Community > Posts By > Bigblackxxx

Bigblackxxx's photo
Fri 08/10/12 05:06 PM
Thanks :-) My search is still ON :-) And i'm sure it'd yield positive results :-) Will tell you when does :-)

Bigblackxxx's photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:22 PM
Age is more than just a number :-) The older a lady is, the more matured she can be :-) Any matured open minded female in here to meet a real man? My search is all about YOU :-)

Bigblackxxx's photo
Thu 08/09/12 06:39 PM
Whatever your past experiences, don't allow them to define ur outlook to the future :-) There are still good men of all ages out there :-) Forced nunhood doesn't sound like it'd stench that yearning of ur heart :-) Best of luck :-)

Bigblackxxx's photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:59 PM
Thanks for your comments :-) There is one word that doesn't exist in my vocabulary i.e. IMPOSSIBLE!
It is because i believe it is possible to meet love in here that is why i signed up :-) Still looking around and waiting to meet her :-)

Bigblackxxx's photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:55 PM
We get enamoured by the physical beauty of a member of the opposite sex only to discover their religious beliefs are different from ours! We sometimes go ahead with the relationship despite this differences. But will you be willing to take it up to the level of getting married?

Bigblackxxx's photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:35 PM
Thanks :-) Never a bad idea to keep hope alive :-)

Bigblackxxx's photo
Wed 08/08/12 06:16 PM
May sound out of place, but that is what i'm truly out in search of! A Muslim lady out to find her soulmate. If you are, link up to me.

Bigblackxxx's photo
Wed 08/08/12 05:45 PM
A woman making the first move really seems worthy of being applauded! Many go through life just wishing the guy they love will notice!
If a man is matured enough to cope with a lady who knows what she wants and is willing to work towards it, i'd think she's the best of the pack :-) Less issues of fake idiosyncratic shyness to deal with!

Bigblackxxx's photo
Wed 08/08/12 05:32 PM
D deep messages in her eyes, i took lightly.
D tears on her cheeks, i never took to be real,
Her sad look as walked away, i never bothered about,
But now, after much loses in love's game, I know she was true :(

Bigblackxxx's photo
Mon 08/06/12 04:27 PM
When i enter Setup, the CD drive isn't listed

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sun 08/05/12 06:07 PM
I have a HP desktop PC which developed some problems with the Win XP installation. It simply refused getting to the Desktop during the booting process! I then tried formatting it using a WIN XP Installation CD, but it simply refuses to even recognize the CD drive! Any possible suggestions or sultuions pls?

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sun 08/05/12 06:02 PM
I'd look at it from an educator's point of view. Some Kids sometimes have the tendency to be somewhat rebellious or outright independent in their ways of doing things! But it certainly doesn't happen overnight, it usually is a cumulative behavioural trait that is acquired due to inadequate communication between the child and the parents!
Many parents view parenting as a regimental kind of process where their words are final! They don't ever believe the kids ought to have ANY input in their own lives especially in the early stages! Products of such homes could be submissive when they are still small and weak, but as times goes on, they tend to acquire silent defiant behaviour towards the parents! And as they grow into teens, there is always a tendency to intentionally disobey simple instructions for no just reasons other than just to prove they are coming of age and can do things their own way!
My only advice will be that parents learn to create and maintain an effective communication channel between themselves and their wards! Even when you want them to obey instructions they aren't much keen about, try ur best to explain things in ways suitable for their level of development. It requires lots of patience, practice, and maturity! But it pays in the end by saving you the problem of a disjointed communication channel with your kids!

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sun 08/05/12 05:47 PM
Just woke up from a dream in which i was present at the wedding of Silvio Berlescuni of Italy and Imelda Marcos of Phillipines! In my dream, i saw them take up US citizenship and planning to contest against Obama in the next elections!

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sun 08/05/12 05:38 PM
My sign is GREEN! So i'd think NEON is my better half LOL

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sun 08/05/12 03:46 PM
Some, the pains push to deny its existence,

denying it and saying it is only fool's dream!

Some others yet taste its refreshing fullness and ever yearn to keep it forever,

Whatever your perception of love, denial or acceptance of its existence, you know deep down in u that IT IS REAL, and simply because you don't have it today doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sun 08/05/12 03:36 PM
For me, I'd like to think every lady is different but i'd still think the most accurate messages are in d eyes :-) Many unspoken words get expressed in the depth of a loving glance! Ask me to define it? I'd say i don't know how! All i know is that if you're able to send ur messages through ur eyes, she also has hers there for you, it is just left for u to get to read them right :-)

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sun 08/05/12 03:30 PM
Yes, a Soulmate! Could be d lady next door, or the angel across the oceans! But what matters is being someone i'd look forward to every new day! Someone i'd be able to shower my friendly and loving attentions on, Someone to whom i'd be more than just that guy :-)
Hi ladies, anyone think she fits the bill?

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sat 08/04/12 07:46 PM
As much as i agree that there is no PERFECT relationship, the question is are we ever bold and sincere enough to fully communicate our feelings and needs in our relationships?
We are mostly quick to point accusing fingers the other way when things don't work out the way we want, but are we always able to candidly express our inner feelings to our partner on how we truly feel and what we really want?

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sat 08/04/12 06:32 PM
Hi all,
We all dream of the perfect relationship! But are we really sure we're always ready to fully open up and give love the chance it really needs to blossom?
Are we ever able to allow let go of our inner fears and prejudices? Are we ever able to give ALL without fearing it might not get ALL?

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