Apparently, someone's ex-husband must have been a life-member of the NRA. I can't otherwise explain the position she takes.
Why don't we arm out security people with a deck of playing cards instead of dangerous guns? Then no nutjob can take a dead cop's gun and use against citizens. If a security guard likes someone, he can play a "heart." If someone is unruly, he can play a "club or spade." If someone is especially deserving, he can play a "diamond." Will that make these anti-gun doofuses happy? |
Let's forget yahoo for a moment and get back to the chemical weapons use. They were used in Syria? They were used by Israel? We are very indignant here in the USA about that, right?
Is someone forgetting the NAPALM used by the US in Viet Nam? Innocent children killed there? Yes, by the hundreds. Is someone forgetting the CIA's Project Bluebird? Project Artichoke? Project Paperclip, or the notorious Project MK/ULTRA? Chemical warfare and nefarious chemical experimentation by our very own government should prevent us from "casting any stones." Research OUR use and then make your case against Assad or anyone else. |
Everyone wants to shout about "Gun Control" in the mistaken context of ending senseless violence.
What we need is IDIOT CONTROL ...oops, I guess we can't have that or countless obama, biden, pelosi, etc., voters will be turned away from the polls and msnbc will be taken off the air. |
Natural or shaven
I see a wonderful business opportunity here. How many folks out there would go to a boutique that specialized in shaving/trimming hair "down there?" (Perhaps such boutiques already exist!)
I truly love how someone can say with a straight face that she pities gun owners. When obama's policiies bring anarchy, let's see what she does to protect herself. What? Oh, yeah, she'll use her witty and edgy personality. Pathetic. G.
The sexual harrassment idea is certainly legitimate, but that will cause a pretty big problem in the work place for everyone. Do it if all else fails, but I suggest a more biological approach. When he approaches you the next time, you have a variety of options: pick you nose (and pull out something), fart, belch, or smell your own armpit and ask him if you stink. Good luck. G.
You are correct that there will be a frenzy of nonsensical proposals to end such madness. Those who would like to attack the Second Amendment don't seem to understand what would happen next if miraculously ALL firearms were removed from this country (kinda like Saint Patrick removing all the snakes from Ireland). Anyone else out there been to Iraq or Afghanistan or remember Timothy McVeigh? That is right. Deny these nuts access to firearms and we can expect IEDs to be used instead. MSNBC will tell you "That would never happen here," but anyone with a brain knows better.
Additionally, the Second Amendment is NOT for hunting or home defense, it was included in the Bill of Rights as a defense against TYRANNY: TYRANNY FROM WITHIN OR FROM WITHOUT. G. |
Very open-minded of you. G.
In 1967 I caused a ruckus in my high school by befriending black athletes who integrated our previouosly all-white school. Also, I spent a good deal of "personal" time with the sister of one of those black athletes, and that caused a furor...did I mention that was 1967, and did I mention it was in ALABAMA? It was, and that makes me quite certain I am not a racist, but I thoroughly and completely disapprove of barack obama. You may want to reevaluate yourself and make sure you don't just see "white racist" whenever someone doesn't share your admiration for Little Barry Soetoro. Remember, he is just as much WHITE as he is black. G.
Yes! Don't we all. Good luck Daddio. G.
Love (for 1stSara)
Thanks jhey! 1stSara put her sweet little heart out there in a post on the Coffee Houses, Bars, and Chit Chat forum, and that post made me decide to write this for her. I'm glad you liked it. G.
Love (for 1stSara)
If love brings heartache
and heartache brings sadness and sadness brings longing and longing brings desire and desire brings seeking and seeking brings discovery and discovery brings knowing and knowing brings understanding and understanding brings togetherness and togetherness brings happiness and happiness brings love, Love is simply a fortunate circle. |
Sara, I can't help by add my two cents' worth. You are really young, and from such bad experiences you will learn eventually that when you meet someone to whom you are attracted, you both go through what I'll call a "honeymoon" period. In this period, you'll be euphoric and think the other person is perfect in every way, but people are NOT perfect. Understand this honeymoon period and be wary of giving your pretty little heart too soon. You said you and this guy were "friends" and then were in "love." That could not be so because I don't think real friendship and certainly not real love behave like this guy apparently did. If you find a guy who will truly be your friend and lover, there is NO RUSH about it. Let it develop slowly and be more CAREFUL in the future. As pretty as you seem to be, you can rest assured that guys will be prone (very prone) to lie to you to get what they want. If you pay close attention, you will be able to tell the sincere and genuine guys from the phoney ones. Good Luck. G.
Poet Night . . .
That is interesting Tommy. Good for you to have such a purpose in life and to be content in who you are and now in where you are. Bridget would be quite proud...or should I say "is" quite proud. Thanks. G.
Hey Unci, this is ia cool poem but as a suggestion, what if in the first stanza you changed "open pit," which really sounds very harsh and casts gloom on your verse, with something more calming like "opening" or "openness"? G.
Poet Night . . .
This is nicely done Tommy. I appreciate you making such an effort.
I tried to read the statement on your profile photo of moving from America to Ireland, but the photo is too blurry to make it out. It seems you have an interesting story. G. |
Unci, you have a keen eye for FORM. I am well-aware that so-called modern verse relies little on form, but it is a true mark of a poet to be able to capture form as you do. Also, your rhyme is good and has a nice "set" pattern. My study of poetry has told me that those who condemn form and rhyme are those who are not able to capture it...anyone can scrbble random thoughts and call it verse, but you take the "path not followed" by most. Thus, I like your work. Keep it up. G.
Unci, apparently your stallion is quite majestic, but boundaries create him problems. Nice job, and I very strongly COMMEND the tight form of this poem. G.
Well, Unci, your clear vision here has penetrated the happy fulfillment and the sad disillusionment of love. Nice job! G
Edited by
Mon 09/16/13 12:51 PM
Honey, that is one pretty neat poetic statement. I especially enjoyed the "smell" stanza, and I agree 100 percent. The message-in-a-bottle image is quite the clever opening for this too. It's a great deal like what Whitman said in his "Song of Myself" and in his neat little poem "The Noiseless Patient Spider." Again, you restore my faith in this forum. G.