. Both had a long history of working quite well without causing any housing bubbles up until 1999. It should have been no surprise to anybody that, with George W. Bush at the helm with his anti-regulation philosophy, the mortgage market became rapidly flooded with bogus mortgages bundled and securitized with totally unrealistic speculative instruments. This is all well documented in non-partisan sources. I'll be happy to provide URLs if needed. |
Sharia Law already in the US
#1 is wrong! At the very least twisted. Jihad, also je·had (jĭ-häd') n. 1.Islam. An individual's striving for spiritual self-perfection. 2.Islam. A Muslim holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels. 3.A crusade or struggle: "The war against smoking is turning into a jihad against people who smoke" Read more: The rest? One can only imagine the motivation. Are you ever on America's side...? |
Can I request an example of Obama blatantly telling a lie? too many to mention! Lol! dude get over it! The entire country will be painted red in 2012 and the 2010 and 2012 elections will stand as the largest swing in political history of 200 plus years! This country will be Strongly republican and conservative for the next 40 years! People see thru the democrat lies and want conservatism....2012 clearly showed that! Parse words all you want but the largest victory in 70 years! You can say it has nothing to do with failed democrat policy but as long as you think so conservatives will continue to slaughter the left till they learn people want personal responsabilty not hand outs! |
speeding fine $1,143
WOODBURN, Ore. – A motorcyclist was arrested for driving 107 mph in a 65 mph zone near Woodburn Saturday morning. The man was also driving between two cars, “splitting” the lanes of travel, according to deputy Ryan Postlewait. The driver, 41-year old Miguel Cortes, of Tualatin, “admitted that he was going ‘about 80’ as he split the lanes,” said Don Thomson, of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. Cortes was arrested and released for reckless driving, speeding and failing to maintain a single lane of travel. The speeding fine was $1143, the fine for lane-splitting was $287. gotta get those taxes |
Dear Politicians
I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote,
….if she runs for presidency, I will, with wings on my feet, run to register to vote, for the first time in decades, to vote for her.
Sarah is Miss Tea Party! No one else would have her represent them. Not even the Pubes. She's an embarrasment to them and the only reason they picked her for their VP running mate was to counter the womens vote Hillary drew to the Obama campaign. Once again, The Tea Party, and all of it's organazational leaders are paid for and trained by Koch Industries, the Koch brothers, and Robert Murdoch. The Tea Party is a Republican creation designed to distract the dissatisfied Republican voters, after the catastrophic eight Bush Admin years, in an attempt to save their party seats. A con I think will come back to bite them. Why else would they allow them to run on their ticket? it's amazing how incorrect you are on every topic! Just spew misinformation! Dude, tea parties where everywhere! I went to them early on and there was no leader, just people getting together that's all! Almost every single one was seperate due to their district this is why the dems got slaughtered on the local level! I personally saw this! So one thing is clear either I am lying or you are! Not hard for me to figure out! Not hard for the many of Americans who supported local people in the tea party movement! I knew them personally in my community and know for certain it was not the koch industry! LMAO! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dear Politicians
Sarah Palin: Folks, leave her alone. Stop picking apart everything she says and does. It just makes you look petty and small, and most of us grew out of that kind of conduct in grade school. I KNOW they are more constructive ways you can spend your time. I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote, haven’t in years, because I, like so many Americans feel if the election process isn’t corrupt, the politicians running for office surely are, and it really makes no difference who we ‘elect’….we’re doomed either way, but ….if she runs for presidency, I will, with wings on my feet, run to register to vote, for the first time in decades, to vote for her. Reading this post makes me want to say something I always think every time I read or hear a Tea Party supporter, Get a clue. Sarah Palin has to be the most unintelligent woman I've ever heard speak, and Tea Party supporters, the most uninformed and easily manipulated. Don't you know the Tea Party, the ones you think are a grassroots movement of everyday people, are financed and their organizational leaders trained, by the Koch brothers and Robert Murdoch? Three of the richest and politically motivated men in the world. I'm shaking my head now. From one Vet to another, Get a Clue! Please. Why is it that Pessimism seems to be a common trait amongst Tea Partiers? What's wrong with this country is the complacent attitudes taken by the many who never exercised their right to vote. We are not doomed! Now the complacent, non-voters, want to gripe about how things have turned out. That is a purely bigoted response and a fat mouth lie! tea partiers are very much informed and the events i went to where full of highly educated and succesful business people! By far the tea party event i went to had more bright informrd people i have ever seen at an organized event! I have been to your liberal events in San francico and quite the oppisite, rude, uninformed and ignorant biased bigoted individuals! |
RP wins CPAC! :)
I don't think he can win....too radical.
I think it is islamic motivation and it is bad news! There is a large population of religous zealots and they control too much policy in the middle east as it is! I think isolationism doesn't work and as a super power with the wealth we demand as citizens your naive to think we can do it without getting our hands dirty! I think if we had more diplomats like Bolten we would be a stronger nation for it! I think America has every right to slap other counties around if they don't play ball! I think if these countries want true freedom and liberty then start killing people and demanding equal rights for all and keep a seperation of church and state! I think America should support foreign wars for the freedom and liberty of all people but at the same time keep our people safe! You do have a point of sorts... However if you gathered hardline Christian Protestants and Hardline Christian Catholics together, gave them guns and told them to decided who was in power the blood bath would be quite shocking. Muslim Brotherhood is predominately Suni... Iran backed 'activities' are predominately Shia... These two factions would fight each other before they would turn on the world... Each seeks to mold Islam in its own image... Rather than allowing Islam to mold them... The greater part of Islam is simular to the greater part of Christianity in that they will not allow this... okay than manipulate them! But ignoring it will not work! |
I realy like Ron Paul if he wasnt a libertarien I would vote for him. There is some talk in liberal circles about a fantasy ticket for 2012. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Preposterous as it is, it suggests the plausibility odd bedfellows finding substantial common ground.Barney Frank and democratic legislation caused the housing crash! !!!!!!!!. Since when does an ill-conceived remark by a single Senator compel lenders to take advantage of outrageously relaxed regulation to create a gigantic bubble based on a bogus housing market? You mentioned democratic legislation. What legislation would that be? This remark is not worth serious consideration. We all know what caused the collapse of the housing market. Still, a person is going to believe what he believes. We do have freedom of religion in this country.
I will elaborate and inform. In 2005 fannie mae and freddie mac under democratic legislation pushed to open their roles to sub prime lending. This opened the flood gates to banks to receive government guranteed loans on subprime lending criteria and then sell as "A" paper loans on wall street. within two years the market was flooded with these loans all backed by the u.s government. The crash came in 2007! This is well documented fact and you can debate if it was the cause "imo" but you cant debate it happend! It's documented fact! The whole premis on my argument is yes subprime was out of control before 2005 but when the government stepped in and told the banks loan tax payer money to sub prime lenders the banks had no skin in the game! In other words if it's a fannie mae loan gone bad who cares the bank says the government is gonna garuntee the loan! So banks wrote them as fast as they could based on the government garuntee and the crash came soon after. Look it up for yourself! But your right there is freedom of religon but sorry bud this happend i watched it go down while in the housing game! |
So basicly gulf war 1 was a pack of lies, gulf two a bigger pack of lies.. estimated costs of the wars is over three trillion, a number so big you cant imagine it. Prior to invasion a barrel of oil was 25 to thirty buck. The single gretest factor to our devistated economy was the rapid price rise in gas. Lets not even mention the human cost of the Iraq war. The right wing darling Mr Ron Paul before congress said this Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, how did the 20-year war get started? It had been long assumed that the United States Government, shortly before Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, gave Saddam Hussein a green light to attack. A State Department cable recently published by WikiLeaks confirmed that U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie did indeed have a conversation with Saddam Hussein one week prior to Iraq’s August 1, 1990, invasion of Kuwait. Ignore it if you choose but when we face tuff economic choices just remember were americas downward slide started, under The republican George Bush with aid of the media and democrats. You have to ask yourself the what iffs, If we had not given Saddam the impression it was OK to invade Kuwait were would america be today? I have to think we wouldnt be bankrupt and powerless. You can not be serious can you? Do you really beleive that? I think our military presence in the gulf trupt's this don't you? I mean our posturing publically prior to the Iraq invasion was a huge conspiracy as well? Come on put your thinking cap on! |
A perfect example "a perfect examlpe" of how we are not a democracy is the civil rights of the 60's!
I guess I'm just too stupid to understand your rhetoric. You speak a very complex language. If it makes you feel any better, I will henceforth refer to America as a "Republic with a strong democratic tradition. " I can see that this is a very, very importantl issue for you. That should satisfy everybody. well then don't act as if you didn't understand my point! The media would like to say the democratic Iran is the same as America! It's not and we are not a democracy! You can not make being a christian illegal in America with 99.9% of the vote in America, WHy? Cause we are not a democracy! We have a bill of rights and thats a specific example! Can you see my point? Thats why I state it! We are a Republic and even though Gore got more votes who was named president? Bush, because we are a Republic! It's clearly different! |
Clearly Constitutional
Helping the Zionist create and maintain an illegal terrorist state is what caused the blowback. I support the Zionist state! Very proud of that! ![]() You support a terrorist state led by terrorist then. Lol thats your rhetoric not mine! I support Isreal and yes i am against American enemies......i'm sure you would like to kiss and make up while they shove a knife in your can take the knife i will give the Knife! Isreal will stand becuase it is a just nation and like it or not they will continue to defeat their enemies and I will continue to laugh in your face about it! All the Islamic nations on earth can not defeat Isreal and that will always be! Ha! Ha! Not just that but Americans like me will continue to pour billions into the Isreali war machine bent on killing the islamic state! Thank God! |
The assumption I state it for effect is a weak argument! Mob rule is why i mentioned in the context of this thread I don't know what this means.
From the CIA World Fact Book.
As I said, a difference without a distinction. I can see that this difference is really, really, really important to you. It's not to me. wouldn't it be incumbant on YOU to make your case? Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition If you will note i was commenting on a previous quote saying that American policy is to blame for the problems in Egypt! I blame the United States for every bad outcome caused by the propping up of tyrannical foreign regimes. That's how we got Iran.I am totally non-partisan in this criticism, Democratic and Republican administrations, alike. If you want to get involved in the political affairs of foreign countries, then you have to accept responsibility for things you cause. I thought you guys were the "personal resposibilty" people.First off if you don't know the difference then why are you here debating? Assumes facts not in evidence. I'm here because it's fun. why don't you explain the differences that are important to you? I provided definitions for both words. You haven't provided much of anything except noise.This is accuarate, any government in the world today is a hybrid. But if you where to use a word to define America it most certainly would be Republic not Democracy! I wouldn't consider the government of North Korea to be any kind of a hybrid. Nor Somalia, or Zimbabwe. I was merely pointing out that democracy you find thoughout the world are a far cry of our political system Really? would you say that the Government in Germany or France are "a far cry" from the American Government? and the media seems to darw a moral equalivalance that is inaccurate IMO! that's fine. You are perfectly entitled TYO!
okay okay i did not realize you where so far behind the curve! The definition of a political system i am not gonna do! If you are that uneducated there is no point! Example "communism", Is Cuba a communist state? why yes it is, but do they follow every definition of the word communism? Ofcourse not, no country is an exact definition! So saying America is a Republic is an "most like" representation.... basic high school eduacation at this point. Now distiction sir is a matter of education, would you really like for me to give you a history lesson? A democracy that votes in a therocracy and makes freedom of religon illegal in my opinion is not a moral equivilant to Ammerica! So when the media tries to to draw a line of moral equvilance to America i state we are not a democracy "mob rule" is not allowed in our country! A republic has states rights allowing people a choice and representation beyond the Majority. I'm not gonna even gonna go into bill of rights and other differences the American political system has! What you seem to miss in your critism of American foreign policy is what is the alternative? Isolationism? Ofcourse foreign policy is gonna bite us in the *** it always will! Always will because it's a guessing game and game you must play unless you are for "stick head and *** in sand" foreign policy! The responsabilty is on idealists! Realists know how to play this game divide and conquer idealists like carter and obama play the hope and pray stategy in which i disagree! Yes all three countries you mentioned are hybrids, I stand by that comment and if they are not and an exact definition of a political system please elaborate because I know otherwise. Yes Germany and France are a far cry from the American system! Neither are republics and neither are nationalist countries! Very very Different! America is very unique! We are almost completely a isolated conservative nation! Isreal or Australia are much closer in comparison....France is not even close! Germany has some similarties but still far different! Sorry this is not an explanation problem it's just you are so far behind it's difficult for you to comprehend! |
Clearly Constitutional
Helping the Zionist create and maintain an illegal terrorist state is what caused the blowback. I support the Zionist state! Very proud of that! ![]() |