Community > Posts By > lilwick86

lilwick86's photo
Sun 12/14/08 06:02 PM
I just got back from 6 days spent in sunrise, a mental health unit in my local hospital. It was the best thing I could have ever done. I am thankful for it for so many, many reasons. That is why I have been away so long. I have a new appreciation for staff and patients alike. The things I saw there made me realize my true situation for what it really was, a deep depression among other things. I met some incredible people there in the Sunrise unit and learned a new saying, The sun always rises. I feel good, I feel blessed, amen thank U God. I saw things that would make people jump out of their skin and run away in fear, but I did not run, because i have seen these things before. I almost felt at home there but knew exactly why I had come, the get help for my medication and the issues I found I needed to talk about in earnest to deal with them. One day at a time, one moment too, one hug for you, and one hug for me too. thanks everyone, Nicaflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowers waving

lilwick86's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:27 AM
Martymark, if you are still around, I just wanted to say I apologize if I offended you. It would seem I have, your account has said deactivated and yet you post often, and so with all I know, that would seem as if you have blocked me, why, I do not know. But whatever the reason, I apologize. Godbless you anyways my friend. and Merry Christmas. waving smile2

lilwick86's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:18 AM
Hey Martymark, it says your account has been deactivated and yet I see you have posted? What's up, have you left or did you block me? if so, please be kind to explain why, I would have sent you a messege if I could have, but it would seem I cannot for obvious reasons. If I offended you, please let me know, so I might atleast apologize. I am sorry however for saying this here, but you give me no choice, and i choose not to leave this unattended. I think you are a nice person. bye for nowwaving

lilwick86's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:12 AM
You said it yourself, you want someones blessing because it is so gonna happen, sounds like you all ready made up your mind, or have you, if you need someones permission, sounds to me like you know darn well its the wrong thing to do but you got an itch in your pants and you can't or won't deny it even if it winds up bad for you and her. If I were her, and I were a mature person, such as I am, I would break the relationship off before moving on, its only fair and right. The other person, her husband, I may not know him, but it seems to me like he probably wouldn't like it. sounds very sneaky to me. noway

lilwick86's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:04 AM

I spit on your grave is a classic. Love the old "B" movie flicks.

Ok, I have to say for absolutly sure, at the age of 8, watching that movie on cable television with no sensorism was one of the most horrific movies I ever watched, I don't think I really got over it until around my late 20's!!!! grumble grumble mad :angry: explode sick rant huh

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:59 PM
I watched pollyanna the other day, it was a really good movie, I love old movies sometimes, they are full of alot of hope some of them are. Very nice ones. I like the actor Danny Kay, he had alot of character for sure. flowerforyou

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:47 PM
I made a big mistake of being a FWB with a good friend of mine, it caused major problems for both of us. I fell in love with him but he did not feel the same way at all. It wasn't until recently I realized why it did not work, i was not being a real freind at all, i was adding to him sinning and he was the one trying to be a better christian, I was trying, but in a difficult place. But I did realize, sex only made everything worse for me, it never fixed anything for me. And you cannot have sex to get love, it never ever works that way. Now I suffer with the possibility that I may have cervical cancer because i got HPV from one of my ex lovers. I only had two so you know. One of them i was engaged to, but in truth, we didn't really love each other, it was just curiousity but it too hurt me and I have not completely recovered yet. I respect myself, but the thing is, when I decided to be a FWB, it was the worst choice I could have made. I thought I could throw it off like water off my back, but it became the brickwall weighing me down instead. Because I wanted real love, not just sex, and I direspected myself by thinking, life was too short.

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:37 PM
That is very pretty, I really liked this poem, well done. It made me smile. Did you draw that picture in your avatar, if you did, it is very impressive, I haven't the nerve yet to draw one of the LOTR Characters, but I do paint alot of abstract paintings and am giving my counselor a rather large one I am almost done with.flowerforyou bigsmile flowerforyou love ok, just so you know, the love face with the heart eyes, is for the awesome drawing, i love art.

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:33 PM
Hi justin, welcome to mingle, i thought i saw you on another post, hmmm, must have been your twin, giggles. waving

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:30 PM
Sounds like a great place to go too. The japanese culture is absolutely fascinating. The sites alone would compel me to visit. And i would like to see all those stores for anime graphic novels, that would be great! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:26 PM
I'm so broke i can't even afford the EBT, you know, the emergency beans and tortillas card flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyoulaugh laugh huh

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:22 PM

Happy Birthday! May it mark the beginning of a year filled with awe -inspiring wonder! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
I sure hope so this yr was a nightmare.

I think there are alot of us who will not be sorry to put a lid on 2008 ... hang in there ...

I read that, I will be happy to make it past christmas and into next year without the same junk as I had this year. On New Years eve I twisted my ankle and caught croup! only kids and babies get croup! but the doc said it was because i had been around kids to much. So on New years day, I was in the emergency room with a throat full of puss and a twisted ankle. It was downhill from there. 2008 was sooo not great!

It's all uphill from there drinker

LOL, well I am looking up, that's for sure, this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine! God's my light, and he is more than all right. grinsflowerforyou flowerforyou bigsmile :heart: yawn :angel: :thumbsup: waving

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:17 PM

Happy Birthday! May it mark the beginning of a year filled with awe -inspiring wonder! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
I sure hope so this yr was a nightmare.

I think there are alot of us who will not be sorry to put a lid on 2008 ... hang in there ...

I read that, I will be happy to make it past christmas and into next year without the same junk as I had this year. On New Years eve I twisted my ankle and caught croup! only kids and babies get croup! but the doc said it was because i had been around kids to much. So on New years day, I was in the emergency room with a throat full of puss and a twisted ankle. It was downhill from there. 2008 was sooo not great!

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:14 PM

Could'nt have been a worse birthday not one family member wished me a happy birthday. I know people say it's just another day and it's true but it still hurts. Im just glad this day is almost over it's lost it's meaning to me. I spent the whole day by myself friends are out of town and it has gone painfully slow birthdays are overrated.

Coming from someone whose birthday is coming up tomorrow (12/9), I can tell you that you aren't alone. Birthdays suck.

Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs HUGS HUGS HUGS to you too, Happy Happy birthday to you too!

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:12 PM
I had homemade crockpot oxtail soup that my dad made. And later on in the night, I baked a homemade redbaron pizza and am fixin to have some cocao. smilesflowerforyou flowerforyou drinker

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:09 PM
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ON THIS SPECIAL DAY, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU IN EVERY SINGLE BLESSED WAY! Lots of HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS and even a little bitty kiss on your cheek too, another great HUGE HUG! just for you. You are an awesome person. Hugsflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou drinker The next cup of cocao is for you. I would have made you a cake from scratch, and made you a box of birthday goodies, but since I'm not there, I give you many blessings. Nica

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 11:03 PM

Just wanted to say congrats!!!!

He is truly the source of love, happiness, joy, and peace. May his Holy Spirit guide you the rest of your days.

flowerforyou :banana: :thumbsup:

Thank you so much, Godbless you and Merry Christmas. Hugs and snugs, You all are a light to me tonight, so bright, bringing life and hope into my life, thank you all, and thank God for you. Hugs flowerforyou bigsmile :banana: :thumbsup:

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:57 PM

Praise God. Rejoicing with you and everyone else. He says there will be more rejoicing over one sinner who repents than 99 righteous. What the enemy intended for harm, God can and will turn around for good. It just takes time...Praise God!

:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

yup, yup, yup bigsmile bigsmile :banana: flowerforyou Amen! hugs

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:55 PM
Edited by lilwick86 on Mon 12/08/08 10:55 PM
I eyed a guy once, he got scurred and never came around, hahahahahahaha, just kidding, hahahahahaha, but than...oh what were we talking about, I'm sooo tired, sad drinker must have cocao, brb

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:40 PM

* abbreviator
* abdicator
* abnegator
* accelerator
* accumulator
* designator
* actuator
* adjudicator
* administrator
* adulator
* adulterator
* advocator
* aerator
* agitator
* alligator
* allocator
* generator
* alternator
* ambulator
* animator
* annihilator
* annotator
* annunciator
* anticipator
* applicator
* appreciator
* arbitrator
* operator
* aspirator
* assassinator
* attenuator

* indicator
* autonavigator
* aviator
* oscillator
* calculator
* calibrator
* captivator
* collator
* castigator
* translator
* circulator
* circumnavigator
* percolator
* collaborator
* collator
* collimator
* commentator
* elevator
* refrigerator:
* regulator
* initiator
* originator:
* creator
* navigator
* integrator
* operator
* ambulator
* respirator
* educator
* illuminator

* indicator
* illustrator
* locator
* stimulator
* translator
* investigator
* simulator
* emulator
* concentrator
* locator
* integrator
* equator
* separator
* navigator
* denominator
* estimator
* insulator
* moderator
* originator
* designator
* deprecator
* manipulator
* elevator
* eliminator
* Mercator
* lacriminator

# Inebriator
# peregrinator
# escalator
# spectator
# numerator
# speculator
# deflator
# inflator
# motivator
# eradicator
# terminator
# radiator
# ventilator
# aggravator
# instigator
# dictator
# emulator
# creator
# agitator
# procrastinator
# separator
# motivator
# spectator
# vindicator
# orator
# incinerator
# congenator
# ligator
# arrogator
# pulsator
# coagulator

Hey you took all the good ones, ok ya'll lets make some up now,
Mullwator, I don't know, don't ask, LOL

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