Community > Posts By > Ron1218

Ron1218's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:11 AM
My mother decided to scan and email me a bunch of old pics one day. I was like...uhhh thanks mom :P

Ron1218's photo
Sat 12/06/08 10:34 AM


Ron1218's photo
Sat 12/06/08 10:21 AM
Things out here in las vegas seem to be just fine. The casinos aren't going anywhere anytime soon and they're still building new stores and huge residential areas.

Ron1218's photo
Sat 12/06/08 10:05 AM
Disturbed - Criminal

Ron1218's photo
Sat 12/06/08 09:44 AM
I'm working sunday but going out for sushi and sake tonight :D

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/05/08 09:59 AM
THIS is the kitchen you could be using to make me some waffles. :laughing:

Some guys need to work on lessening their creepiness factor slaphead

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/05/08 09:54 AM
Welcome to the community.

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/03/08 09:39 AM
From my experience so far, most people are mid-west and east coast. The amount of people out where I am is drastically less on here. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm surrounded by desert and this is only a vacation city (Las Vegas) to most :P

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/03/08 02:29 AM
There's more to romance than the candlelit dinners. What a lot of people seem to forget in relationships is that they have all of their sense at their disposal. A smell, a touch, a taste...there's little quirks everyone has and as you get to know them and become intimate with them you learn those things over time.

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/03/08 01:33 AM
You're most welcome. Don't forget to send some bubble gum and books when we're deployed :P

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/03/08 01:07 AM
Baby I’ll treat you like my homework — I’ll slam you on the table and do you all night long

Ron1218's photo
Wed 12/03/08 01:04 AM
Well, I can tell you the two movies that freaked me out the most in my life. It was more due to the situation than the actual movie itself, but things just worked out right and it ended up scaring the **** out of me.

I don't remember the title...Man Eating Clowns from Space? Something like that. Clowns come out of space and start kidnapping children and eating them and stuff. I was like 9 when I saw this and it scarred me for life.

The other was...yes, The Ring. When at the end of the movie that dead ***** crawled out of the tv. It was like 1 am in the morning, I was in a completely dark room and had a long drive home through the country after that. I was scared ****less that whole drive home.

Ron1218's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:22 AM
Well, as long you're waiting for him to come home it won't be so bad in the long run. You know what they say. Behind every strong man there is a strong woman :D

Ron1218's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:12 AM
You know' I probably wouldn't complain about MRE's either. The new ones arw actually pretty tasty :P

Ron1218's photo
Mon 12/01/08 12:24 PM
Yep, I said I'm not perfect, but I at least make the attempt :P

Ron1218's photo
Mon 12/01/08 12:20 PM
Hmm my vote goes to people with horrible grammar/spelling going on in their profile. The, "i r" and general "internet-speak" abbreviations. If you're too lazy to type words out, then, well that's a bad sign.

Now, I'm not saying my grammar is perfect either. They should at least make an attempt though :P

Ron1218's photo
Mon 12/01/08 12:15 PM
You all might hate me then because I talk A LOT so you'd have to actually start reading the emails :O

Ron1218's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:56 AM
I've actually been to Michigan and I'll agree with you there. It's freezing cold in the winter and I told an ex I wanted to go see some scenery. A 2 mile hike through a foot of snow later...

I've been spoiled by being in vegas for 4 years with no snow.

Ron1218's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:53 AM
Most older women are more mature than the ones that are my own age. It has its ups and downs. I spent some time with a 36 year old (I'm 23) and while it was cool, she would randomly go into "Mom" mode and start acting like I was her kid. She would apologize after and all but it was just not my thing.

Ron1218's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:50 AM
Hahaha...leave it to quiet