Community > Posts By > Inkracer

Inkracer's photo
Tue 03/24/09 04:54 PM

I do not believe in God and guess what...I have morals. I know the difference between right & wrong.

There's also a problem with being one heartbeat away from finding out if he is real or not......once we die we can't tell anyone....

That's the whole purpose of FAITH!

But why is faith a good thing? Why is it good to believe something without evidence?

Inkracer's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:07 PM
I'm not gonna lie, my favorite bible verses are the ones that contradict what everyone says about god/jesus...

Inkracer's photo
Mon 03/23/09 05:18 PM

It is at the least much less harmful than the junk being taught in our schools about everything springing into being on an imaginary stepladder.slaphead :laughing:

1. Science does not state that "everything just sprang into being"

2. The very nature of Science has something that religion doesn't: Checks and Balances. Once a scientist discovers something, other scientist do the same experiment, basically trying to disprove the original scientist. It's called Peer Review.

3. Science does a better job of explaining things than "God did it." which, itself is just a non-answer, because it doesn't answer the question, though it brings up more questions, like mainly, If there is a god, what created god?

Inkracer's photo
Mon 03/23/09 04:45 PM
As an atheist, I find this thread funny, mainly because when you boil down the OP to just the basics, what you get is basically: "If you claim there is no god, you are wrong, because my holy book says there is." laugh
One of the other funny things about religion is, Science and History are wrong, when dealing with that religion, but when they can be used to disprove parts of other religions, then Science and History can be right.(the movie Religulous has plenty of examples of this.)

Like many people on here, I don't believe in any type of god for various reason. Mainly the lack of any scientific or historical evidence of any kind. Also, like one other person on her, I feel that the NT(if not the whole bible) is a complete work of fiction.

Inkracer's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:20 PM
I just normally "drown" myself in one of my hobbies.
I'll either just sit and write lyrics. or I'll build another model car, or I'll hand paint another die-cast. or, if none of that works, I'll turn on my music, and just let my mind wonder.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 07:04 PM
Edited by Inkracer on Thu 03/19/09 07:04 PM

careful....thomas will pee in the sandbox bigsmile

Hell, if cats can do it, why can't we?

oh there is a joke there somewhere about calling you another name for a cat but..........i'll be good laugh flowerforyou

What can I say? I am what I eat!

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 07:00 PM

careful....thomas will pee in the sandbox bigsmile

Hell, if cats can do it, why can't we?

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 06:30 PM

yeah it's pretty obvious the story of Jesus is just a plagiarizeing of other stories before.
the Jesus story is nothing realy all the special.

Heck, just watch Penn & Teller's "The Bible is B#llSh@t"

Found here:

Jesus wasn't the only "messiah" during his time!

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 04:43 PM

flowerforyou How many people in this thread actually know who Charles Darwin was and who has actually read "Origin of Species"?flowerforyou

I know who Darwin is, Haven't gotten to read "Origin of Species" yet.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 03:50 PM

and you know everyone that believes in aliens??? some believe they are a superior race...a higher power

sad how you dismiss one arguement to start another very silly one. sad that you want to argue when i tried to show respect with terms i use based on being in these threads for so long. sad that you will argue about anything and critcize everything.

so tell me oh wise would YOU like me to define the different beliefs?

Earlier, you got all up in arms about me "putting words in your mouth"

Now, you asked me how I know some people don't believe aliens are a higher power.

You didn't ask about my thoughts on everybody who believes in aliens, and I never said there weren't people out there who believe aliens are a higher power.

I didn't dismiss the argument, I answered, you didn't like it. I moved on. How sad that you still haven't.

actually...i wasn't even talking to you in the first place...YOU jumped in. so no...i didn't ask your offered them

you said: "Basic statistics tell us that aliens exist. And a belief in Aliens doesn't equal a belief in a higher power."

The second sentence is for people like myself. I do believe there are aliens out there. I do not believe in a higher power of any sort.
That sentence does not equal "No one believes aliens are a higher power". That statement does equal "To believe in aliens does not automatically make one believe in a higher power, or that aliens are the higher power"

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 03:40 PM is a decent site. it's one of the sites I used for my info on the Egyptian god Horus.


Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 03:37 PM

and you know everyone that believes in aliens??? some believe they are a superior race...a higher power

sad how you dismiss one arguement to start another very silly one. sad that you want to argue when i tried to show respect with terms i use based on being in these threads for so long. sad that you will argue about anything and critcize everything.

so tell me oh wise would YOU like me to define the different beliefs?

Earlier, you got all up in arms about me "putting words in your mouth"

Now, you asked me how I know some people don't believe aliens are a higher power.

You didn't ask about my thoughts on everybody who believes in aliens, and I never said there weren't people out there who believe aliens are a higher power.

I didn't dismiss the argument, I answered, you didn't like it. I moved on. How sad that you still haven't.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 03:29 PM

by MY definition....i refer to atheists as non-believers because that is what i have been told in threads many times....i do it out of respect because they claim to not believe in any higher power.

reread my post where i did say someone not believing in a higher power of any kind

But then you say:
if you believe in aliens...then you would be a believer.

Basic statistics tell us that aliens exist. And a belief in Aliens doesn't equal a belief in a higher power.
I do believe that there are aliens out there, because to think that this is the only planet in the whole universe that has life on it is rather arrogant. totally blew off the argument before to start another????

how do you know some people don't think aliens are a higher power?

Because I don't believe they are a higher power.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 03:25 PM

by MY definition....i refer to atheists as non-believers because that is what i have been told in threads many times....i do it out of respect because they claim to not believe in any higher power.

reread my post where i did say someone not believing in a higher power of any kind

But then you say:
if you believe in aliens...then you would be a believer.

Basic statistics tell us that aliens exist. And a belief in Aliens doesn't equal a belief in a higher power.
I do believe that there are aliens out there, because to think that this is the only planet in the whole universe that has life on it is rather arrogant.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 03:18 PM

and what book do non-believers use?

The Origin of Species
:smile: Thats a science book.:smile: And what are "non believers"?:smile: What if you believe aliens created us or that we came from elsewhere?:smile: What does that make a person?:smile:

what i call non-believers are people who don't believe in anything at all.

if you believe in aliens...then you would be a believer. when i use believers...i refer to anyone that believes in something of a higher power of's a general term to me

By your own definition, no one is a non-believer.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 01:42 PM
My name is simple, "ink" refers to my tattoos(I have around 10 now). "racer" because I am a race fan..

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 01:27 PM

religion is the cause of the crimes you used as example. correct?
then explain how there are many people of the same religion that don't commit these crimes? if it is religion then they would ALL be out there doing those examples. but guess what....i have never even been in a fist fight and i was brought up in the church. it's hurts me more to see others hurt. i know many people like this

now reverse your theory....take non-religious (going back as far as nero). could the other side say they did these things because of lack of religion? nope

THAT is what i was saying...not that someone that doesn't believe is sick in the mind. wow sensative lately?

since not all non-religous people rape, kill, spread hate etc (same as those who believe in a religion) then it is not the religion or lack of. it is because the individual that does these things has mental problems. some stem from childhood or a traumatic event in their lives. but the point is that it's a mental issue NOT religion or lack of.

for it to be blamed on religion or lack of a believe....then all in the catagory would act out the same way

laugh laugh laugh

You claim to not be here to argue, and prove your beliefs correct, yet I give you an answer you don't like, so you ask again, trying to get the one you want.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 01:15 PM
Edited by Inkracer on Thu 03/19/09 01:15 PM

so how do you explain those without any religion???? are they just sick in the mind where as the religious has to be crazy because of religion?

You will have to explain further, because the only way I can really take this statement is that you are calling me sick in the mind, since I don't believe.'s not all about you. i never said that and don't you dare put words in my mouth.

let's sum this up....

religion is the cause of the crimes you used as example. correct?

So, you will tell me not to put words in your mouth, and you're gonna turn around and put words in mine? huh
then explain how there are many people of the same religion that don't commit these crimes? /quote]
I have already explained this. As a society we don't get our morals from any holy book. As a society, we have surpassed religion.

now reverse your theory....take non-religious (going back as far as nero). could the other side say they did these things because of lack of religion? nope

When the religious do something in the name of God, religion deserves the blame for the action, with a lack of religion, when someone does something, there is still a reason behind it. If you look at Stalin, his reason's were Socio-Political.

since not all non-religous people rape, kill, spread hate etc (same as those who believe in a religion) then it is not the religion or lack of. it is because the individual that does these things has mental problems. some stem from childhood or a traumatic event in their lives. but the point is that it's a mental issue NOT religion or lack of.

for it to be blamed on religion or lack of a believe....then all in the catagory would act out the same way

As I stated again, when someone does something in the name of "My God" then Religion is part of the problem, and the "they aren't true believers" argument doesn't fly.

When you look back through history, at all the people being called "not true believers" the only real logical answer to that is that no one is a true believer, and I have to ask, if no one is, why have religion at all.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 12:10 PM
so how do you explain those without any religion???? are they just sick in the mind where as the religious has to be crazy because of religion?

You will have to explain further, because the only way I can really take this statement is that you are calling me sick in the mind, since I don't believe.

Inkracer's photo
Thu 03/19/09 12:02 PM

with or without religion....people will do good or evil....people just use it to hide behind.

so if an athiest does evil (no religion attached) then does it really have to do with religion or a sick mind? same with any religion....if they do evil, does it have to do with religion or a sick mind?

Religion can do its part to feed and breed sick minds. More people have killed and more war began over religion than not. WWII was largely religious based, estimated death toll of WWII 48,231,700.

ww2 was started by a very sick man. there is nothing credible about him. he was a psycho and used religion to justify what his warped mind wanted to do. hitler only used it to hide behind. all sorts of religious beliefs fought against him for what he was doing

You do realize that Hitler wanted to be a priest, and grew up a Roman catholic, right?

This is one of my problems with Religion. You really have no proof that Hitler wasn't a believer, but still all you say is that he wasn't a true believer.
The only logical conclusion one can come to, if "they weren't true believers" is to be believed, is that no one is a true believer, and if no one can be a true believer, why have religion?

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