Community > Posts By > Ron1218

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:20 PM
Hiya bad_girl :D

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:18 PM
Well, I live in Vegas and everything I do is cool so I have a hard time finding things that aren't cool to do D:

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:09 AM
I think, if I recognized someone from the site, I would probably not start the conversation off with, "HEY PRETTY LADY, I SAW YOU ON MINGLE". I'd probably not even mention it at all and just strike up a conversation and see where it led. If she hated me then so be it...if she didn't, then :banana:

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:05 AM

And...back to bed I go! I'm too sleepy to be awake right now :x

Lucky you. I wish I could go back to bed.

Those extra couple hours of sleep really make a difference lol. I need it though cause I work a lot of long nights. Plus, today is gym day! I need my energy to whoop my supervisor in racketball :D

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:34 AM
And...back to bed I go! I'm too sleepy to be awake right now :x

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:20 AM

LOL.........I guess we'd have to make mental and hard notes to remeber to mention what was received right off the bat when you called then we'll be safe............wait the e-mails we'll just jot it in there.......

You might as well get a scanner that will scan the item and transfer the name with a generic "Thank you for..." Message while you're at it. :P

Then I can have some real fun! LOL

"Thank you for the sample of some really weird green substance"
"Thank you for the holycrapilovelemonade"
"Thank you for the landmine. Wait, landmine?! What the-"

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:10 AM
Hmm did someone say christmas cookies? *drools* I'm flying home on the 24th so I'll probably be spoiled since I haven't actually been home for a christmas in 4 years

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 02:07 AM
The adblock plugin in Firefox does wonders for getting rid of all those pesky ads.

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:31 AM
Uhh I watched the movie once and then I went to visit my grandmother two days later and she decided she wanted to see it too so I got dragged along to see it again. I just remember thinking "Ahhhh this movie is so long urrgggh- ooo boobs - urrggghh" the second time.

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:29 AM
Well, hey, if nothing else it'll at least make for a good joke movie.

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:11 PM
I'll be burning the midnight oil as always...gotta love being a night dweller (due to my work hours)

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:01 PM
I'm in the military and we have our last names printed on our BDU shirts so uh...yea, that would be pretty hilarious lol.

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:58 PM
I was on a date with a pretty nice girl once and she brought up religion and I told her I didn't really believe in it and preferred the science theories and the things we could prove and she started saying I need to believe in God because he's real and will judge me, yada yada yada. So yea, when someone pushes it on me it's a real turn off. I don't mind discussing religion and why I believe what I believe but don't try to push it upon me and tell me what I should think.

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:42 PM
Hmm what I don't understand is why you're letting your friends make you doubt it. It's your body...if you want snake bites, get snake bites! Just be creative with every tat and do it tastefully. Make sure it's not something you're going to regret in time.

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 07:15 PM
I'm a lefty myself. Righty plays the support roll.

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:58 AM
Hmm, well I want to go see Phantom of the Opera before I leave and I can probably get half price tickets :D

If you come out lemme know and I'll take some time off. I have 30 days of leave saved up and nothing to use it for lol.

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:46 AM
Wow, that's unexpected lol. Yea, I wouldn't mind at all. I've met a lot of cool people out here. You sure it'd be worth the trip for you though? :P

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:39 AM

I'll be getting my first tat before I leave Vegas to symbolize my 4 years here. I'll probably get one for every base I'm at while I'm in the military. I like tats to symbolize something rather than just being random artwork.

May I see them when you are done?

I love touching tattoos.

Ya sure. I have no problem posting up pics. I won't be leaving till June of next year though so I'll probably be getting it around March or April

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:36 AM
I'm willing to play feralcatlady. Might as well give it a whirl :)

Ron1218's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:32 AM
Edited by Ron1218 on Thu 12/18/08 11:32 AM
I'll be getting my first tat before I leave Vegas to symbolize my 4 years here. I'll probably get one for every base I'm at while I'm in the military. I like tats to symbolize something rather than just being random artwork.