Cuddle ![]() And when it's not raining, or just about to, or stopping or.. |
Spread shampoo over your head and go for a walk. Come back washed and rinsed.
Men -- a car question :-)
"when a potential date tells you she drives a higher end car?" I would tell her that it appears her wheels are way too big in the back ![]() The reverse of a penny-farthing car? |
Men -- a car question :-)
Edited by
Thu 05/05/22 12:22 PM
If you found out a woman you were meeting drove a more expensive car than you, would it bother or intimidate you? Sure, girl, come pick me up in your Rolls Royce. Oh, you don't have a car that good .. well, let's make it another day, shall we.. ![]() Truthfully, do you feel when a potential date tells you she drives a higher end car? What does it say to you? It says I have to be some kind of idiot to expect her to drive a worse car just so she doesn't have to hurt my fragile ego. Now if you were asking about a wider issue of economic difference, maybe I'd see the point. But these days, a man (and a woman) is fooling themselves to think he will be richer. Women (in the Western world) have a great deal more disposable income and car sellers, furniture retailers, house sellers etc. started marketing specifically for women over thirty years ago. |
420 friendly
A what? Is that a euphemism for something?
Cannabis/ marijuana/ weed ![]() ![]() Thanks, Merry. I live and learn. Perhaps I even live to learn. Or do I learn, to live. Alright, I'll stop this.. |
420 friendly
A what? Is that a euphemism for something?
Lots of scammers here.
...I have always felt if they charged a miniscule sign up fee like say $10 they would get rid of 99% of the scammers. Maybe but in my experience the pay sites are no better. They might not have quite the same volume but the ones they do have tend to be harder to spot, so waste a great deal more time. And, by the way, $10 is not minuscule to some on this international site. In some countries, $10 is enough to feed and house someone for a day. Overall, I am very happy that people run this service for free. It is incredibly good of them to risk their money and put in so much time for us. The scams come with the territory and can be found in any corner of the internet. |
Anyone have baby goats?
Lots of people on here talk about having kids.
So they all have baby goats, right? |
Staying that way, too, if that's all you have to say of yourself.
Scared of emotion
koi mil jai
You could do with a couple of sentences about yourself (what about you will attract the kind of woman you want) and something about the relationship/woman you seek. Not too much, but enough to make your profile different and not blank.
Being newborn chats
If you have a photo that shows you thinking 'I could be your friend' rather than 'I'm not sure how to go about this' it would help.
Filling out the Lifestyle part of your profile would help, as would saying a FEW sentences about yourself on your profile. Then, just give someone a nudge and see if they respond, or even better send a short mail saying 'Hi' and one sentence on why you are writing to them (it really doesn't matter what that is: it could be "we are local" or "I notice you like cats" or whatever). |
Searching Stranger
Edited by
Tue 05/03/22 02:37 AM
Now that's a new one. Most people say they are searching for a friend, or a lover, or a spouse. But to search for a stranger.. well I would think that makes the search a lot easier initially.
What happens once you get to know someone a bit, though: you then lose a stranger? |
Hot or not - part 3
Not, though it can depend on the neighbours.
Living on a canal/river barge? |
guys vs girls - part 301
Lonely Nights.
Truthfully how many of you have genuinely lonely nights? And how do you encourage yourself to be strong enough to get through them? thanks ya'll ~Sam~ Sometimes I can turn in for the night, often with a book, and I'm alright. But sometimes I just want to turn and cuddle. It's not the lack of sex that bothers me so much at that time (though it does get to me) but the closeness, having someone to hold. I can cope being single and I've been single for three years now. But, increasingly, being single turns into being alone and I don't like that. Oddly enough, although I have always enjoyed morning cuddles, I don't feel lonely when waking up. I get up without that ache. |
to grieve or not to grieve?
...I continued to think of people that I've been over joyed to hear they've gone! Will be different for everyone. Examples for me, terrorists, bullies, some really nasty people I've known over the years, the guy who raped my friends daughter (who died in mysterious circumstances ) and many others. So my point is, is it ok to be happy that certain people die or am I wrong to feel that kind of joy? For me, there is a subtle difference between wanting someone to die, and wishing they were not alive or wanting them off the planet. It is subtle but one of the big differences is my own attitude. Do I want revenge, or do I want cleansing? Revenge, like hatred, is damaging to both individual and society. Cleansing—wanting a society without such people in it—offers the chance for rehabilitation of those people (cleansing by changing) and avoids the trap of their evil (if that is what they have) infecting me. So long as your hatred is not overpowering, there can be a certain gladness that someone is no longer among us. Only an overpowering hatred will not be satisfied even when someone is dead. Overall, the number of nice people vastly outweighs the number of nasty ones, so we should mostly feel for all those who die needlessly, and feel for those they leave behind. |
another Joke
The barman says "We don't serve time travellers here.
A time traveller walks into the bar. |
Rate me please
Are you seriously wanting your blank profile and grumpy-looking photo to be rated?
Why is trying to find a friend proving so difficult. Because you don't find friends, you make them. What you might find here (or at the supermarket, local club or anywhere else) is someone willing to explore whether the two of you can be friends. And that takes time and a level of commitment. |