Community > Posts By > silverwaya

silverwaya's photo
Sun 05/11/08 01:52 PM

Hears Kory's request and walks over to where she is.
What seems to be the problem?

As I whisper to Re'Anna,I think this is the man who stole my mother hair. Still whispering For only one human has ever been to my home Belgad and that human stole a lock of my mothers hair
And you know what that could mean.

Leans in towards Kory. * Whispers back* Yes, I do know what that could mean. if it were to fall into the wrong hands it could be disastrous. What shall we do about it? although we must be careful.

Yes we must but I fear it is already too late,I also think he is on to me

Yes he seems to be a clever one he does. But no matter, he won't be any match for us. Just remain calm. she whispers to Kory as she sees Jericho walk in and sit with Caliope.

silverwaya's photo
Sun 05/11/08 01:44 PM

Hears Kory's request and walks over to where she is.
What seems to be the problem?

As I whisper to Re'Anna,I think this is the man who stole my mother hair. Still whispering For only one human has ever been to my home Belgad and that human stole a lock of my mothers hair
And you know what that could mean.

Leans in towards Kory. * Whispers back* Yes, I do know what that could mean. if it were to fall into the wrong hands it could be disastrous. What shall we do about it? although we must be careful.

silverwaya's photo
Sun 05/11/08 01:42 PM
Looks at Caliope and smiles

silverwaya's photo
Sun 05/11/08 01:23 PM
Hears Kory's request and walks over to where she is.
What seems to be the problem?

silverwaya's photo
Sun 05/11/08 01:13 PM
SHe walks in with a smile on her face. Sunshine has kissed her hair with golden streaks. she goes to her table and sits down.
She props her feet up on the table a looks around the tavern.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:32 PM
Looks at the newcomer that is so eager to be gallant.
From whence do you hale there?

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:29 PM
Sits back and props her feet up on her table. She watches everything that is going on in the tavern.
Humans and their squabbles, she just shakes her head

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:15 PM
Ahh thank you sir, a good drink is what is needed.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:14 PM

I think i will pass

*Rathil shrugs*

Suit yourself

*He puts the wand back into his belt*

tries hard to keep her thoughts on that one to herself.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:11 PM
Now that the tension is somewhat subsiding, can we all have a drink and be done with it?

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:08 PM

*Jericho is still on the ground recovering from the magic of the wand. His head is covered in sweat and he is not really moving all that much. He is really just laying under the table where he fell. Not unconscious but in pain*

She walks towards him and looks at his crumpled body.
Shouldn't we do something to help the poor guy up???
How about a shot of morphine?

((Morphine didn't exist then, keep it fantasy))

((oh hush, gimme a break i couldn't think of a pain killer))

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:06 PM

*Jericho is still on the ground recovering from the magic of the wand. His head is covered in sweat and he is not really moving all that much. He is really just laying under the table where he fell. Not unconscious but in pain*

Jericho, come on man, I have seen Fairies take that treatment better than you. Get up off of the floor before someone trips over you you big baby.

Oh there is Mr. Congeniality.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:05 PM

*Jericho is still on the ground recovering from the magic of the wand. His head is covered in sweat and he is not really moving all that much. He is really just laying under the table where he fell. Not unconscious but in pain*

She walks towards him and looks at his crumpled body.
Shouldn't we do something to help the poor guy up???
How about a shot of morphine?

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 10:02 PM

alright *drinks it* tastes almost as bad as it smells, I hope I do not end up smelling like a dwarf after this.

Whats this about the Nurenhill incident? Was it not you who pointed him out saying what a nice butt that was when he bent over to pick something up? So I fell for it, big deal, at least I wasn't the one that went on about what he'd like to do to that before I walked up and slapped it. Thats right, stone sober, come on, the long hair had me fooled, um, I think I hear my mom calling, wait, she's dead, damn. Thanks Rathil.

Anytime friend. ;-)

Men.....never a dull moment. lol

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:56 PM

alright *drinks it* tastes almost as bad as it smells, I hope I do not end up smelling like a dwarf after this.

Whats this about the Nurenhill incident? Was it not you who pointed him out saying what a nice butt that was when he bent over to pick something up? So I fell for it, big deal, at least I wasn't the one that went on about what he'd like to do to that before I walked up and slapped it. Thats right, stone sober, come on, the long hair had me fooled, um, I think I hear my mom calling, wait, she's dead, damn. Thanks Rathil.

ROTFLMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:54 PM

*sniffs it* are you sure this stuff is safe? It smells like the southern end of a northbound horse.

My dear Barbus, what are you doing sniffing a horses ass?

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:50 PM

Oh really, I guess you will have to fill me in one day on all your escapades then

Perhaps only the interesting ones. All of them may take 20 years to tell

She laughs at the thought. I bet that there are plenty of interesting stories to tell.

*Rathil laughs*

Next time you see Barbus ask him about the time he mistook another dark elf male for a female in a tavern in Nurenhill.. He wasn't even drunk yet either.

And speak of the devil himself

Laughs out loud at the thought of that one

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:35 PM

Oh really, I guess you will have to fill me in one day on all your escapades then

Perhaps only the interesting ones. All of them may take 20 years to tell

She laughs at the thought. I bet that there are plenty of interesting stories to tell.

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:32 PM
Oh really, I guess you will have to fill me in one day on all your escapades then

silverwaya's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:27 PM

Always so very dramatic aren't you? Such a charmer.
she takes a sip of the wine and enjoys the taste of it.
Thank you for the wine, handsome.

*Laughs a bit*

I prefer the term Theatrical over dramatic. Theatrical is much more fun

Yes you are quite the showman recently Rathil.
have to admit, it does liven things up