Community > Posts By > Ron1218

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:14 AM
My friend has been urging me to get a prince albert and I said "hell no!" but out of curiosity went on the net and read up on it a bit...and then I got to a prince albert piercing gone bad story and almost puked lol. I just don't think I could do it.

But as for other piercings and problems there. Though, I'm not allowed to get any due to military regulations anyway.

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:11 AM birthday is today too! 12/18/84 :D

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:47 AM
*stumbles into the thread* Whoa, it's crazy in here.

*eyes the giant flying waving thing* Holy crap!

I've got the day off from work today since it's my birthday (I love free days off) so I'll be enjoying some R&R while my car gets fixed at the dealer :P

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:43 AM
Hahaha I'm going to stop quoting the current gaggle since it's getting way too long.

I guess I'd have to resort to sending off random packages. Like, "Here's a bottle of lemonade this for later." :D

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:41 AM
Today is a great day...cause it's my birthday! And I got the day off work too. Time for some R&R!

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:32 AM

I'm simply a firm believer in doing what you say you're going to do. And yea, they definitely had a life before I came along and they'll continue to have it...but with the ease of texting (unless they fell asleep of course) it won't take more than a couple of seconds to just shoot a text and say "Hey, busy today talk to you tomorrow" or something along those lines.

But yea, I have no relationship atm either and it's damn hard for me to find a steady one anyway just because of my job. "Oh hey you're- oh you're leaving the country in 6 months. Nevermind."

But see your the best kind.......because for 6 months at a time I least I don't have to remember to call you........LOL

Haha, longer than that. I'll be in South Korea for a year starting in June of next year and then who the hell knows where I'll go from there. I'm definitely visiting Australia though while I'm out that way.

See all the better One whole year that I wouldn't have to have to remember to call....All i have to do is remember to jot an e-mail everyso a note in a planner to remember to send a care package make a note ofthe Australia trip so we remember to include that in the e-mail and ask for soemthing fun while your there.........your every girls dream......LOL

Good brother had a lot of fun there when he did his S. Korea tour.......just be careful of the gate whores.......:)

Ya and the juicy's. I'll probably be spending more time working (and in a gask mask) then galloping around off base though.

I'm bringing my blackberry with me so I'll be global, baby :P Getting the international plan. I'm not really the super attachy kinda person either but I do tend to talk a lot and ramble a bit. Though, most people seem to enjoy it since they never have to think of anything to talk about lol.

All the better then we all can just plan on you to remember to call put you on speaker and go on about our day.........we'll remember to put in a few ummhmm's and whotnot everyso often to let you know we're still there.......LOL

Hopefully you don't need to use the gas mask for real tho and it's just a precautionary measure......

Ahahaha that's pretty funny. I'd have to keep you on your toes then :P

And yea, I don't wanna use the gas mask for real, but they have random exercises and we're going to have to work in full chem gear when they do em lol. Humidity + heat + chem gear = not a lot of fun :D

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:16 AM

I'm simply a firm believer in doing what you say you're going to do. And yea, they definitely had a life before I came along and they'll continue to have it...but with the ease of texting (unless they fell asleep of course) it won't take more than a couple of seconds to just shoot a text and say "Hey, busy today talk to you tomorrow" or something along those lines.

But yea, I have no relationship atm either and it's damn hard for me to find a steady one anyway just because of my job. "Oh hey you're- oh you're leaving the country in 6 months. Nevermind."

But see your the best kind.......because for 6 months at a time I least I don't have to remember to call you........LOL

Haha, longer than that. I'll be in South Korea for a year starting in June of next year and then who the hell knows where I'll go from there. I'm definitely visiting Australia though while I'm out that way.

See all the better One whole year that I wouldn't have to have to remember to call....All i have to do is remember to jot an e-mail everyso a note in a planner to remember to send a care package make a note ofthe Australia trip so we remember to include that in the e-mail and ask for soemthing fun while your there.........your every girls dream......LOL

Good brother had a lot of fun there when he did his S. Korea tour.......just be careful of the gate whores.......:)

Ya and the juicy's. I'll probably be spending more time working (and in a gask mask) then galloping around off base though.

I'm bringing my blackberry with me so I'll be global, baby :P Getting the international plan. I'm not really the super attachy kinda person either but I do tend to talk a lot and ramble a bit. Though, most people seem to enjoy it since they never have to think of anything to talk about lol.

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:34 PM

I'm simply a firm believer in doing what you say you're going to do. And yea, they definitely had a life before I came along and they'll continue to have it...but with the ease of texting (unless they fell asleep of course) it won't take more than a couple of seconds to just shoot a text and say "Hey, busy today talk to you tomorrow" or something along those lines.

But yea, I have no relationship atm either and it's damn hard for me to find a steady one anyway just because of my job. "Oh hey you're- oh you're leaving the country in 6 months. Nevermind."

But see your the best kind.......because for 6 months at a time I least I don't have to remember to call you........LOL

Haha, longer than that. I'll be in South Korea for a year starting in June of next year and then who the hell knows where I'll go from there. I'm definitely visiting Australia though while I'm out that way.

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:24 AM
Edited by Ron1218 on Wed 12/17/08 11:36 AM
I love my dog (Guss) as well...he's very silent though and while he keeps me company and helps with the loneliness sometimes, he can never replace a human. What's also sad is that I can't bring him with me to Korea, so I'm going to have to give him up for a year while I'm stationed overseas tears

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:04 AM
I'm simply a firm believer in doing what you say you're going to do. And yea, they definitely had a life before I came along and they'll continue to have it...but with the ease of texting (unless they fell asleep of course) it won't take more than a couple of seconds to just shoot a text and say "Hey, busy today talk to you tomorrow" or something along those lines.

But yea, I have no relationship atm either and it's damn hard for me to find a steady one anyway just because of my job. "Oh hey you're- oh you're leaving the country in 6 months. Nevermind."

Ron1218's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:41 PM
Edited by Ron1218 on Mon 12/15/08 08:41 PM
Hmm, I'd have to say that my fear of her breaking my heart or cheating on me. I've been hurt in the past and it's made me really uneasy when first getting into a relationship. I'm generally very cautious and though I try not to fall off the deep end right away, it does happen sometimes. And it always seems like when I find the girl that fits me, something in my life bars us from being together and there I am left alone again.

Most women can't handle the fact that I'm in the military and travel a lot either. I won't always come home 365 days a year and certain bases don't allow you to bring your spouses/children along. I'm going to South Korea in June for a year and that's one such base. So in many ways, the military is one of my greatest problems to finding the woman for me.

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/12/08 03:33 PM
Check out

I have a private queue with 8 talented people (some published as well) that help me with my work.

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:58 PM
I know a lot of people don't really give this thread much attention, but thanks for keeping it going Rapunzel :)

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:40 AM
Oh, I know. I'm part of a critique group that tears up each of my chapters and helps point out my own flaws so I can go back and fix them later. It's a dark fantasy novel thus the length. There's too much story to be contained in one novel though so it'll probably end up being a trilogy at least.

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:36 AM
A horse walks into a bar
The bartender says, hey!
The horse says, hay!

That's it.

Try saying that around drunk people and see what happens.

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:34 AM
I hope to finish my own novel one of these days. I'm roughly 20,000 words into it and I'm aiming for 100,000 words in total. It's tough but I'd also like to get it published someday.

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:14 AM
I am/was friends with a girl growing up that I was very attracted to. I fought the feelings for years because we had a special bond. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Then, I went to basic training and when I came back to visit home two years later found out the guy she had started dating before I left had abused her and put her through a period of intense depression. Needless to say, I felt pretty horrible.

Ron1218's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:49 AM
So, you want a Dragunov too eh lol

Ron1218's photo
Sat 12/06/08 04:09 PM

6 and 39 ... where does the time go? I TOLD everyone I was born 40!!! laugh

You still look great though. :heart:

Ron1218's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:41 AM
Hmm..pac man and pong when I was a youngling and then sonic then mario, donkey kong country, sonic the hedgehog, quake, doom, wolfenstein, etc.

*pats his PS3* I don't play games all that much anymore but I still love them and find time to play em now and then.