Community > Posts By > deke

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:36 AM

why is this such a big deal
it's called a Private school for a reason
standards and morals should be applied somewhere

myspace rules!


read posts entirely, agreed private school entitled to rules and regulations - up to parents whether to enroll or not to enroll their children there.

but to use Myspace as a source for expelling students is ridiculous!!

what's on your myspace laugh
i think it's stupid to have an myspace account.surprised
i have read the posts apparently you haven't read what i already wrote. i just don't see the big deal

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:30 AM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

Jesus doesn't belong in schools? I thought you said this was a free country ? lets move this thread to religion...

DUH!!! Well it is supposed to be a free country. But if you start teaching religion in school then it is not.

Then it becomes state sponsored religion taught in schools.

That means if our leadership decides to change its religion, then your children will be taught something else and might be force to worship Allah.

Wake up!

a religion is taught everyday in schools it's called EVOLUTION!!!
there is not a shread of SCIENTIFIC proof that a big bang happened what so ever.

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:21 AM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

this country was founded on CHRISTIANS BELIEFS!!!
it's only from ignorant people that believe in if it feels good do it belief that argue with me.
btw:if you believe in killing babies and homosexuality you don't have any morals

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:16 AM

Someone should not be able to walk out of a mental hospital and go buy a gun and ammunition. Convicted felons should not own guns either.

In some states that is possible.

When groups like the NRA oppose any gun legislation they are making a real mistake I think.

I live in Michigan where we have a waiting period for handgun purchases. CC permits are available after a class as well. I know several people who carry daily. I think it's fair to say just based on personal experience that among my friends and neighbors most if not all of us own guns.

The waiting period has not been an issue for anyone I know.

Reasonable gun laws like our waiting period differ greatly from unreasonable ones like D.C. which you all know was struck down by the SCOTUS in a decision that confirmed a citizens right to own a gun.

The NRA in opposing reasonable gun laws does little for safety, contributes nothing to the debate, creates an us versus them mentality, and makes gun owners look like nuts.

why does the gov have the right to take our rights away?
if a woman leaves a mental hospital because her husband drove her nuts and terrified her to death. shouldn't she have the right to own a gun? or if you drink and drive crash your car and accidently kill someone.why cann't you own a gun.
land of the free huh? i don't think so!!

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:06 AM

The reason they don't teach this in schools is because they have more pressing doctrines to push, such as accepting homosexuality and hating Jesus.


How about instead of claiming that they are pushing us to accept homosexuality, say that they are trying to get us to accept people for who they are without hate and prejudice.

And instead of claiming that they are pushing us to "hate Jesus" (which they are not doing!) why don't you realize that they are attempting to keep this a free country where the government does not sponsor or push one specific religion down the throats of our children?

Huh? huh
that's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:58 AM
we should be entitled to have whatever type of gun or bomb we want to.why is it that the gov wants to tell us what we can and cann't have?they can make and test weapons but we cann't why? IT'S CALLED CONTROL
CONTROL is the bottom line you have to be blind not to see this

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:55 AM
we make our own problems which doesn't actually effect reality.
we are our own worse enemy. self destruction is what man has done since the creation

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:50 AM

If for some bizarre reason Obama would touch guns, the Supreme Court of the United States would not let him.

I'm not scared.

Btw, I have no problem with gun laws.

I agree...

I think it would have to be bizare for him to do that. You can say what you will about Obama but stupid he is not. I think more than the supreme court would stop him, the people would be outraged and I along with them.

we have so many gun laws it's ridiculous!!!obama is going to add more just wait and see.
what would happen if American citizens had to defend themselves?
hope you already have a gun and ammo

Sorry deke, I don't live my life in a state of perpetual panic. If I could survive through two terms of the Bush, I can handle this president.

i don't either, but it seems very few want to except what could happen.everyone just brushes it off but we are much closer to that reality than most want to addmitt

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:47 AM

The Earth's orbit is a spiral, not an oval shape.

Our Sun is spinning within the galaxy just like all the stars spin within the galaxy around the galactic core. The Sun is traveling through space with a crazy number (240km/s ~ 150miles/second) so does all the planets keeping up with it.

Wouldn't that be a spiral shape across the universe, compared to an absolute still point outside the galaxy? Hmm? We never return to the same position the Earth has already been before, until we make a full circle galactic core and even then, it would be a very small percentage chance to ever be at the same orbital position then a galactic year ago (250million Earth-years).

Why don't they teach this in school?

Hubble, who had been the first to establish that the universe included many other galaxies outside of our own, noticed something else: the galaxies were receding from us at a velocity proportional to their distance. The more distant the galaxy, the greater its redshift, and therefore the higher the velocity, a relation known as Hubble's Law.

The velocity v could be determined by multiplying the distance R by H, the Hubble constant, given by the slope of the line in a graph, in units of kilometers per second per million light years. The Hubble constant describes the universe's rate of expansion.

The apparent linearity of Hubble's Law implies that the universe is uniformly expanding. What does that actually mean?
For one thing, it means that no matter which galaxy we happen to be in, virtually all of the other galaxies are moving away from us (the exceptions are at the local level: gravitational attraction pulls neighboring galaxies, such as Andromeda and the Milky Way, closer together). In other words, it's not as though we here on earth are at the center of the universe and everything else is receding from us. The universe has no "edge" as such.
It also means that the galaxies are not moving away through space, they are moving away with space, as space itself expands. Think of a loaf of unbaked raisin bread you've set in a warm place to rise. The raisins are like galaxies or clusters of galaxies, and the dough, space. As the dough rises, the raisins move farther apart, but they've moved with the dough, not through the dough.

Perhaps our galaxy is close enough to another galaxy to act like a A double star which is two stars that appear close to one another in the sky. Some are true binaries (two stars that revolve around one another); others just appear together from the Earth because they are both in the same line-of-sight. So as we travel through the galaxy even after 1 galactic rotation we have wabbled just enough NOT to land the same plot as beforespock ?
The reason they don't teach this in schools is because they have more pressing doctrines to push, such as accepting homosexuality and hating Jesus :angel:

i agree with your last statement,but as far as the red shift that is not shifts have been spotted in the same place with different red shift lines .why is this if they are close together?

as far as calenders go,believe what you want but noone knows when it will all end

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:25 AM

maybe one of his alien friends can bring him back so he can set us straight

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:20 AM

If for some bizarre reason Obama would touch guns, the Supreme Court of the United States would not let him.

I'm not scared.

Btw, I have no problem with gun laws.

I agree...

I think it would have to be bizare for him to do that. You can say what you will about Obama but stupid he is not. I think more than the supreme court would stop him, the people would be outraged and I along with them.

we have so many gun laws it's ridiculous!!!obama is going to add more just wait and see.
what would happen if American citizens had to defend themselves?
hope you already have a gun and ammo

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:15 AM
why is that our kids half to take another language in high school?
easy cater to others come some jobs REQUIRE we speak spanish, it might be the most common language in the world but this still america

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:10 AM
why is this such a big deal
it's called a Private school for a reason
standards and morals should be applied somewhere

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:06 AM
6000 yrs is what the BIBLE dates add up to be.
did you know that there are almost 300 flood legends from almost every culture(every major culuture has one)
evolution is unprovable despite what some idiots think
every piece of so-called evidence has been discredited!!!fact

if there wasn't a world flood we wouldn't have coal and oil simply impossible to make over a long slow process

the geologic column is made up and most are to dumb to realize this.

deke's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:51 PM

because the government no that most Americans. don't have time to protest, even through we should make time. tell our government, if you don't deport them. then the citizens will do what we must,

look at texas they are shooting their butts their because our gov won't do anything about the mass intrusion

deke's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:48 PM

to me our system is broke. no don't have answer to fix it. but one would be to vote everyone out of office. start all over again. then ban all lobbyist from Washington.

especially go a little further i know we should limit the terms of all gov officals

deke's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:44 PM

to me if you came to USA. illegal. and you have a child. your still illegal. someday our government will grow a set. deport them all now, wait in line like everybody else has to.

how in he!! did they have an illeagal immigrant rally in our nation's capital and we not load their buts in cattle trailors and deport them back?

deke's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:39 PM

ever heard of martial law?

the gov will suspend all rights to achieve their agenda.does that scare anyone but me?
think about what obama thinks about gun control

You sound awfully paranoid.

it's not paranoid but rather just looking at the facts and laws of our gov.will it come to that in our life time? NO
BUT EVENTUALLY it will.look at EVERY great nation

deke's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:37 PM

ever heard of martial law?

the gov will suspend all rights to achieve their agenda.does that scare anyone but me?
think about what obama thinks about gun control

Not scared here.

Obama said he's not going to touch the guns. SCOTUS wouldn't let him if he tried anyway.

the FACT that the gov can suspend your rights doesn't scare you?do beleive everything obama says?noone will ever eliminate guns but tougher gun laws has an HUGE effect as to what the american people could if it ever came to that

deke's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:34 PM

in order to become an american. you have to take lots of test, i might not no much, but i do no america history. i no some day the government will try to take our guns away, but as my late father use to says, only way is out of my cold dead hands.
you don't sound like a lib LOL

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