Community > Posts By > poniepower

poniepower's photo
Fri 01/02/09 12:15 PM
Hi All Mingle Friends,
(Popped this note in here since this is the basic thread I have been in since I became a member, and most of my friends are in this thread)

I just wanted to drop by and say "hi and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!".
I've certainly thought about you all during my time here, I've thought about alot of things over the holidays.
I haven't been up to par over the season (hence me not being around on here) and I'm certainly happy to see it over!
I've been blessed and I've also had trials and tribulations in my life, but my online friends missing me, makes me feel good. Not because you missed me, but because I was missed.

As far as love, I don't believe in it anymore. I've given my heart, and it's been stomped on, so I'm pretty much closed off to that ralm of my life once more.
I Pray you all have good fortune in finding that "Love" you're all seeking.
Not sure if I'll be back or not...but wanted to send one letter and not 14 of them...

May MY Angel Watch Over You and Yours,

poniepower's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:21 PM
Edited by poniepower on Tue 12/16/08 03:24 PM

I'm going to assume you mean is age just a number in relationships between men and women, etc...

Well, there are factors of maturity involved. I find myself young at heart, so I suppose a younger woman and I might hit it off, but if it came to me needing to listen to rap music, forget it. I hate rap. Which leads me to a conclusion that there will be a justifiable generation gape once you get a certain amount of years separated.

This is also an issue of class status and maturity of housing, families, that sort of thing. There is something I would never do again... I married an older woman (by ten years) an moved into HER house. It totally SUCKED after a couple of years. Mainly because she was an a$$, but mostly because it was always HER stuff (which might be different with a woman that wasn't an A$$).... The thing I might consider for the future would be to develop a relationship together, then fall in love together (which takes time), then make plans together, including the plans to buy a house and get married together. Then things are on an equal keel.

In reverse, I wouldn't feel very comfortable having a woman move into a house (if I owned one, I do not, I rent...) because of whatever history I had once had inside the house. For me, it would be better to move and start fresh as a couple in a place where you don't have skeletons in every closet.


Many reasons she's my EX.....


Speaking of which...

... I once had a really cool classic car. It was a 2-door Oldsmobile Delta 88 Custom. Had an original 425 Super Rocket under the hood. My ex-wife let her so drive it without my say-so, and he wrecked it not once, but THREE different times while I was away working on the road. When I came home, that's when I found out he had driven it. He was 16 and had just gotten his license. We had 5 other cars he could have drive.....

So, my question is... if you have step kids, do you let them drive YOUR car when they turn 16? Or, if you do not have any step-kids, hypothetically, do you let them drive WHAT when they turn 16?

I hope it is not your cherished classic.....

Awww TM, so very sorry to hear about your classic!

I guess it'd depend on the maturity of the kid in question. I let my oldest daughter drive my new truck when she 1st got her lisense. My 2nd to the oldest, she had to wait and prove to me that she was able to drive a newer vehicle though. She wasn't quite as mature as my oldest.
The same would be for step children too. There wouldn't be any favoritism on my part. They'd have to prove to me they were mature enough also.
My oldest daughter started off driving a 1976 Ford and drove that until she could show me she was worthy of driving my Jeep, then she eventually graduated to the new truck, about 3 months later.

If you could change one thing about your ex so that you were still together, what would that be, and do you think you'd still be together, if you could change that one thing?

poniepower's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:17 PM




Yes, I believe in Prayer. I also believe in the Miracles Prayer brings. I Prayed from the moment we found out my daughter was pregnant and having problems with her pregnancy. When she went into labor, the only tool I had, was Prayer. It was all out of my hands and into Gods from that point on.
My little Miracle, Adrian, born 3 mths and 1 week premature on 1/11/08, weighing 2 lbs 8 oz. He's had heart surgery, 2 throat surgeries and has to have 2 double hernia surgeries and has a hole in his bladder that never closed from birth.
He's still fighting and has always got a smile on his precious little face.

poniepower's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:13 PM

Hi guys....I just feel the overwhelming need to do this right now right here.

Lord God I anoint you and thank you for all that you do in my life and here on Mingle. Lord I ask that you bring complete healing to Adrian.....From the top of his beautiful head to the tip of his toes heal this little body Lord God. I also ask that you give strength to his family, his mom Cianna and his dad Lee give them wisdom, when needed and courage when required Lord. I also ask Lord that you guide the doctors and give them all the tools they need for Adrian. In your mighty precious name this I pray




Thank You Deb!

poniepower's photo
Tue 12/16/08 01:41 PM

Hey Ponie!waving

Hope everything goes okay with your Grandson next month!flowers

Thanks Holly! He's a little fighter, that he is!!

Hi, Missy! Hope things are well with you and you're keeping warm!

poniepower's photo
Tue 12/16/08 01:28 PM
((((Deb))) Thank You So Very Much for the Prayers honey...Very Much Appreciated! flowerforyou


(((Jim)))smooched flowerforyou

Hoping you are all having a Great Tuesday!

Snowing here, and Grandsons surgery was rescheduled to Jan 20th. They got an inch of freezing rain in TN overnight.

No topic yet? OKies, I'll stop back by later then.

poniepower's photo
Tue 12/16/08 10:33 AM
Fresh fallen snow,
The laughter of children,
A man showing his emotions,
The warm embrace of my man,
Dancing in the rain,
Walks when it's freezing outside,
The beach, when it's so hot you can barely breathe,
The smell of baby oil,
The taste of a cold beer on a hot day,

poniepower's photo
Tue 12/16/08 09:40 AM
G'morning everyone!

Heading for the shower,
Just wanted to pop my head in and say "hi",
waving I'll be back later.

(Blowing kisses to all) Muahs!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:41 PM

well then, have you got caught giving yourself a little? :tongue:

Nope, never gotten caught doing

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:39 PM
Edited by poniepower on Mon 12/15/08 08:40 PM

sweet :laughing: have you ever got caught in the act?
In the act of??

"the act" :wink:

Ohhhhhhh "the act"! LOL

My son, that I lost, walked in on me and my boyfriend one time! My kids never really got the concept of knockingrofl

And......on that note, I'd better get my sick, tired butt to bed!

You all have a Very Nice night! Sweet Dreams to you all. May MY Angel Watch Over You and Yours!
God Bless,

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:36 PM
Edited by poniepower on Mon 12/15/08 08:37 PM

sweet :laughing: have you ever got caught in the act?
In the act of??

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:31 PM
Yes I have!

It was back in 1989 and I was coming back from the bar in a different town and got stopped for speeding. I was smart enough to be wearing a mini skirt that night...(they were in back then) State patrols around here aren't very nice. I also had open intox in the car..I got a warning for 76 mph in a 55.
.My best friend/boyfriend at the time was pee'in his pants, thought we were busted. Luckily my long legs got me out of it! Haha!

My sis, 1/2 hour later, same road, same spot, same state nailed for doing 72 mph and she was sober! I just HAD to hang my ticket up at the bar on the mirror...cuz she had to pay hers off...LOL

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:25 PM
Have a good night Krupa, Sweet Dreams!

So much talent!!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:21 PM

Krupa, those are awesome!

Oh yeah, I'm back for a few anyways.
" Save a horse! Ride a ponie!"
Hey! That's "My" saying...LOL Well I say it all the time, anyways. Great minds.....

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:20 PM

Krupa, those are awesome!

Oh yeah, I'm back for a few anyways.
ready to be grilled again eh? devil
Yeahhuh! Letter rip...hehe I'm ready!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:09 PM
Krupa, those are awesome!

Oh yeah, I'm back for a few anyways.

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:48 PM
Hi Goof!

How're you?

Oh, gotta run for a few...bbiab! Muahs all!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:39 PM

Give me a minute....I tried to see if my d*ck would reach my forehead and I think I pulled a back muscle.....
Good thing I read that whole post...ROFL!

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:32 PM
I just spit coke all over my monitor, you two! rofl

poniepower's photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:26 PM

Okay -:tongue: who is putting who on the spot??
its ponie, but anyone whos feeling lucky can step up.

when ponies done i volunteer

HAHAHAHAHHA...obviously you have never been in the military and heard the term "Never volunteer"!!!!

Ok Rare...What would you do with a day if you sprouted a vagina on your forehead?
rofl rofl rofl rofl

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