Community > Posts By > deke

deke's photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:23 AM
do you think the bats family will suesad

deke's photo
Thu 03/19/09 09:20 AM
tell the people that have benn beatin and tortured for pleasure or kids that have been raped that there's no evil

how about a person that does something for another not wanting anything in return. you wouldn't call that good?

deke's photo
Thu 03/12/09 06:23 PM
he wanted to make himself a marter (spelling)of himself
so let the prick rot for it

deke's photo
Thu 02/26/09 01:28 PM
he hopes, he wishes, and how may variables did he include?frustrated

sounds like it's part of the evolution religion to me.tears

deke's photo
Thu 02/26/09 01:18 PM
people have free will, we make our own destiny.

deke's photo
Thu 02/26/09 01:07 PM
next of kin scam
lotto scam
man died and no relatives scam
woman in trouble
all of these and my problems fixed for only the low cost of about 200 to 800 dollars.
i always send them a NASTY REPLY

deke's photo
Thu 02/26/09 01:03 PM
cowgirl up baby!!!

deke's photo
Mon 02/23/09 06:06 PM

i agree there are many racial issue's in this country but it's mostly black people b*tchin about something stupid.i think it's sad we have a this on our calenders.the name itself is racists.if we had wet tv(not meaning porn) they'd be calling us a bunch of redneck hate mongers.

what about all the people who aren't black where is their month

deke's photo
Mon 02/23/09 06:01 PM
i agree there are many racial issue's in this country but it's mostly black people b*tchin about something stupid.i think it's sad we have a this on our calenders.the name itself is racists.if we had wet tv(not meaning porn) they'd be calling us a bunch of redneck hate mongers.

deke's photo
Thu 02/19/09 05:17 PM
yeah but the mistakes i made in doing taxes doesn't add up to millions

think of all the dirty money people have in Swiss banks and you can honestly say oh well they scamed it so they can keep it

deke's photo
Wed 02/18/09 06:51 PM


deke's photo
Wed 02/18/09 06:41 PM
there are over 6 billion people IN THE WORLD
they are talking about 900 billion in packages

instead of coming up with all that packages that's only going to make the rich richer and not fix any problems.

WHY: don't they give every U.S. citizen a million dollars and put a freeze on ALL prices so that people cann't charge a hundred dollars
for a gallon of milk!!!

don't you think that would stimulate the economy?
plus it would save them a few hundred billion!!!!


deke's photo
Wed 02/18/09 06:27 PM
to bad all the states don't require this

maybe there would a little more morals added to politics

think about the word politics
poly means many and tics are a blood sucking animals
so we have a bunch of blood suckers leading uslaugh

deke's photo
Wed 02/18/09 06:22 PM


not again

first you dont HAVE to take a piss test. it is your choice for the job you want

second the dope smoking lazy ass welfare recepient is a stereotype that doesnt exist excpet for maybe 10% of em

third I am on Medicare and social security and I smoke dope. Are you saying I should lose my benefits and die because you wanna have a pissy tamtrum?
first you dont HAVE to take a piss test. it is your choice for the job you want

using that logic well if you want the welfare then it's your choice right (you should definatly have to take a drug test)
do you smoke dope for fun or for actual medical reason?
if it's just for then you should everything that my money paid for
but if it's for medical then i hope you receive more benefits because i know that doesn't amount to much

deke's photo
Wed 02/18/09 06:12 PM
it's about time!!

hopefully they will take more action against these crooks and
make banks responsible for what they do

deke's photo
Fri 02/13/09 04:21 PM
why don't we make doctors use common sense rather than the poewr of money

deke's photo
Fri 02/13/09 04:14 PM

deke's photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:01 PM

....or in English....

Each galaxy has 6 billion billion stars. In each star there are two forces at reactive force pushing out and one gravitational pulling in. This process takes a very long time to stop. The reactive process occurs with the hydrogen atoms until they turn to helium, carbon, etc....the star increasingly becoming composed of heavier and heavier atoms. It's a multiphasic process that never just ends abruptly. And that's just one star. We have an "astronomically" huge system at work just in this one galaxy. It contains a great deal of mass and is, itself, part of an even greater system.

This process you're asking about? Don't wait around for it.

The reason the moon's orbit is increasing in size is basically that the earth rotates faster than the moon travels around the earth. The earth, in a sense, pulls the moon along, trying to speed it up to catch the same time, the moon is pulling back on the earth....on it's tidal bulge trying to "slow it down". There is a friction created and in a nutshell, it stretches by a very small amount, the orbit of the moon around the earth. It has almost nothing to do with the burnout of other objects in our galaxy.

The earth's rotation is also slowing down due to this effect....just FYI. happy
thanks but that's not what i was asking.i know most of that.
i was why are the spiral arms still there,why not more nova's and how did life exist

I think you forgot some words in there. I'm not sure what you're asking.
opps my typing sucksblushing
i was asking why do we have spiral arms on the galaxies?
why don't we have more nova's?
how did life exist?

deke's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:56 PM

how about DR. KENT HOVIND?
i know you'll find a lot of people that disagree with him but that doesn't make them right.
did you actually watch what DR. BROWN HAD TO SAY?
or read icons of evolution.these people aren't trying to you saved but rather giving you more information to consider besides the one-sided evolutionary view

What makes the people who disagree with Dr. Hovind's "Theories" right is scientific fact. And what would have really happened, had his "theories" actually happened.

No it isn't - because "scientific fact" means that if can be either verified of disproved through experimentation.

Now where is the documentation done to verify that Hovind has been "proven" wrong?

And don't presume because I ask this question that I assume he's right, because I make no claim to that effect.

Hovind has been criticized by other creationists, including young earth creationists and old earth creationists who believe that many of his arguments are invalid and, consequently, undermine their cause. Disagreements over how to respond to Hovind's claims have themselves contributed to acrimony between creationist organizations. The Australian and U.S. arms of Answers in Genesis (AiG) were critical of Hovind after he had criticized an AiG position document "Arguments we think creationists should NOT use". In particular AiG criticized Hovind for "persistently us[ing] discredited or false arguments".

The U.S arm of AiG, led by Ken Ham had an acrimonious split with its Australian parent in 2005. The Australian organization then split itself entirely off, now styling themselves as Creation Ministries International. Material critical of Hovind was no longer available on the U.S Answers In Genesis website, whereas the Australian CMI website still chose to retain the critical material. The CMI article written by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati stated that the claims made by Hovind are "fraudulent" and contain "mistakes in facts and logic which do the creationist cause no good." CMI also criticized Hovind for using "fraudulent claims" made by Ron Wyatt in his claims.

Creationist astronomer Hugh Ross, of Reasons to Believe, debated Hovind on the age of the Earth during the John Ankerberg Show, televised nationally on the Inspiration Network in September through October 2000. Ross said Hovind was "misrepresenting the field" of different sciences, and Ross told Hovind: "Astronomers view the credibility of the 'Young Earth' as being much weaker than that for a flat earth."laugh Hovind and Ross previously debated in July 1999 on the Steve Brown Show.

Hovind has stated that carbon dating — a method used by scientists to estimate the age of various objects and events — is unreliable. He has been criticized by Greg Neyman of Answers in Creation (an old Earth creationist group), who says that in Hovind's statements "Hovind goes on to show that he knows absolutely nothing about the science of Carbon Dating." Neyman says that Hovind's claim that "scientists assume the amount of carbon-14 is constant" is wrong, and Neyman writes "there are many periods of decreasing C-14, which disproves his theory that the earth is young based on C-14 equilibrium."

This guy is a nutcase. laugh

i have this and other debats on dvd if you actually watch them you would see that Hovind anwsered and called most if not all of hugh ross's statements..
huge ross has done many great things for CHRIST but he is a heiritic for saying the earth is millions of years do you believe the bible and put death before sin?
also if you notice in the scientific world if you don't agree with the majority then you don't have a clue as what your talking it's been said depends on your world view.

deke's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:39 PM

....or in English....

Each galaxy has 6 billion billion stars. In each star there are two forces at reactive force pushing out and one gravitational pulling in. This process takes a very long time to stop. The reactive process occurs with the hydrogen atoms until they turn to helium, carbon, etc....the star increasingly becoming composed of heavier and heavier atoms. It's a multiphasic process that never just ends abruptly. And that's just one star. We have an "astronomically" huge system at work just in this one galaxy. It contains a great deal of mass and is, itself, part of an even greater system.

This process you're asking about? Don't wait around for it.

The reason the moon's orbit is increasing in size is basically that the earth rotates faster than the moon travels around the earth. The earth, in a sense, pulls the moon along, trying to speed it up to catch the same time, the moon is pulling back on the earth....on it's tidal bulge trying to "slow it down". There is a friction created and in a nutshell, it stretches by a very small amount, the orbit of the moon around the earth. It has almost nothing to do with the burnout of other objects in our galaxy.

The earth's rotation is also slowing down due to this effect....just FYI. happy
thanks but that's not what i was asking.i know most of that.
i was why are the spiral arms still there,why not more nova's and how did life exist

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