Community > Posts By > jrbogie

jrbogie's photo
Wed 10/12/11 04:52 AM

we don't all have a better understanding of god. some of us still see no reason to think god or devine inspiration even exist much less understand it. you folks are doing a fine job of convincing yourselves though.

If love exists, then God exists because God IS love.

Can you see love or touch it? Does love exist?

I know God exists because I exist.

I am that.

I am that I am.

love is an emotion that may or may not exist in any given individual's mind. in that regard i'll agree that god exists only in a given individual's mind. you'll have to explain to me how you come to the conclusion that because you exist god also must exist because i don't follow that reasoning at all, jeannie.

jrbogie's photo
Wed 10/12/11 04:40 AM

I would just like to make a small point that if this line of thought were anywhere near being accurate, it would lead to the logical conclusion that for example; a human being walking the face of this earth with no prior knowledge of hand guns and bullets would not ever run the risk of being shot... as we all know that that is not true, babies get hit by stray bullets all the time, ( and not because someone showed the newborn a gun so they could know what it was) therefore the entire aruguement does nothing but create a paradox.

CCM, you make an excellent point. There are many people who claim to not believe in reality, or who deny that facts exist. And yet they use locks, and they stop at crosswalks and wait for the walk sign, and most of them never leave a 10 story building by jumping out the window.

Facts are real. It is a fact that infants, or anyone, can die from injuries whether they believe it or not.

hmmmm. is it a fact that infants can die from injuries or a fact that have died from injuries? can a fact be an even that may happen in the future? not debating, just that i see little agreement among folks regarding what is fact and what is not even in past occurances much less what may happen. any democrat will tell you it's a fact that increased taxes will save the economy and claim it has worked in the past. most republicans would say it's a fact that the oposite is true on either count. so just what is fact? what is reality?

jrbogie's photo
Wed 10/12/11 04:26 AM
to gain support for the 2009 stimulus the administration estimated that the unemployment rate would be at 6.5% within eighteen months. it's now been two years and we're still above 9%. how can anybody say the stimulus package worked if the topic is jobs? it's purpose was to meke things better, not to keep them from getting any worse. is the economy any better today than it was two years ago? that's the question. this so called jobs bill was tossed because it was based on the same flawed logic that the stimulus package was. a government simply cannot spend the county's way out of bad economic times.

jrbogie's photo
Wed 10/12/11 04:11 AM

Regarding marriages and legality - I thought it was only a problem if you LEGALLY marry more than one person.

If you simply take two sexual partners, have kids with both of them, live in the same house, hold common property, etc etc, but never LEGALLY establish your situation as two marriages - well I thought that was fine in most states.

Does anyone know otherwise?

no, you are correct as far as i know. and yes, when we're talking legality and marriage the church has no say in the matter. as of course it should be.

jrbogie's photo
Wed 10/12/11 04:08 AM

as to polygamy, thats another one I dont feel the laws is infringing upon,,, because in such religion the authority is not the STATE but the CHURCH,, so indeed their church may still aknowledge polygamy without it being necessary that the state does...(ie, the church will call and recognize the many wives, the state will only aknowledge or document one)

you couldn't be more wrong. many people, mormons included, are serving time in jail after being convicted of polygamy. name one state that tolerates marrying more than one spouse regardless of what the church recognizes. another example where the establishment clause is readily applicable.

states dont tolerate marriage to more than one spouse as defined by the STATE (That is, one cannot have a marriage 'license' and state documented marriage to more than one person)

however, a church can certainly perform whatever ceremonies they wish and recognize within their church those involved in whatever capacity they wish to

so the church can decide to marry (According to their traditions) and recognize as married anyone they choose

but people cannot have any STATE documented spousal relationship to more than one partner at a time

mh, in your first sentence of this post you said "as to polygamy, thats another one I dont feel the laws is infringing upon,,, because in such religion the authority is not the STATE but the CHURCH,," when speaking of laws and infringing upon them, the church has no authority whasoever. oh sure there is ceremony, tradition, pretend but you were speaking about laws and authority which once again happens to be the topic.

jrbogie's photo
Tue 10/11/11 04:38 AM

Co-sign. To me, it's like Francis collins who said he seen three parts of a waterfall frozen and that convinced him of the Abrahamic God (Trinity), he didn't see God, he see what he was looking for, which anything that resemble something magnificent to him = God.

a perfect example of each of us seeing things differently. you see what collins saw in the waterfall as inspired by god, as does he. i see him as delusional. suppose he'd said what he saw in the waterfall was inspired by a coke machine that has jammed because somebody crammed too many quarters down the slot. would you agree that he was inpired by a screwed up coke machine?

jrbogie's photo
Tue 10/11/11 04:30 AM
we don't all have a better understanding of god. some of us still see no reason to think god or devine inspiration even exist much less understand it. you folks are doing a fine job of convincing yourselves though.

jrbogie's photo
Tue 10/11/11 04:20 AM

as to polygamy, thats another one I dont feel the laws is infringing upon,,, because in such religion the authority is not the STATE but the CHURCH,, so indeed their church may still aknowledge polygamy without it being necessary that the state does...(ie, the church will call and recognize the many wives, the state will only aknowledge or document one)

you couldn't be more wrong. many people, mormons included, are serving time in jail after being convicted of polygamy. name one state that tolerates marrying more than one spouse regardless of what the church recognizes. another example where the establishment clause is readily applicable.

jrbogie's photo
Tue 10/11/11 04:10 AM

The Amish community do not pay taxes or social security and are basically independent and sovereign, but as far as I know they aren't allowed to burn witches at the stake or execute members of their society.

This one is very close to me, as I have an Amish background myself.

This is the basic breakdown of why this is allowed. I'm not saying it's right or's just how it's legally justified.

The Amish actually have the same tax breaks as other churches do. The key word is "church", which is something the Amish do not have....therefore the tax break is given to the congregation. The Amish congregation is in religious practice every minute of every day and their lands, roads, buildings and businesses are all owned by the congregation.

Again...not saying it's right or wrong...but in the court decisions regarding this, the amount of US tax money used to support the Amish communities...virtually none...was also weighed into the decision made of if and how they should be taxed.

States have different laws but they are still somewhat subject to the Federal laws.

Absolutely, a state law is bound to the minimum confines of any Federal law...therefore a state can institute laws that are more stringent than the Federal laws but cannot cross over them in terms of being more lenient.

not so. state laws can be more or less lenient than federal laws. certain murders for instance are federal capital crimes that are punnishable by the death penalty. several states have no death penalty. state laws are subject to the same constitutional tests as federal laws but that is where restrictions on state law ends as regards the federal government.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 09:53 AM
nevermind then. tried to help by showing that the establishment clause and the free excercise clause are separated by by commas just as the other clauses are and that as such each has it's own meaning and application. that's precicely what the courts do but you insisting that the establishment clause and the free excercise clause should be combined to understand their collective meaning just says to me that you'll never really understand the meaning of either. but i'll try one last time. in your mind. what does the following statement mean to you? assume that you see it written on a single peice of paper by itself.

congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

in a nutshell, is that statement not what this thread topic is all about? it was paraphrased of course into separation of church and state but the two are conceptually the same if one follows constitutional case history. nowhere in the opening post did i see a reference to the free practice of religion, free speech, freedom of the press, expression, assmbly, redress of grievances, the right to bear arms, habeus corpus, due process, illegal search and seizure, commerce, nothing other than a question about the separation of church and state. so what does the statement i wrote mean to you? forget that there is a period that ends the statement and not a comma. we can argue punctuation correctness later. i'll of course argue that both a period and a comma complete a thought but for now so that we can move along, what does the statement i wrote, and only the statement i wrote, mean to you?

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 09:27 AM

hell, mh, i don't even understand what the middle class actually is. i can ask different people of various cultures in several areas of the country and get numerous completely different answers.

thats a good question. The context I use it in is comparative. IT is that place in between being IMPOVERISHED and being upper class(Which to me is being in financial or political power to control the income of OTHERS, while living comfortably oneself)

middle class, for me, are those who struggle but are not technically at or under a 'poverty' line; those who work everyday but have their income and stability sternly dictated and controlled by a 'superior' but who are not a 'superior' over anyone elses income and stability themself,,,

,, thats the context I use when I use the term 'middle class'

doesn't help my understanding, mh. where does impoverished end and middle class begin? where does upperclass begin? what is comfortable. read an article just this morning about a guy who lives quite comfortably on less then 20k a year. he's an author with no supervisors and is in complete control over his income yet i'll bet i can find someone who'll say the poverty level begins well above twenty large a year. on the other side of the coin i know people who control the incomes of hundreds, sometimes thousands of employees who in these economic times must rely on personal bankruptcy protection if they are to emerge from this financial crisis with any semblence of the wealth they enjoyed even five years ago. then there is the fact that i just don't put people in classes nor do i pay attention to people who do so what do i know, huh?

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 05:49 AM

I dont need to convince you that God exists, only that I believe, and that God was what inspired me.

oh, i understand quite well that you don't think i need to be convinced that god exists. it's me who says i must first be convinced that god exists before i can be convinced that devine inpiration exists.

You are free to think I am wrong about God, and you are free to think I am lying regarding where I get my inspiration, but you must recognise that it is at least possible that I was inspired by the God that I believe in. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

if i'm free to think you may be wrong about god then it must follow that I AM free to think you may be wrong about what inspired you to paint? in niether case have i said you were wrong. i simply told you that if I AM TO BE CONVINCED that you were inpired by god then by MY REASONING you need fist convince me that god exists. short of that convincing, MY LOGIC tells me that you were inpired by something other than god which i can agree does exist such as your belief in god which i've no reason to doubt. what you believe in has nothing to do with anyone else just as the logic i use in my reasoning process has nothing to do with anyone else. you very well might convince one of your fellow church members that you were inpired by god. you may be able to convince every person of faith on the planet that you were inpired by god but that would not mean that I AM CONVINCED that you were inpired by god.

i've not said anywhere that devine inspiration, god or santa does not exist or that you are wrong for believing it so. all i've said is that i've seen nothing that suggests TO ME that they do exist. though i must say that in my younger years my parents did have me convinced of santa but my reasoning methods have changed dramatically in the last half century or so.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 04:26 AM

not being an atheist i couldn't say but i've still seen nothing that suggests that devine inspiration exists. but i suppose now we get into the difinition of the term 'devine inspiration' which has been stated to include god and since my doubt there is not unlike my doubt in santa i'll leave that discussion to others.

If I paint a picture and tell you I was inspired by God, then you have to admit it exists. It was MY divine inspiration. You are free to think I am a nutjob, but you must still acknowledge my inspiration. You do not have to share my inspiration to view the work I created as a result of MY inspiration.

let's break it down like this. the word 'devine' refers to god as has already been established here. so first convince me that god exists, then we can get to what i think inspired you to paint the picture. because obviously if there is no god then you telling me that you were inspired by god is either a lie or a mistake. perhaps had you said that you were inspired by your BELIEF in god i'd see your point. but that's not your claim. your claim was that you were inpired by god.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 04:16 AM

a compass will always point to MAGNETIC north, conrad. not to TRUE north. in fact a magnetic compass is all but useless for navigating the extreme northern latitudes. with the invention of gps and other lrn systems, the mag compass is pretty much useless anywhere anymore.
Actually in the Bahamas and a few more places,Geographic and Magnetic North coincide!
Other Places you have to make the Corrections on the Charts!

yep. along the agonic line a mag compass will point to true north. unless of course you're standing between mag north and true north along the agonic line. lol. you guys figure it out but i've been there. flew the polar routes between asia and europe several times and i can tell you the magnetic compass was about as useful as a boat anchor at those latitudes.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 04:08 AM
Edited by jrbogie on Mon 10/10/11 04:10 AM
are their teeth really that perfect, jeannie? i see a little gap between the two front teeth just like arnold's. dramatic licesnse? lol.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 04:03 AM
hell, mh, i don't even understand what the middle class actually is. i can ask different people of various cultures in several areas of the country and get numerous completely different answers.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 03:58 AM

I havent been able to read the thread, but want to thank everyone for posting.......and hopefully being nice throughout the thread....anyways...

I feel that taking blessing away from school football/sports games by a priest remain wrong in publc schools and intead o prohibiting the practice, but including the religous blessing of all players would remin a better practice inclusion over exclusion IMO

seems to me that the only way to be fair to all religions in doing that would be that prayer from every religion on the planet would have to take place in these government venues. and even then where is the fairness for the secular folks who actually see religious dogma as harmful to humanity? the only way for government to fairly treat all religious belief fairly is to keep religion entirely out of government. that is precisely what the establsihment clause is meant to do. EXCLUDE religion from government.

I disagree with the meaning...

I believe it was worded to PREVENT government from INSERTING themselves in religion...

It says nothing about religion not having restrictions of any kind.

never said it does. so what 'meaning' do you dissagree with???

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 03:39 AM
Edited by jrbogie on Mon 10/10/11 03:54 AM

why would i make the statement that i did not read anything that suggest mh mentioned or implied christianity? well, simply because i did not read anything that mh mentioned or implied christianity. like these easy questions.

That was not the statement I was referring to.

But why would I be interested in anything that you may or may not have read?

If I am to believe that you don't believe anything, your opinion on anything is rather pointless.

yourself and creativesoul are far from the first people to call my opinions pointless, jeannie. what would be a first would be my saying to anybody that there opinion is pointless. but then i'm not you or creativesoul or any of the other people who judge mine or anybody elses opinions as pointless, invalid, moronic, dumb or many other adjectives that convey very negatively. but if you think that saying my opinion is pointless somehow addresses the topic of discussion, be my guest because frankly i could care less whether or not you'd be interested in anything i have to say if that's your attitude. i didn't think it was. now i know. but fear not, i'm questioning my newfound knowledge as i type this. sheesh. i just might be wrong about you. ya think? lol.

I'm sorry if you took that personal. I understand that you have your opinions. But a person whose conviction or justification for their opinions is only based on their personal experience would have to be limited to their own personal experience as far as knowledge goes. Add to that a person who claims that they don't believe anything, then they, as a source of information lose a lot of strength of authority.

However if you are an excellent observer, or you have perfect recall your expertise could be as a professional witness.

Back to the topic of Church and State, I agree with your opinion, --but I'm not sure if you are sure about your opinion since you don't believe anything.

So your opinion just happens to be the same as mine on that subject.

oh i hardly take attacks on my opinions or myself personal, especially here, jeannie, where personal attacks are more common than punctuation errors and misspellings. i just find that typos of whatever kind rarely have much real hinderance on effective communication as demeaning another's opinions or person does. as i say, i'm no stranger to anything here found on the forums but i let some things slide that i find inconsequential and point out others that i find absurd and a block to a fair exchange of views. as we all do of course.

seems you're confusing the words 'opinion' and 'knowledge'. what do my opinions, or anybody's opinions, have to do with knowledge? like ben franklin i like to say that i have no opinions and like einstein i say that i can never really know anything absolutely but still the concepts of opinion and knowledge are highly different in my mind, one having nothing to do with the other. and of course in forming no opinions, a 'strenght of authority' is irrelavent to me. what weight you put on it is your concern.

i don't have an opinion regarding separation of church and state and i certainly don't recall stating one here. what i do, jeannie, as a very serious hobby that i've enjoyed for more than a quarter century, is read the constitution and study the opinions, both concuring and desenting, in constitutional case history so that i can better understand how this great country runs. during discussions such as this i simply try to relate in my own words some of the things that i've read over the years but nothing i've said here should you take as MY opinion.

indeed it has been pointed out by others that they see me as an excellent observer with much higher than average recall abilities. nothing i've quoted here from the constitution is copy/paste for instance. but is there such a thing as 'professional eye witness'??? sounds like easy money to me. lol.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 10/10/11 03:14 AM

it does say 'or prohibiting the FREE exercise thereof'

Free, means unrestricted, but there are always exceptions and those are what continue to be debated,,,

this is exactly the reason you're having trouble with the establishment clause i think, mh. nowhere in the establishment clause does it say 'or prohibiting the free excercise thereof.' those words are found in a completely separate clause commonly known as the 'free excercise' clause. but the origional question asked about separation of church and state which the ESTABLISHMENT clause NOT the FREE EXCERCISE clause that you keep referring to mandates. if we were to discusse the free practice of religion then we would look at the free practice clause because that is the applicable clause. if we were to discuss free speach we'd look at the free speech clause.

perhaps it'd be easier for you to understand if the first amendment were broken down to several amendments because that is precisely the kind of things the courts do when interpreting the constitution. we can do it ourselves for the sake of discussion;

amendment 1a; congress shall make no law respecting an establsishment of religion.

amendment 1b; congress shall make no law restricting the free practice of religion.

amendment 1c; congress shall make no law abridging free speech.

amendment 1d; congress shall make no law abridging the press.

etc., etc.

can you now see that each of the clauses of the first amendment have very different applications in law as my example of separate amendments for each clause would show? you cannot rightly read my amendment 1b to correctly find the meaning of amendment 1a any more than you could refer to the second amendment right to bear arms in deciding if gays have the constitutional right to wed. they are two entirely different legal concepts each with their own applications.

jrbogie's photo
Sun 10/09/11 06:10 AM
Edited by jrbogie on Sun 10/09/11 06:14 AM

Even an atheist would have to admit divine inspiration exists because it speaks to the persons belief in what inspired them to create something. Not another persons evaluation of that persons work.

not being an atheist i couldn't say but i've still seen nothing that suggests that devine inspiration exists. but i suppose now we get into the difinition of the term 'devine inspiration' which has been stated to include god and since my doubt there is not unlike my doubt in santa i'll leave that discussion to others.

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