Community > Posts By > thinkingaboutit09
Clearly Constitutional
Israel could not survive, and would not have survived as long as they have if it weren't for the US. The last time Egypt attacked they were down to their last reserves and losing until we stepped in. That is why they would attack so quickly. To gain the surprise. Our unending and one-sided support of them is also why the Muslim world hates us and we are the targets of so much terrorism. Once again this is off topic. Go to another thread to discuss this if its what you want to talk about. Dude does your stomach hurt from all the koolaid you drink? We are targets of terrorism because we support the jewish people having the right to freedom and liberty and a sliver of land? Well bring it on baby cause if the israeli's want to fight like men against tyranical therocracies i'm behind them 100% and let's up the ante and send more money to pitch in and kill em faster! I seem to remember the league of nations under woodrow wilson and the idea all people would get a peice of the pie.....oh i guess they forgot about the jews????? Interfering in the Arab-Israel conflict is part of the reason terrorists choose US targets. It's called "blowback", which even the CIA understands. The US should never have interfered in mideast politics, and it has come back to bite us. The League of Nations was an incredibly bad idea which came about because of a TOTALLY unnecessary and unjust war-WWI. Had it not been for Wilsonian fascism, there would have been no Hitler, no WWII, no United Nations, a stable dollar, and a generally more sane world. |
B of A lawsuit
That's awesome just wish it was 410 billion those crooks! Damn Bush for bailing out those banks! His biggest error as president and i will never forgive him for it! Bofa, Chase and wells are blood suckers!
Clearly Constitutional
Israel could not survive, and would not have survived as long as they have if it weren't for the US. The last time Egypt attacked they were down to their last reserves and losing until we stepped in. That is why they would attack so quickly. To gain the surprise. Our unending and one-sided support of them is also why the Muslim world hates us and we are the targets of so much terrorism. Once again this is off topic. Go to another thread to discuss this if its what you want to talk about. Dude does your stomach hurt from all the koolaid you drink? We are targets of terrorism because we support the jewish people having the right to freedom and liberty and a sliver of land? Well bring it on baby cause if the israeli's want to fight like men against tyranical therocracies i'm behind them 100% and let's up the ante and send more money to pitch in and kill em faster! I seem to remember the league of nations under woodrow wilson and the idea all people would get a peice of the pie.....oh i guess they forgot about the jews????? |
Just for you go away fully informed, unemployment is paid for in the form of a payroll tax. Based on the amount of unemployment claims your rate can go higher like any other form of insurance. The amount that goes to the claimant is already paid for and if someone gets an extension on benefits it costs the business nothing! So your make beleive protecting the rich argument just makes absolutely no sense!
The reason Democrats were willing to 'extend' tax cuts from the 'bush era'...
LOL Poppycock! (a better expression than boulderdash, don't you think?) The Dems weren't willing to extend the tax-cuts. Obama took Bipartisanship to a level neither party was willing to go. Even to the point of angering his own party. Which this did. He did it to get the pubes to extend unemployment benefits for the millions they put out of work when they proved their economic policies don't work. Obama, once again, proved he was a President of the people by risking the anger of his own party. Unlike the pubes, who were perfectly willing to put the people on the chopping block to protect the interests of their rich donors. Even at the risk of throwing a wrench in the economic recovery. The party of No were going to use the peoples welfare as a political sacrifice to protect the interests of their rich friends. A classic example of "not knowing what your talking about"! Obama bipartisan? Now thats an oxymoron! Millions they put out of work? The last i checked the congress and senate write policy and democrats have had majority since 2006! Not tto mention the collapse of fannie and freddie directly tied to the democrats, housing crash of 2007! Next unemployment extensions cost no one but taxpayers so which rich are you refering to? The extensions cost business' not one thin dime! Not a single wealthy man or a corporation paid one dime for extensions it was 100% printed money added to the debt for taxpayers! A perfect point of how you demonize with complete disregard of the facts! So again i ask you sir now that I have informed you of the facts why did the Republicans block unemployment extensions? Why..... could it be because it is a bad idea? Cause you can be certain there is no rich agenda as you refer to and that's a matter of fact! |
Obama Admin on the job!
Hey i got an idea let's nationalize healthcare so fruad goes from 60 billion a year to 600 billion a year! LMFAO! How ironic a dem is touting the point of veiw of an argument made by a republican on the floor of the senate! This is not news it was an exact point of conservatives against nationalized healthcare! Do you realize they even budget in fraud? fighting fruad in government by government?? huh? They don't even dispute fraud is rapant yet their idea is to increase the scope for more fraud? What idiots democrat politicians are!
It's funny how the grid failure of 2003 had nothing to do with age yet they fail to mention that! It was a solar storm that caused it! What propaganda! Maybe if we stop the union takeover of government we can repair the infrastructure!
The US electric grid is a mammoth, complex network of independently owned and operated power plants and transmission lines. Most of the currently available infrastructure was put in place across the 1950s and 60s. Its sheer age is now earning commentary like this, on NPR: "The U.S. power grid is often equated to a highway system, one that has been seriously neglected and is now being pushed to its limits with the demands of our growing and changing energy needs. As we see the rise in demand for renewable energy sources to combat the environmental ramifications of fossil fuels, the grid will continue to be proven antiquated and in need of reinvention." The Department of Energy estimates that demand for electricity has increased by around 25 % since 1990 while construction of transmission facilities dropped 30%. According to Media Company Red Herring Inc., energy demand in the US is likely to surge 32% by 2015. The grid failure of 2003 that affected the lives of over 50 million people is an oft-quoted example to underline the necessity of modernizing the US power grid. This is not just to deal with growing demand, but also to accommodate the new focus on renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydro power: which are not easily inter-connectable to the existing grid without significant refurbishing. The goal, of course, is to address long term energy security. Opting for renewable energy and putting in place infrastructure like 'smart grids', however, calls for a sizable investment. A key target to reduce energy lost in the distribution process is the emergence of higher efficiency requirements for power and distribution transformers. Currently, transformers are responsible for a sizable amount of the energy lost and it is here that the DOE is introducing rules to increase efficiency. According to the rules published by the DOE, the cost of liquid-immersed distribution transformers increases by up to 12%, but should decrease electrical losses by as much as 23%. It could also raise the cost of medium-voltage, dry-type transformers by up to 13%, but should decrease electrical losses by as much as 26%. Although much of the energy efficient technology is a little more expensive, private and government-owned utilities have begun to invest in it for the reliability it ensures. Additionally, the initial investment more than pays for itself in the long run, due to the decreased energy lost in the transmission and distribution system. [/quo |
I think it is islamic motivation and it is bad news! There is a large population of religous zealots and they control too much policy in the middle east as it is! I think isolationism doesn't work and as a super power with the wealth we demand as citizens your naive to think we can do it without getting our hands dirty! I think if we had more diplomats like Bolten we would be a stronger nation for it! I think America has every right to slap other counties around if they don't play ball! I think if these countries want true freedom and liberty then start killing people and demanding equal rights for all and keep a seperation of church and state! I think America should support foreign wars for the freedom and liberty of all people but at the same time keep our people safe!
From the CIA World Fact Book. Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition This is accuarate, any government in the world today is a hybrid. But if you where to use a word to define America it most certainly would be Republic not Democracy! I was merely pointing out that democracy you find thoughout the world are a far cry of our political system and the media seems to darw a moral equalivalance that is inaccurate IMO! |
America is not a democracy it is a Republic! A difference without a distinction. The righties appear to insist on this because "democracy" sounds like Democrat and "republic" sounds more like Republican. This would probably not be a very powerful argument for Conservative politics.
First off if you don't know the difference then why are you here debating? The assumption I state it for effect is a weak argument! Mob rule is why i mentioned in the context of this thread and to point out that democracy is over used by the media and you regergitated the misrepresentation! Second it is our fault? Is what our fault? I'm having trouble find the precedent for your remarks in the quotes you cited.
Actually no they want cap and trade and carbon credits! there is big money in "green"! They want the supporters of "green" and their funding! With all that big money to be had by going green, it's hard to understand why the right and the American Chamber of Commerce isn't four-square behind it.
lol....not actual money like in making widgets! Money in political funding and regulation that chokes lobbyist for more! |
I don't see any democracy where there's a chance of the Muslim Brotherhood being in power. It's just like if the majority wanted AQ or the Taliban....... First off America is not a democracy it is a Republic! Exacxtly for the reason you see in Egypt! Second it is our fault? Really? Our policies have done no such thing! Japan is a clear example that we want nothing more but peace and prosperity for all nations but reality dictates we have to get our hands dirty sometimes! Democracy is not an American idea nor the government system we use and why people keep saying this is beyond me! We have a bill of rights which Egyptians won't receive! Wake up and know your history! |
I believe this, Ignore it if you choose but when we face tuff economic choices just remember were americas downward slide started, under The republican George Bush with aid of the media and democrats.
Barney Frank and democratic legislation caused the housing crash! I beleive this! |
They want the country to go green because they are all taking oil company donations. Actually no they want cap and trade and carbon credits! there is big money in "green"! They want the supporters of "green" and their funding! |
So basicly gulf war 1 was a pack of lies, gulf two a bigger pack of lies.. estimated costs of the wars is over three trillion, a number so big you cant imagine it. Prior to invasion a barrel of oil was 25 to thirty buck. The single gretest factor to our devistated economy was the rapid price rise in gas. Lets not even mention the human cost of the Iraq war. The right wing darling Mr Ron Paul before congress said this Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, how did the 20-year war get started? It had been long assumed that the United States Government, shortly before Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, gave Saddam Hussein a green light to attack. A State Department cable recently published by WikiLeaks confirmed that U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie did indeed have a conversation with Saddam Hussein one week prior to Iraq’s August 1, 1990, invasion of Kuwait. Ignore it if you choose but when we face tuff economic choices just remember were americas downward slide started, under The republican George Bush with aid of the media and democrats. You have to ask yourself the what iffs, If we had not given Saddam the impression it was OK to invade Kuwait were would america be today? I have to think we wouldnt be bankrupt and powerless. You can not be serious can you? Do you really beleive that? I think our military presence in the gulf trupt's this don't you? I mean our posturing publically prior to the Iraq invasion was a huge conspiracy as well? Come on put your thinking cap on! |
You've got to play the game to stay in it. The effort shows where his heart is. What was the Republican's effort. I'll tell you. They sued in the SC, saying the law was unconstitutional, and had all restrictions on lobbying lifted. Even those that existed before the effort by Obama, and those that prohibited foreign corporations from lobbying. The Republicans gave corporations around the world more influence in governing your country than you have. Well their is trully a constitutional issue here! We want to stop lobbying but not everyday Americans from having their voice heard! Come on you trully need to do better i am informed and read! Lobbying to most seems like a simple issue but it's not! We as Americans do not want to strip our rights to support a canidate or an agenda taken from us! We need reform but a democratic hit list is not the answer! |
Edited by
Sat 02/05/11 01:47 PM
SAD! Is that your concession speech? |
The Tea Party is nothing more than a creation and extension of the Republican Party. It was created as as a way to hang on to disenchanted Republican voters after 8 yrs of the Bush Administration. Their most organized portions are funded by Koch Industries and the Koch brothers. That is just complete ignorance! Fact! If they're a third party then why not run as such? Why run on the conservative ticket? You know why! Because a third party canaidate is doomed for failure in this country and infiltrating the current conservative party and making changes within is a better game plan! This about true conservatives fighting to regain their party! Will republican's, rino's, and any other politician try and capitolize on the movement? Do bird's fly? |
The Tea Party is nothing more than a creation and extension of the Republican Party. It was created as as a way to hang on to disenchanted Republican voters after 8 yrs of the Bush Administration. Their most organized portions are funded by Koch Industries and the Koch brothers. That is just complete ignorance! Fact! If they're a third party then why not run as such? Why run on the conservative ticket? You know why! Because a third party canaidate is doomed for failure in this country and infiltrating the current conservative party and making changes within is a better game plan! |