Community > Posts By > work2live247

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Mon 01/05/09 08:35 PM
Are the F-bombs allowed for your first argument?

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Mon 01/05/09 08:32 PM

you only live once!

rejection sucks, but one success will make 10 rejections disappear in an instant!

LOL. So WTF R U doing here? Didn't you know? This site is for the socially deaf and mute :-)

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Mon 01/05/09 08:29 PM
Let's say it's been a couple of months dating, but finally and inevitably it happens. Your first argument.

What did you do? Did you break up? Who asked to break up?
How long did it take to cool? What was the end result?

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Mon 01/05/09 08:21 PM

I know this has been asked a million times but I want to ask again....

what Why are men intimidated by strong women, like seriously!

Strong Woman being::
She knows what she wants...She has goals and tries to obtain them... She knows who she truly is flaws and all... She flaunts her weaknesses and her strengths with pride... She has standards.. She is determined.. She takes care of others...She is comfortable in her own skin... She is successful in the life SHE set forth to live....

she doesn't melt.

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Mon 01/05/09 08:17 PM

1 Year?......Everything would get laid...The crack of Dawn wouldn't be safe....

But, if the asteroid misses...I will have to make alooooot of apologies.

did you party like 1999 for Y2K fiasco?

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Mon 01/05/09 08:12 PM

If you had only one year to live, would you seek still seek your true love or long term relationship?

I'd do what I do every day now...and that might mean I find a true love and might not.

Who knows...THIS could be anyone's last day so why not be living it fully all the time, right?

would you tell the idiot customer service rep to shove it up theirs cuz u only have shot time to live, or would you put up with their bs and empathize with their lack of understanding?

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Mon 01/05/09 08:08 PM
Everyday, there are dozens of encounters. Do you sometimes feel that you missed the opportunity in fear of being humiliated by rejection? Or do you put on the used cars salesmen face and create the opportunity and initiate a conversation?

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Mon 01/05/09 07:58 PM

I'll never stop looking. Why? Because the day I lose hope is the day I die.

well put. to love is to live. Perhaps I should give all my love to my loved ones and to my neighbors and to strangers, and expect nothing in return.

Funny, that could means some people have not lived at all.

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Mon 01/05/09 04:40 PM
what if there is an astroid headed this way in one year= end of the world. Would you seek out your love?

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 04:01 PM

If you had only one year to live, would you seek still seek your true love or long term relationship?
:smile: I would be looking to have a good time:smile:

Not everyone will revolve around you for the whole year. They have their life to live. So the when the good time and enthusiasm fade in 3 months, what then?

I think I might walk the earth (kung-fu master).

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:55 PM

I think I would just enjoy those around me that love me like friends, relatives to have a good support network

This is given.

But there will be nights, where you will be alone pondering and not knowing if there is...

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:50 PM
just got an IM from some chick, argentina something something, but all she wanted was paid web cam modeling. Is that allowed here?

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:45 PM
If you had only one year to live, would you seek still seek your true love or long term relationship?

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:43 PM
So the moral of the story is, be the turtle.....

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Mon 01/05/09 03:40 PM

sick Has a penissick

LOL, or had one and got it surgically removed and skin graphed to look natural along with fake implants but still shows 5 O'clock shadown underneath their power.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. LOL.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:32 PM

Myself, I would have to get to know them very good, you shouldn't have to use Alcohol as a tool just to have sex, that would be very disrespectful.It take more than one date to even begin thinking about doing that.

Reread. "no alcohol involved"

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:21 PM
Assuming there were no alcohols involved, if there is a great mutual chemistry, would you have sex on the first date?

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:17 PM
Mirror Mirror, another forum topic,
Just for you, isn't that terrific?
But Mirror, why just the questions?
where is your view, any suggestions.
As much as you spend your time in here,
You could have started a new career.
Perhaps you are phil wanna be,
Alas, perhaps phil could be me.
U never know who lurks behind,
u could be mingle2 mastermind.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 12:26 AM

I'd date a pickle if it treated me

LOL. I got your pickle right here :-)

BTW, isn't US known as the melting pot of the world?

Believe me, other countries do not tolerate interacial anything as much as USA.

Did you know that in the middle east there are three classes of citizens (primarily based on race).

1st class = native middle easterner (esp. royal family and friend).
2nd class = white people from Europe, USA, and Australia.
3rd class = Indians, Pastani, Asians, Fillippino

ie. treatment.
1st class = gets steak
2nd class = gets chopped beef
3rd class = gets the grease
Yep, it applies to anything including the law.

So, bottomline, no matter how screwed our country seems, its way better than the rest. I love USA.

no photo
Sat 01/03/09 07:28 PM
I think the real issue is that while you were all pissed off about waiting at the coffee shop, you didn't siez the opportunity to meet other singles there :-)