Community > Posts By > work2live247

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Tue 01/06/09 06:28 PM
this is my phucking nightmare....Mr. Bean baby :-(

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Tue 01/06/09 06:26 PM
How do you perceive "woody" on the first dance in first date?

Maybe I should have cleaned my pipe b4 the date, like the movie "Something about Mary."

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Tue 01/06/09 06:22 PM

its only negative to married people.

i mean not to sound trivial but there was a sex in the city episode once where the girls faced off with their now married friends and they talked about how when people become married..

their single friends become freakin lepers.

and regardless to what you think of the show.. they're right. man. it sucks when pals get married and then.. no pals no more.

real pals stay together after marriage, divorce, remarriage, sickness, economic down turns, etc, etc.

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Tue 01/06/09 06:13 PM
still waiting for my psychic to give me the correct winning lotto number. I beginning to think I'm being con'ed. LOL.

Besides what's the fun in knowing your future? Follow your value and make the right choices. At least u made the decision where ever it may take u.

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 06:04 PM

Some older people I've seen always ask why I'm single >_<

just tell them that beatial-marriage is not legal yet, and enjoy the show. Watch their mouth drop. LOL.

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:28 PM

I don't get why it seems in the U.S. culture that its such a negative thing to be single.

cuz single ppl tend to be unstable, and some extremely crazy. Just check out the crazies throughout the history. All were singles :-)

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:25 PM
then sitcho a$$ down wipe a$$. <>

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 05:19 PM
me so honey, me lube you long tyme :-)

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Tue 01/06/09 04:33 PM
find a man-child. LOL.

No, seriously, find a man with a child of his own. People without kids will never understand the beauty in love that you have for your child :-)

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 04:30 PM
Help him :-)

Tell him to move on. Tell him there will be a time and place where he will meet that special someone, so don't be needy and settle.

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Tue 01/06/09 04:26 PM
how do u know that they are no good for you?

told by friends?
told by family?
had bad argument?
lack compatibility?
no chemistry?

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Tue 01/06/09 04:18 PM
Tell your lawyer that you are not comfortable with kids staying with a stranger especially at a place with studio type of place.

Do background chk on him. Criminal chk as well.

Get home equity loan and pay her off for her signature. She will not be able to resist cold hard cash $20K. Get her to sign the paper.

Do not drag this fight, you both lose, and lawyers charging $250/hr wins. Do not get emotional. Do not let lawyers (yours or hers) make you get emotional. Set your emotion aside, cuz this is business transaction.

The faster you cut off this relationship, the faster you will recover and move on with your life.

Just my 2 cents from what I was told by other divorced friend :-)

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 04:01 PM
cab ride is the way to go. u got both of your hands free. LOL. Plus u don't drink and drive.

BTW, forget about the looters, what about power? I stayed through Ike in Houston, but never will repeat. It was only cat 3, but it knocked trees down all around. Scary 3 hours of my life. LOL.

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 09:28 AM

always happy

send me some, whatever u r on. Is it Zolof? LOL.

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 09:26 AM

everything thats needed here is within walking distance...parking is a nightmare...vandalism rampant...ive had a car usually more than one at a time for the past 25 years...and actually still have 2 back where i came from...parking here costs as much as an apartment in many places..i just decided it wasnt worth it for now.

how r u planning to escape the next katrina?

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Tue 01/06/09 09:21 AM

the people who send you a message hardly speaking any english..and you ignore them..and then they message you again!

funny, i aced engrish but some native americans had difficulty passing.

u liky me engrish? LOL

no photo
Tue 01/06/09 09:19 AM
just say hi

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Tue 01/06/09 09:18 AM
car is a necessity in texas

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Mon 01/05/09 09:09 PM

would you tell the idiot customer service rep to shove it up theirs cuz u only have shot time to live, or would you put up with their bs and empathize with their lack of understanding?

Actually, I rarely have an idiot customer service rep...most people are just doing the best they can and customer service can be a grueling job.

But if they start to act badly I can usually turn them around with a kind word before they are complete jerks. If not, I complete the transaction, report them if appropriate, and might take my business elsewhere if that's an option. PollyAnna I may be, but it works 95% of the time...

I'm sorry, I don't hear you right now. Can you hold? Thank you. click.

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Mon 01/05/09 09:07 PM

ive never really had much of fights with girlfriends before. im the kind of person who is very very easygoing and can handle conflict without it becomming a full out argument most of the time. i simply make use of what most people joke about. curl up, assume the fetal position, and admit im wrong while telling the woman she is 100 percent right! laugh happy

wow, what a great one sided compromise.