Community > Posts By > elanher

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Sat 11/22/08 02:18 PM

Everybody has a right the their opinion, but there is a difference between stating an opinion and "hate speech". As example, the first speaker could have said that he believed that the conspiracy theorists were completely off base for thinking that our government would have involvement in the events of 911 and site valid reasons why. Rather, he was insulting and threatening to his fellow Americans who most likely believe it their civic duty to question. Basically, IMO, hate speech is the same as bullying.


The only reason anyone pays attention to this douche bag is because he sounds so radical. If he weren't spewing bs, no one would even remember him.

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Sat 11/22/08 11:37 AM

YOU DONT HAVE TO HAVE INSURANCE TO GET A YEARLY SCREENING. The health dept do these screening for FREE for women. I should know, that is where I go for my yearly screenings and also where I went and found out that I had HPV and then went and got a colposcopy done to check to see if I had cervical cancer. THAT my friend is how you help yourself. Not just going to get a shot you have no idea about and how it will effect you. You think by getting this shot, it's going to stop you from getting it? I think NOT. It's not even proven that this shot will prevent it. There has not been enough studies done.

She's right and you all know it.
Oh sure dont even comment about my concerns with the depot shot..jeez ow laugh That is given at The Health dept.

We do need to question everything. There can be consequences for every product we use especially those made in a lab. Most aren't tested for long term effects. It's up to us to decide if it's worth the risk. Does the good outweigh the bad? Read all sides and go with your gut. Your gut is usually right.

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Sat 11/22/08 10:58 AM
He has a right to his opinion.

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Sat 11/22/08 10:53 AM

YOU DONT HAVE TO HAVE INSURANCE TO GET A YEARLY SCREENING. The health dept do these screening for FREE for women. I should know, that is where I go for my yearly screenings and also where I went and found out that I had HPV and then went and got a colposcopy done to check to see if I had cervical cancer. THAT my friend is how you help yourself. Not just going to get a shot you have no idea about and how it will effect you. You think by getting this shot, it's going to stop you from getting it? I think NOT. It's not even proven that this shot will prevent it. There has not been enough studies done.

She's right and you all know it.

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Sat 11/22/08 08:09 AM

All can simply be prevented by having safe sex.

Are you really going to say that people will still continue to use condoms after they've been in a monogamous relationship for years and have been tested? The carriers are asymptomatic and there is no test to see if you are a carrier. Many of the women who are getting the hpv virus are in monogamous, stable relationships.

As for HPV being a known STD, I've known it since I was a very young teen in the late 70's, early 80's. It's been around and publicized. But, there was nothing to be done about it until this vaccine.

The risks of this vaccine are probably no greater than any other vaccine you give your child or yourself. Yes, educate yourself, yes, make your own decision. But, don't JUST listen to the negative reports of the relatively few serious problems that have occurred. Your chances of getting seriously injured or killed in a car accident are far, far greater yet most people would never consider giving up their car. flowerforyou

Just because you are in a monogamous relationship doesn't mean you can't get a yearly screening. Thats the main thing.
I'm sorry, but it wasn't even known by the name HPV in the 70's. You must have been a Washington insider if you knew it by that name then.

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Sat 11/22/08 07:57 AM
Edited by elanher on Sat 11/22/08 08:10 AM

Women die from cervical cancer even with cervical screening.
Many insurances won't cover a pap every year.

Education is great. But..all it takes is one mistake. I believe everybody has made that mistake.

And what happens if you marry somebody that has the virus and they don't even know they have it?

According to the U.S. Cancer Statistics: 2004 Incidence and Mortality report, 11,892 women in the U.S. were told that they had cervical cancer in 2004, and 3,850 women died from the disease. It is estimated that more than $2 billion is spent on the treatment of cervical cancer per year in the U.S.

One's body still has the virus even when the body is no longer making the abnormal cell changes. You will always have this virus.

Yep, women still die, but I bet they aren't getting screened yearly as recommended because it takes a while for it to turn into cancer. Insurance not covering a pap...thats crazy. Isn't that a main part of the yearly exam? If your insurance doesn't cover it just go to your local health department and they will take care of the pap and HPV test at little or no charge to you. It's really simple.
Go ahead and vaccinate your girls. It's your decision after all. I just wanted to give my opinion. I think these vaccines are tainted and I think they do more harm than good. Everyone can do what they want with it. I mean they will...

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Fri 11/21/08 10:57 PM
I realize the issue has been there, but it wasn't brought to everyone's attention until the vaccine was already being produced. I mean statistics show over 80% of women have some form of HPV before they turn 50 so I don't doubt research has been going on for years. Most cases do go away on their own though. The ones that can turn into cancer can be saved easily by getting a yearly screening. All can simply be prevented by having safe sex.
I just think there are better ways to protect our children. If we just take a little time to educate them then there will be no need for this.

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Fri 11/21/08 09:47 PM
If murder is really wrong there shouldn't be a such thing as legalized murder. How is it right for a judge, jury, etc.. to decide if someone should die? If the criminal is executed they don't even have to face up to what they have done. I know some never do anyway, but taking their life gives them the easier way out. They should rot in prison until they die.

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Fri 11/21/08 09:08 PM
I would have reported it. Normal adults don't act that way even if they do just want attention, at least I don't think they do anyway.. I read the guy was taking anti-depressants. One has to wonder if they actually contributed to the outcome since studies have proven them to have the opposite effect on some people.

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Fri 11/21/08 04:40 PM
I think it's really sad how brainwashed people are. HPV wasn't even seen as a big deal until right around when this vaccine came out. There are several hundred forms of HPV and this vaccine is only said to protect against 3 of them. 99% of cases go away on their own and it's said this vaccine doesn't even protect against the one that causes cancer. I think it's here to control the population. One of the main ingredients Polysorbate 80 has been found to cause infertility. Not only that the same ingredient is a known carcinogen. Plus haven't all you people heard of all of the new outbreaks young girls have had of genital warts since receiving this vaccine? oh and the deaths...Come on think for yourself and quit believing what doctors and the media say to you.

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Thu 11/20/08 09:17 PM
The quality of American cars can't get any worse....or can they? That new car smell? Its melamine...

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Thu 11/20/08 08:38 PM
Minds are what brains do.

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Thu 11/20/08 08:34 PM
If this is socialism then it is also socialism when I must pay higher taxes to let churches have a free ride.

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:25 PM
Where are these price drops anyway? I'm pretty sure prices are just as high if not higher than last year, with the exception of gas.

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Thu 11/20/08 05:32 PM
Yes, I would be sure to tell them though. Any reasonable person would understand.

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Mon 11/17/08 09:25 PM
Invisible people sometimes walk through wet cement or make loud noises to make people notice them.

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Mon 11/17/08 09:20 PM
Drink lots of water and you should be fine.

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Sun 11/16/08 07:57 PM
It's far too easy to be a hypocrite.

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Sun 11/16/08 07:23 PM
Nobody is destined to be anything, it's by choice.

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Sun 11/16/08 07:13 PM
If you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed.

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