Community > Posts By > LashV1200

LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/21/09 10:34 AM
He is just the guy not for you.

oops Oh, he’s your son. Never mind.

LashV1200's photo
Sat 12/19/09 02:08 PM
Let’s send them to liberate China. It would solve the unemployment problem for a couple of years. Crusade is the remedy for overpopulation. (Worked well in the Dark Ages.) Otherwise we all will hike.

LashV1200's photo
Sat 12/19/09 01:46 PM
I think our 2050 profile depends not on demography, but (Domestic and International) policy drives. [Pat Buchanan raised the questions of demographic change. – The issue did not attract much attention.] As long as “bushests” continue serving multibillion industries (Churches, Health Insurance, military suppliers); as long as our “from, for, and by the people” continues ignoring the people’s interests and being careless about the middle class (of all ethnicities); probably emigration from the States will increase dramatically by 2050. The white people outflow has started already.

We will have new increasing waves of immigration from the countries we are liberating (Iraq and Afghanistan) and will liberate in future (??? China?, N. Korea?, Venezuela?, Columbia?). However there is no comparison to WELCOMED Hispanic immigration.

LashV1200's photo
Sat 12/19/09 11:37 AM
“Today's Liberals Are Yesterday's Hippie's.” = “All who disagree with me are jerks. (Kids included.)” It is a perfect example of propaganda that works against itself, unless it’s pronounced in a room full of monomaniacs. It would work in a Nazi convention for example.

LashV1200's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:55 PM

laugh mine always seem to end right before Valentine's day

I always get dumped right before my birthday....spock :laughing:

Rejection “right before birthday” is God’s birthday gift; meaning the best luck we can get. God bless…

LashV1200's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:46 PM

Are you referring to my neighbor?

LashV1200's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:35 PM
That’s insightful and enlightening.

LashV1200's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:30 PM
Is it a debate website? Well, I disagree.

Don’t ask, disagree with what. I do not know.

LashV1200's photo
Thu 12/17/09 02:17 PM

Spain must be a good country.

LashV1200's photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:07 PM

No, the title will be “Snobs who are successful and willing to help.”

so successful that they have to come to a dating site looking for people to help

I think that deserves an "OH SNAP"! ...

I think it deserves nothing. Expressing negative emotions without meaning is a self-humiliating monolog. We witness it only.

LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/14/09 01:06 PM
No, the title will be “Snobs who are successful and willing to help.”

LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/14/09 12:26 PM

What a wonderful thread! It proves our country needs a better education system.

Can they teach religion in school other than as an elective? Our country seems pre occupied with training people to become productive in society ,being well rounded or intelligent are not requirements.

I bet it would be great to educate about all religions (origin, main postulates, and how each of them affects contemporary society). Obviously the state must not promote any particular religion (according to the First Amendment).

“Well rounded or intelligent” must mean functional in the society. Though it is the subject for another thread.

LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/14/09 11:40 AM

Can you just "be friends" with them? Even after you have talked about remaining friends...???

$.02? drinker


LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/14/09 11:11 AM
What a wonderful thread! It proves our country needs a better education system.

LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/14/09 10:45 AM
Therapy!? What therapy you are talking about? The therapy will make you a “highly qualities” “semi-professional” victim. You cannot escape from it; relocation will not help. Take a big kitchen knife and cut their balls, one by one. -- Let them feel the pleasure. Let them feel the pleasure of their fear. Tell them, “I am coming for you. I’ll put you in jail first and on the day of your release I’ll cut your balls.” I saw graffiti, “Dead man does not rape.” -- I think a castrated man does not either. Pigs comply with the only rule, rule that their fear formulates. They are not human beings and must be trained accordingly. You showed your fear to them in the past; as the consequence they made you their prey. Now it is their turn to show you their fear.

You may agree or disagree with the above; the choice is yours.

LashV1200's photo
Sun 12/13/09 01:16 PM

it's a sign you want to do something about it

I second this.

I know what I would do, but that’s another story.

You are asking what attracts abusers. You have to find it and have to change it. It is extremely difficult, but there is no other way. Will you be able to protect your children?

LashV1200's photo
Sun 12/13/09 07:13 AM
Yes absolutely; Ignorance is bliss. The problem is that nobody knows what to do with the truth; how to handle the truth. That’s why we need Republicans and Democrats and their media to defend and protect us from the truth. Families and friends are happy, if the truth does not touch them. The truth burns you from within. The truth is evil. “Don’t wake a sleeping dog.”

LashV1200's photo
Fri 12/11/09 01:34 PM

why are you being so negative against the negative people? :wink:


People of the corporate world after everyday hooray of expressing their overwhelming positive attitude are seeking balance. Mingle is a perfect place to be Mr. Hyde for Dr. Jekyll, unless the one is looking for a date. In the latter case Mr. Hyde promotes oneself as Dr. Jekyll.

LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/07/09 12:33 PM
If one does not get buzzed/drunk, why does s/he waste the product and the money? I love buzzed people; they are so amiable as well as support our wine economy.

LashV1200's photo
Mon 12/07/09 12:02 PM
It’s like a black cat crossing your way. I had hired my wife; she has screwed up everything that was possible and impossible to screw up.