Community > Posts By > elanher

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Sun 11/16/08 07:11 PM
Stop trying so hard as long as you run around looking for love it's going to elude you.

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Sun 11/16/08 07:06 PM
I think good things come to those who get good things.

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Sat 11/15/08 08:33 PM

How many of you have actually considered yourself in a relationship with someone you haven't met in person?

I myself couldn't consider it because often people aren't what you expect when you finally meet face to face.

You mean...after all the long, late night covo's weve dont love me anymore???:cry:

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Of course, I love you and this other guy and this other guy and this other guy....

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Sat 11/15/08 08:24 PM
How many of you have actually considered yourself in a relationship with someone you haven't met in person?

I myself couldn't consider it because often people aren't what you expect when you finally meet face to face.

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Fri 11/14/08 10:19 PM
I drunk email random people sometimes. Not just a hello really I usually add some odd originality to it that I tend regret a little the next day when they write me back.

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Fri 11/14/08 10:04 PM
I'm so impatient..

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Fri 11/14/08 10:02 PM
Maybe someone doesn't want him driving anymore because of all the wrecks he causes. Oh and the road rage. hmmm... It would be great if all people over 60 could get bus passes.

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Fri 11/14/08 09:19 PM

Typical priest? Wants more children that he can molest.

A very small minority of Catholic Priests are child molesters. It's statistically true that your children are in more danger from their teachers than church. But I bet you think that teachers should get a raise, don't you?

Isn't a priest a teacher?
Often children are abused by people who are close to them so it makes sense that a teacher would be high on that list. After all school is pretty much a second home from kindergarten through 12th. You can't really say with certainty that priests are actually a small percentage when it comes to abusing children though. Statistics show only 10% of abusers are actually caught.
There are teachers that deserve raises and never get them and others whom should never even have been considered for the job that are getting them. I think all should be evaluated periodically and raises should be determined by their performance.

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Thu 11/13/08 09:09 PM
Typical priest? Wants more children that he can molest.

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Thu 11/13/08 09:07 PM

smile2Do you want your ex to be happy or miserable?smile2

I hope for him to find happiness. I mainly just don't want to be breathing his negative air though.

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Tue 11/11/08 05:41 PM
If they wake me up I tell them to get a life and slam the door in their face. Other times I tell them you won't change my mind and I won't change yours. Then I offer them a refreshment and send them on their way.

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Tue 11/11/08 05:34 PM

Short to me is any guy under 6'0. Ouch! I'm going to get slapped for Sorry guys!

I also think under 6' is short for a guy. That doesn't mean I couldn't like someone shorter though.

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Mon 11/10/08 12:24 PM

TINA: See? No matter what you do, say or the facts you provide....things just are not comprehensible by many....SIGH....

I do not make much money, I do the best with the skills I have, I live modestly and am content with what I have. I am basically a HAPPY PUPPY!

I am all for programs to assist those in need....reaching out & HELPING (NOT SUPPORTING)........ BUT I and the rest of the citizenship of the USA are NOT obligated to provide for others.

Those who are financially wealthy got there through hard work, tons of stress & lots of determination & self sacrifice.......To have the AUDACITY to say these individuals are obligated to "COUGH UP" their hard earned money is mind boggeling....what

Sure, it would be nice to have the skills to EARN (I stress the word EARN)and/or make more money....but I do not, THEREFORE, I make the best of what I have, live sensibly & modestly and am grateful for the wealthy BECAUSE it is THEY, the dastardly, how dare they be "rich", who provide the millions of jobs for others to EARN a living.....and pay the millions of dollars in taxes to keep the USA going.....

Do people REALLY think the minuscule amount paid in taxes by the mid to low class wage earners & the non-tax paying wage earners - keeps things running in the USA? The words "COMMON SENSE" seem to be missing in this thread.frustrated slaphead


AND THESE, are the people that the wealthy WANT to help. People who think that they are somehow OWED something because they are poor (or as the uneducated say 'po') are not the people that deserve any more support.



People like you need to see what its like being on the other side and not having anything. I am poor as hell, work a crappy job to make ends meet and yes I get help from the government. It's enough to keep me and my son afloat. We aren't living the lap of luxury. I despise people like you. You have no idea what it's like for people like me. I work my arse off everyday and I still feel like no matter what I do, it will not get better. I'm educated and sometimes people get in a crunch. Get over yourself.

Go back and see what I have said previously. I HAVE had it rough - WITH CHILDREN to care for at the same time. Dont give me all this "get over yourself" until you know the whole story. Before you say all the nasty things you have just said to me - TELL ME that YOU have been through the horrors I have seen! Then YOU get over YOURSELF!


Sure there are people out there that just want a handout, but not everyone does. If you have really had it rough you would understand that suff happens to average people sometimes too.

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Sun 11/09/08 10:20 PM
I was just stating what was visible to me. Everything you post is negative. You say you were pointing out obvious facts. Did you prove them to be true?

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Sun 11/09/08 10:01 PM
I think you are just full of hate. You haven't even given him a chance. You realize he isn't even the president yet, right?

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Sun 11/09/08 07:36 PM
The more you interact with new people the easier it becomes to meeting new people.

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Sun 11/09/08 07:30 PM

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Sun 11/09/08 06:56 PM
Invisible ink

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Sun 11/09/08 02:10 PM
You're a crappy tipper. I would urinate in your food and rub your steak on my arse if you ate in my restaurant.

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Sun 11/09/08 01:49 PM
Edited by elanher on Sun 11/09/08 01:51 PM
If it were a friends wedding and I was invited. I wouldn't just show up at a random one.

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