Community > Posts By > lilwick86

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:43 AM

Right. If you truly believe that a curse hangs over your head or there is a family curse of some designation, then chances are you will begin to see that happening around you or any bad occurrence in your life you will begin to attribute to the curse and therefore you will be at least partly to blame for the proliferation of caustic events in your life because you believe the curse is causing them to befall you.

In that sense, it can become a vicious cycle.

If someone feels they are cursed then something needs to be done to "lift the curse" so that way they will recognize that its power has left their life and they can begin to create better circumstances and experiences.

Thats just my its very real in that sense. The problem is that many of the traditional "remedies" for curses can be horrible. They never seem to be easy. Sometimes they involve blood sacrifice. Just be careful of what you are getting involved with here. huh

LOL well to be quite honest with you, there is a family curse on us, I do my best not to put much effort into worrying about it, but as crappy as my life has gone, it certainly made me wonder, and than get mad, cause I won't stand for that kind of foolish thinking. Put it this way, I may not like myself so much at times, but I still have hope for our people, our world, and I love children, I have alot of love to give, I will never allow such a foolish idea or even in some small sense it were true, to take me away from giving my love to those who truly need it and deserve it. maybe I never got alot of love growing up or the right attention to keep me straight and on the right path, but I found my way back. And now I know, who I am and who I have become. maybe there is someone who really hates me, or maybe more even, who knows, and I don't care, that is not the important thing. I learned a long time ago, that there are somethings worth hanging onto, some things that no one can have, and that comes only from experience. hugs and smiles, thank you for your comments.

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:37 AM

although.......Im becoming an alkie with this toothache/earache.....noway drinker

That's not becoming an alkie. There's a difference between partaking for enjoyment and partaking for medication. I think.

That reminds me, I need another soda, brb

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:35 AM

Do you think it is possible for a person to go many years without knowing they have a curse on them? I wanted to ask the experts. you all. happy

Krimsa reaches out and gently strokes you cheek and whispers the word, "thinner." :wink:

Just kidding. I dont really believe in curses but that is not to say that others do not as they are found in several cultures through out the world. The Gypsy curse being the one that tends to receive the most notoriety. Even modern day Italians (Sicilians) will put some degree of stock in them.

Do you think you are cursed?

A friend of mine said he thought I probably was or something, but it made me mad. I don't like ideas like that, it doesn't feel right, I think that kind of believe can only create anamosity in people and make them mean or weird to the point of no return. that is not something I put my faith in. Sorry, I got a God thing, see, I sorta believe there is a God and he loves me, and when I told him this, he said, lets not do the God thing right now ok, see, I'm not putting him down for his beliefs, I'm just saying, he has a differant point of view on stuff like that, he is Wiccan, but that was never really my thing, when you grow up in a home with your mother reading tarot and your pops saying a rosary in the other room, you really question stuff for the longest time. It will definatly play on your conscience and well being. that is for sure.

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:30 AM

If you know anything about real, classic country music, George Jones was saved by the love of his current wife.

Ol' George would've ended up like Hank Williams, Sr. did if she hadn't come along.

This tells me it's at least possible........


lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 02:28 AM
I have gained a new respect for Atlantis and its history here, and I love the information here, its great stuff. My teacher told me to look into 1600 BCE and looking into the Egyptian Empire and the Hykossos Period, as well as on the otherside the middle Minoan Period and the Hellenic Period, Egyptian, Phonecians, Minonan, and Cannanite. Sorry I had to bail for a bit, not because of you, but because I had to at the time, my computer was acting up and I had to fix it. But I am back, I apologize for my abrupt leaving.
Also I have not yet gone into these studies, but none the less, your information is insightful and very interesting. smileshappy

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:59 AM

In my cannot save you. You do have to have some sort of self love.......happiness before you can fully accept love.

yes, I agree on this. I asked this question, not only for my own looking into what other people thought about this but because a freind of mine has a sentimentality to think that real love from only his soulmate can save him and restore him, that is why I asked. Sometimes people think, that only that perfect person can make them whole again. But if they cannot find peace within themselves to make themselves whole again, it makes me kinda sad. :cry:

I don't think there is a perfect person for anyone out there. None of us are perfect beings. I think it's more a matter of finding someone who complements your faults as well as you complement theirs. But that's just my opinion, and we all know what those are worth. laugh

Don't discount your opinion, you made a very good point, you are right on that, that is true.

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:56 AM

However, I think love can help to strengthen someone. And we all know the occasional hug can do miracles for helping someone who is having a hard time. And sometimes a good word can help someone to cope a little better. And we all know, sometimes, it might be nice to have someone else in our lives who really loves us like a significant other can. By being supportive and we be the same to them, but at the same time we all need someone to complement us, someone to be our other half. would ya'll agree on that?happy flowerforyou

Agreed - having a supportive partner can give your life a sense of serenity and calmness, knowing you have a safe place to fall is an essential part of healthy love. However, it also takes having the ability to trust another person to the degree that you allow yourself to become vulnerable with them... and that takes Faith. So, in answer to the question, love of another is not enough - one must also have Faith. It takes three to make a relationship: You, Me, and Him.


good answer, faith is definatly important, a matter of real trust must be established, but people should not make someone trust completely in them if they don't trust themselves, don't you think?

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:52 AM

In my cannot save you. You do have to have some sort of self love.......happiness before you can fully accept love.

yes, I agree on this. I asked this question, not only for my own looking into what other people thought about this but because a freind of mine has a sentimentality to think that real love from only his soulmate can save him and restore him, that is why I asked. Sometimes people think, that only that perfect person can make them whole again. But if they cannot find peace within themselves to make themselves whole again, it makes me kinda sad. :cry:

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:46 AM

I think lilwick needs a hug!

oh my gosh! your like soooo cute, lol Thank you, Huggles and snuggles for you too,

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:45 AM

Sounds great. Where do I sign up?

yeah, I can feel yu there, where do I sign up too, lol not, lol what-ever, change the subject, lollaugh

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:44 AM

welcome back.

Boom! here comes the boom boom! lol just kidding I'm being silly, anyways, thank you smiles giggleslaugh

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:42 AM
However, I think love can help to strengthen someone. And we all know the occasional hug can do miracles for helping someone who is having a hard time. And sometimes a good word can help someone to cope a little better. And we all know, sometimes, it might be nice to have someone else in our lives who really loves us like a significant other can. By being supportive and we be the same to them, but at the same time we all need someone to complement us, someone to be our other half. would ya'll agree on that?happy flowerforyou

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:39 AM

welcome backflowerforyou

Thank you. happy

you're welcome.

smilesflowerforyou flowerforyou

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:38 AM

Hello again waving

Welcome back flowerforyou

thank you toohappy flowerforyou ya'll are so sweet. smiles

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:32 AM

Sometimes too much self-love leads to chafing.

don't forget the lotion :wink:

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:32 AM

I don't know, from all the pain they had endured in life, from it dragging them under, or maybe from themselves or maybe from ever giving up, or maybe even save their futures, I don't know, you know, love stuff, like restoring their faith and hearts and maybe even heal their souls and stuff, you know all that love stuff you see in the movies and junk. I read alot but yu know, a book is a book, a movie is a movie, and I was just wondering what people thought about that. lol

It can give hope.

I agree it can give hope, yeah, your right about that. cool, we are getting somewhere now, smiles

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:31 AM


Real love? Nothing can save anyone but themselves... Love isn't the answer unless you're talking "self-love"....

yeah, I agree with that, everyone needs self love, sometimes its all some people have, or feel they have that is at times. happy

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:30 AM
I don't know, from all the pain they had endured in life, from it dragging them under, or maybe from themselves or maybe from ever giving up, or maybe even save their futures, I don't know, you know, love stuff, like restoring their faith and hearts and maybe even heal their souls and stuff, you know all that love stuff you see in the movies and junk. I read alot but yu know, a book is a book, a movie is a movie, and I was just wondering what people thought about that. lol

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:27 AM

welcome backflowerforyou

Thank you. happy

lilwick86's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:24 AM
some people think so...happy

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