Community > Posts By > luckyguy2008

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 01:16 PM

Loose weight is kinda gross. To lose it would be better.

If it gets loose it doesnt count!laugh drinker

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 01:05 PM
Welcome there are plenty people to find here!drinker drinker :banana:

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 01:04 PM
Welcome to the nut house!!!!!!!drinker :banana: drinker

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 01:02 PM

Funny how all the men are saying 0
But [most] the women have like 3 under the belt.

spock Weird.

Guess I got lucky huh?:banana: :banana:

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:59 PM

Im new to the online dating scene! But to you veterans or anyone with an idea how do I approach someone online if i want to show interest and not be creepy? lol or how can i say i would like to get to know you but not so forcefully?

Best way is to post in the forums so people will get to know you. When you email from a profile use the info in the profile to show them you arent an id10t. It worked for me I met someone here and we are meeting up to hang out next week!drinks biggrin drinks

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:41 PM
I havent been here that long but I am 1 for 2. biggrin

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 11:32 AM

taking you to a strip bar


luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 09:20 AM

Thanks for all your advices..I think I'll just meet up with him tomorrow..and I will surely tell u guys how it went..(OMG I'm REALLY nervous)

And as far as the safety issue....I feel that he's a pretty sincere person...when I told him I don't know if i'm ready to meet him he said "ok" and didn't pressure me at was just that I felt bad so i told him I'll think about it...

He even told me that I can bring a friend, or my brother (LOL) if i'm worried...

So to me it sounds like he's a genuine person and I never felt creeped out by him

You should! Good Luck.

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 09:18 AM

Has anyone actually found love on here? And if so how did you do it?

:heart: I find it often:heart:

:banana: You love everybody, That doesn't count!:banana:

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 09:14 AM
Welcome we are good people. Post in the forums and have fun. Good Luck 2 you.

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 09:10 AM

Well...since we're at Wal-mart...go up to the cash register & purchase a tube of KY...a length of hose...& a gerbil...


I gotta go to Walmart now!rofl

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 09:02 AM

So yesterday i posted a new topic here about how I am nervous about meeting this guy i've been talking on the phone with because I feel like he'd be disappointed by how i look and, honestly, i've NEVER met anyone online...i'm just really scared of the awkwardness...

Last night we were on the phone for like 2 hrs and he brought up the "when can we hang out" question again...I said "when we both have time?" and then he suggested that we meet up sunday, which is tomorrow...I couldn't say yes and I told him I'll think about it and get back to him today..I don't know wat to do...not sure if I'm ready..part of me just wants to meet him and get over it...but part of me is telling myself to never get in touch with him again so I wouldn't need to face this scary moment....

Although we've been talking on the phone a lot, it's not like we've been flirting or anything..when we talk on the phone we talk just like normal I don't even know why I should be nervous but i really am...

I don't know wat to do.....

First of you are a beautiful woman so you can quit worrying about that. If you really aren't ready to meet tell him that and if he can't accept it then he isn't worth having. I would say go somewhere for coffee this way it is short and sweet. If it's too awkward it will be over quickly and you can go on with life. Relax and do what feels right.

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:53 AM

Do you have a COFFEE ADDICTION....drinker

Not addicted, where is that cup, hey come back.:banana: :banana:

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:45 AM

Well have you gone yet? I'm dying to know how it went.

Comming up prob. on Wed. I will tell! Promise

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:42 AM
Welcome to the nut house, Post in the forums and you will have a great chance to find her!

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:40 AM
Working on it now, let you drinks :banana: :banana:

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:36 AM

Met a few people on here, male and female, who are some of the best friends I would ever hope to find. Some are closer than family.

And then there is the guy in the picture with me.....met him in Baltimore last year. Neither of us come from there but he was on the east coast and asked me to come meet him there.

We fell in love, and have been "together" ever since. He still lives in Idaho and I am trying to get a transfer from NY so we can plan our wedding. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Good luck to you both!!

Thanks and congrats to you!!!

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:34 AM

Making everything about you!
ohhhh thats annoying!

Still cant figure out how that qualifies as a conversation.frustrated

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:10 AM

I am getting ready to meet someone I found on here. If anyone else has how did it go for you?

I am alone, by choice, after a few dates, but I am not looking to get hitched.
They have moved on with their lives. One or two are in serious relationships now. Others are not.

You can look at dating as if you are playing to share $500,000 of your money and 30 years of your future. What person do you want to locate and hook up with--really?
When you think that you on your "A+" game.drinker

biggrin drinks drinker

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:08 AM
Making everything about you!

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