Community > Posts By > poniepower

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 05:01 PM
I'm ready...let me have it...LOL

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 04:59 PM
Edited by poniepower on Mon 12/15/08 05:00 PM

All right kids....time for that part of the show that we all dig (But, one person cringes)


Ponie!!!!!!!! Come on down girl! Pull up a seat on the stage......

Anyone can ask any question...and we expect an answer!!!!!

I will ask the first question....


Do you stand? Run? or Do Jumping Jacks?

Inquiring minds want to know!

All of the above! Once in a while I'm a squater too...hehe!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 04:51 PM

Right on! Looks like the drunks are sobering up enough to stagger into the if we can just Pull Debbie away from the nozzle of the marguerita machine (the girl puts up a hell of a fight) and drag Jim away from his latest hooker...

....we can get this show rolling!
ROFL!! I swear, that lives in my town!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 04:50 PM

rubbers for momma ponie? you naughty you

Naughty is NOT USING THEM....hahaha!! Yep, I'm a naughty Mommy...hehe!:laughing:

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 04:47 PM

thats funny i could never buy condomns for mom lol
LOL my kids would do it at the "family" Christmas, just to see if they could get a little embarrassment out of'd NEVER happen though!! LOL

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 04:36 PM

Speaking of commercials...

Lets have a word from one of our fine sponsors...

This holiday...don't forget Mom!

We have what she really Wal-Mart.

Yes, the commercials really keep us all going in stitches!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 04:33 PM
Ok kids, how does this game work? We have to guess who you match us with, or you match us and we have to talk to that person..I'm lost!shades

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 04:27 PM

i dont know, i wonder if its the weather?

Computers froze up too?!?!?!rofl

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 04:22 PM
Is everyone learning their script? Where is everyone? *sigh*

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 02:26 PM
Hi John,

How're you?

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 02:17 PM
I'm sitting here talking to my son about his day in school. He's going to be asking for the computer

It's too cold for him to be outside anyways.

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 02:04 PM
Hi Rare, flowerforyou

Hi sweet, waving

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:56 PM
Thanks Deb,

Thanks ali,

Here to have fun!! flowerforyou

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:40 PM
waving Hello everyone! I hope everyone is keeping warm, or trying their best!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:38 PM

awwww I knew we were kindred spirits...and when I get on a roll I promise to pass the addy's to ya...Right now the Lord is keeping me's vicious in

thank sweetie for what you said when added as friend...that was beyond sweet...and please I would be honored to match you int he Matchmaking Game...going to do matches if you want in this game then please go in.

I'm not familiar with the Matchmaking'll have to point me in that direction. I'd be honored to join! Hook a sista up with a hottie...hehe!
DAING!!!! oh shhoooot!!! Where were you awhile back???:cry:
blushing Been here all the time...just on a different sitesad

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:23 PM

awwww I knew we were kindred spirits...and when I get on a roll I promise to pass the addy's to ya...Right now the Lord is keeping me's vicious in

thank sweetie for what you said when added as friend...that was beyond sweet...and please I would be honored to match you int he Matchmaking Game...going to do matches if you want in this game then please go in.

I'm not familiar with the Matchmaking'll have to point me in that direction. I'd be honored to join! Hook a sista up with a hottie...hehe!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:18 PM

I agree, to make it about something that interests everyone, Deb.
I'll stay in a thread if it's something that interests me.
Having fun and being friendly is also key!
Also, when the OP comes back and checks in on his/her thread and posts to others' comments, it shows me that they take pride in what others are posting too.
When there's drama, I tend to move on..."It takes a bigger person to walk away, then stand there and fight".
I won't go back and forth like I'm in Jr. High school.

Even though I'm still new here on Mingle, I'm not new to the forums or DS world.

totally right on.....and I don't allow drama and the great mods here don't bam they will get rid of the ugly for me like that. I know some think they aren't important but they so are..

The only time that the feral causes drama if you could even say that is religion....I am all for anyone believing as they wish...But if you don't know Jesus Christ..and you call him a myth along with the father and the Bible...ohhhhhh the pitbul for christ is right there.....every time. And it's not because I believe the Father needs my protection not even close....but for those truly seeking who might believe the lies....

All I can say, and absolutely NO PUN Amen!

Especially about those seeking who may believe the lies!

For me, He has come deeply into my life! You'll never see me bashing at all.

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:59 PM

flowerforyou What's the longest crush you've ever had on a person?flowerforyou

5 years going on 6 and still going strong! He was here Saturday night in fact. blushing Now, If only I could get the ex g/f out of his life, things would be darned near perfect! ( I'm thinking cinder blocks and the Mississippi Riverrofl ) Just kidding! Or am I?

She stalks him until he ends up taking her back...Ugh, I know, not a healthy thing for me. Hopefully after this "last time" he'll realize she just isn't worth his face being scared up over or him going to jail for. She broke into his place and jumped him while he was sleeping this past Tuesday night, digging up his face because she was jealous him and I are friends again. Ugh, jealous women!!! He couldn't face me til his face had healed some.

geeze she sounds like a real physco
if he didnt press charges he was stupid

He's afraid he'll get into trouble, even though she IS the psycho...hopefully he'll have learned...Hopefully!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:56 PM
Edited by poniepower on Mon 12/15/08 12:57 PM

Hi everyone! Sorry I have been MIA but i am trying to get, let's say, my head straight again...I will I know. cuz the real friends I have here are much more than somebody can ever tear down.(some of you know what I am talking about)And it is funny how some things can come back to bite one in the arce!!! Hey Deb?!!!

(((Jim)))) It's good to see you sweetie!
I hope everything works out for you honflowerforyou smooched
I am stronger than the weak minded spinelessness that seems to come so easy for some. If I have something to say, I am man enough to not say it behind one's back. And I am proud to look myself in the MIRROR!!!
smooched sweetie! You are truely one of a kind and I don't even know you that well honey

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:54 PM
Yes, I'm crushin' on someone here, but too chicken to tell him, but then, that's my life! Always been shy when it comes to that aspect of my life! :wink:

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