Topic: Anyone have baby goats?
Paula's photo
Sat 06/19/21 04:39 PM
I love all animals but especially baby goats when they hop around. I want to find some place in the country and get lots of animals.

no photo
Sat 06/19/21 05:35 PM
Hi :grinning:, Apparantly they use your car as a mountain. Cute.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 06/19/21 05:46 PM
Lol my ex came home with 2 goats one time.. It was not long before I made him get rid of them for we lived in town and they would poop all over my patio drove me nuts lmao..

But if I ever had another goat I would want to get a fainting goat those are just way too funny to watch~~laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 06/19/21 07:04 PM
They are pretty cute .. hope you find your animal paradise Paula waving

no photo
Sat 06/19/21 07:18 PM
I had a baby goat a long time ago. He was an orphan, because his mother died, and I had to bottle feed him. He was cute.

Rock's photo
Mon 06/21/21 04:47 PM
I've been thinking about getting goats,
mostly as it would cut down on the amount of
mowing I have to do.

r644w's photo
Mon 09/06/21 07:11 AM
I currently have 10 goats. I wouldn't trade them for the world. They all have distinct personalities and are They have about 2.5 acres that they can do as they please.

no photo
Thu 09/09/21 03:26 PM
We had a pet goat named Vicious when I was little -walked him in public on a leash -used to headbutt each other. Had enough land for a few different animals.
I feel bad for city kids. It is good to be around animals.

no photo
Thu 09/09/21 03:27 PM
except when we collected about a hundred frogs -mama no like

no photo
Thu 09/09/21 06:47 PM
The goats here love, love, love Cottonwood tree branches. They can't get enough.

no photo
Sat 02/12/22 01:58 PM
Goats aren't the best mowers. They prefer to trim the trees.

Sheep are much better mowers.

I've been thinking about getting goats,
mostly as it would cut down on the amount of
mowing I have to do.

no photo
Sat 02/12/22 07:30 PM
I'm adding more goats to my life.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/14/22 05:38 PM
you dont wanna hear how I have baby goat. but they are tasty.

Emevol's photo
Mon 04/25/22 10:53 AM
I have a small herd of goats. While they are cute and funny, it's not a cheap endeavor! And, they aren't all that great at mowing or weedeating because they don't really eat "everyting or anything"!

Goats, or at least these, are picky! They are also browsers as somebody else mentioned meaning they prefer to eat things above ground ... limbs, leaves etc. I also have horses and a donkey. Those are grazers but, also don't eat everything that grows! So, I still have to mow and weedeat! UGH!

That said, goats are so comical and fun to watch and interact with daily! Each will have their own personality beyond normal "goat" stuff!

I hope you find the place you need to have a few goats! For sure, you're life won't be dull!

Douglas's photo
Thu 05/05/22 04:32 AM
Lots of people on here talk about having kids.

So they all have baby goats, right?

anie's photo
Mon 07/18/22 06:33 AM
Lots of people on here talk about having kids.

So they all have baby goats, right?


 Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Mon 07/18/22 06:44 AM
Lots of people on here talk about having kids.

So they all have baby goats, right?

The only difference is when they grow up, they kick their parents out ... :goat:

Suresh Bhabhor's photo
Wed 08/17/22 01:21 AM
Hi :grinning:, Apparantly they use your car as a mountain. Cute.


Suresh Bhabhor's photo
Wed 08/17/22 01:21 AM
They are pretty cute .. hope you find your animal paradise Paula :wave:


GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 08/22/22 07:35 PM
I live in town and have a goat. I have had goats here for years now, but usually one at a time as I only have about 1/4 acre and you should really have about 1/2 to a full acre per goat. That is with a good fence all the way Goats will ram the fence or just rub up against it and wear it out so there is always repairs.

I prefer female goats, when you are around male goats then you will I also like the miniature/dwarf/Nubian goats better. They are fun to play with and are great company for my dogs when I leave them outside while I am gone. I am glad I have a goat and I will get another when this one passes on...