Community > Posts By > speedbug72

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 10:02 PM
can't quite send these deadly roses to drive her off her key bordpitchfork ,, but it is killing me i been eating caned pork and rice for two days.sick

bsides i love spewing my access talking skills here, even iff i can't spell

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:53 PM
may god send a gaurdian angel for both:angel: . millitary moms are the strongest out there:heart: n im sure god is raining loving light for every dark corner to b lit.:angel:

best wishes and prayers :angel: amen :angel:

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:45 PM
congrats drinks

i is still lookin, but i is a good handy man

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:43 PM
ooowwwwww! that hurt just reading n seeing those pictures. i am glad the ppl in volved r ok. n phuque wow man i never talked to a survivor of somthing that bad, glad u is still here man. i rolled one of my race cars doin 110 mph that hurt too but to imagine the survivors of worse wreks is an act of god in my views.

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:37 PM


Who's jacket is that? What is its importance?
Its my fabulous new jacket!!! You may ooooooooooooh and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh now!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh

ewwwww....ahhhhhh....oooooohh....:banana: :banana:

oooooohhhhhhhh aaaaaaahhhh! a sshiny trinkes in deed.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:35 PM

Evil neighbors were do they come from I swear mine comes from the movie Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde. She's the snoopest thing u'd ever know. I nearly gag every summer when she walks around in black shorty shorts might I add she's 53 and a pain in my ass.ill

first thought holy water paintballs and a bible n cross set. second thought evil brownies. third thought just smile wave n go about ur buisiness.

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:31 PM
im on most of the night then i sleep a few hours then i look for work then play some computergames then im back on in the afternoon. this place seems to hop all the time.

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:27 PM
i have a friend that does this it works well. ram is an easy fix but complicated to explane. of course it does cost money of wich we all seem 2 b short of.

speedbug72's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:23 PM
may the light of the heavens rain down upon u, ur daughter, and suffering family. :angel: flowers

i hope the nursing home works out for her. how is ur daughter?

waving i apreciate the compliments. u sound like a good person urself:heart: , prayin things clear up fr u and ur family.:angel:

i got some collage stuff lined up for fall finaly.ill b going to arizona late summer. :thumbsup:

my friends dad had a minor heart attack todaytears . it looked like a stroke. the doctor put one of those baloon thingys in place of the damaged valve. thank the lord he is ok.:angel:

speedbug72's photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:09 AM
were did my ice go? i cant street board without ice. ooohhh well i guess is is time to breakout the 4x4 and an old refrigeratorbigsmile

i had to open the doors to get git the pool half full of chocolae out of my friends garage this morning.

speedbug72's photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:00 AM
i been away for a few days, but i droped by to say hi. i see that all is peaceful :angel: on the thred.

waving sending payers and best wishes to ur daughter, you, and ur family.

i kinda understand wat ur going through one of my grandmas has the worst arthritus i've ever seen and i try to b around scince grandpa got sick n died 3 years ago. my other grandma n grandpa r pushin 70's and 80's and need alot of help. mom she died of a brain anyurisum in 2002. and i was hit by a truck an partialy disabled in 2003. my sister was in a crash in 2004 her and one of my nefews died.

it is strange how life can deal the good people bad cards. the important thing is to never give in to the dark lonelyness of life and always strive for the light of love an happyness, no matter the situation.
:angel: waving love and best wishes, amen :angel: flowers

speedbug72's photo
Sun 02/22/09 12:07 AM
i just got out of a party were my new restling came to life. imagine two girls half drunk n in thier swim suits wrestling in slightly melted chocolate. it took me 4 hours to build the chocolate pit and about 110$ of easy to melt liquid chocolate mixed with candy. i engeneer n i get to party 4 free. i resisted drinking 2 nite so i am not on here n drunk. otherwise im fighting boredom.

speedbug72's photo
Sun 02/22/09 12:02 AM
i know there r a few out there that like the wild ones.

p.s i figured out how to host chocolate wrestling it was hot erlier at my friends house in the garage we got quite a few girls out tonight, and the alchohol selection was decent.

speedbug72's photo
Sat 02/21/09 11:52 PM

In memory of speed bug72

he lived he died
found in the splatter on my windshield


speedbug72's photo
Sat 02/21/09 11:46 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

i created a datsin body with a chevy 350and a ford rear end. then a ford with a nissan motor.

speedbug72's photo
Sat 02/21/09 11:41 PM
living on pennys and rice. no money for date. gots to contimplate tommarrow all the time. i made 10$ today horay!

speedbug72's photo
Sat 02/21/09 11:39 PM
depening upon were they r from they can b verry shy or they can b controoling. one of my friends dated an asian guy she said that he was more shy than me. he grew up with alot of family customs, she later concluded that she couldent get a bang out of him.

speedbug72's photo
Sat 02/21/09 11:33 PM
i wonder aimlessly scouting sales and prices. then i shop

speedbug72's photo
Sat 02/21/09 11:28 PM
i saw rock chucks, squrrels, and a skunk today.

speedbug72's photo
Fri 02/20/09 12:29 AM
died laughting.

anyone want to dig 4 painful memories? kyane west heartless is a deep song

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