Community > Posts By > silverwaya

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:00 PM
Edited by silverwaya on Thu 05/08/08 09:01 PM
overhears the riddle being told and bursts out laughing.

wonders if anyone has overheard how she has flirted with the poor lad and made him faint with fear

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:57 PM

*A flash of blue light appears in the middle of the tavern again. The light moves upwards and then splits apart forming a doorway. The elf from earlier steps back through it and smiles as he looks around. He puts the wand he is holding back in his belt and with a wave of his hand the door disappears behind him. He walks and sits down at a table and greets people as he passes.*

Boromir my fine friend. a Goblin brew please.

well isn't that a fine entrance. and what might your name be?

*Stands up and approaches Re'anna*

Now aren't you a charming young woman

*He says as he takes her hand, bows a bit and kisses the back of her hand.*

I am surprised you have not heard of me. Most in this town have. My name is Rathil, always at your service my dear

well now, I have to admit that is the most decent introduction i have received yet. a true renaissance man that you are. I may just have to keep you handsome. A pleasure to meet one such as your self.

I assure you the pleasure is all mine

*He says with a quick wink*

care to share a drink with a new friend? I can't get Boromir to sit down long enough to chat much less anything else.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:54 PM

*A flash of blue light appears in the middle of the tavern again. The light moves upwards and then splits apart forming a doorway. The elf from earlier steps back through it and smiles as he looks around. He puts the wand he is holding back in his belt and with a wave of his hand the door disappears behind him. He walks and sits down at a table and greets people as he passes.*

Boromir my fine friend. a Goblin brew please.

well isn't that a fine entrance. and what might your name be?

*Stands up and approaches Re'anna*

Now aren't you a charming young woman

*He says as he takes her hand, bows a bit and kisses the back of her hand.*

I am surprised you have not heard of me. Most in this town have. My name is Rathil, always at your service my dear

well now, I have to admit that is the most decent introduction i have received yet. a true renaissance man that you are. I may just have to keep you handsome. A pleasure to meet one such as your self.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:51 PM

"Re'Anna...I see you have found your way back..."

*she sees the the wood elf in the corner of her eye...but does not shift her position...being only 3 feet is easy to be bother to her...she likes to go noticed by her choice only*

ho there caliope, how fares ye?

"I was quite the Innkeeper earlier this evening and glad Boromir came back from his errands....trapped a critter in the basement, but he got were laughing to yourself on the way in...What amused you so?"

you lost a critter you say? really? seems like i may have misplaced someone myself. and she laughs again

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:50 PM

She walks in from the outside with the smell of the fresh forest in her hair. she is out of breath but still laughing to her self.

turns to see who walked in and see a half elf and ask in a quite voice*Miss du u know the name Jindemyth*

she looks to see who has address her. Hmmmm, that does sound familiar. I may have heard it from my many travels.

the elf says *sorry for the hast of my words i seem to not know who i am or where i come from other that the name Jindemyth thats all i know i dont even know how i got hear Idara seemed to know some thing it seemed but was angerd when i spoke the name* with a grim look on his face

Don't worry about it. here have a drink with me.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:49 PM

*A flash of blue light appears in the middle of the tavern again. The light moves upwards and then splits apart forming a doorway. The elf from earlier steps back through it and smiles as he looks around. He puts the wand he is holding back in his belt and with a wave of his hand the door disappears behind him. He walks and sits down at a table and greets people as he passes.*

Boromir my fine friend. a Goblin brew please.

well isn't that a fine entrance. and what might your name be?

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:44 PM

"Re'Anna...I see you have found your way back..."

*she sees the the wood elf in the corner of her eye...but does not shift her position...being only 3 feet is easy to be bother to her...she likes to go noticed by her choice only*

ho there caliope, how fares ye?

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:42 PM

She walks in from the outside with the smell of the fresh forest in her hair. she is out of breath but still laughing to her self.

turns to see who walked in and see a half elf and ask in a quite voice*Miss du u know the name Jindemyth*

she looks to see who has address her. Hmmmm, that does sound familiar. I may have heard it from my many travels.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:31 PM
She walks in from the outside with the smell of the fresh forest in her hair. she is out of breath but still laughing to her self.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:44 PM
I see what you mean Kory. Not much going on tonight.
Hi there Calliope. no need for all that holiness stuff. one of the reasons why i left.
Looks as though i will go see what trouble i can get into else where. seeing that there aren't any takers here tonight.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:19 PM

That cloaked man over there,Does he not like it here at the green dragon's inn? For he seams so up set just to be here.
Oh well cheers for the night is young but I must leave soon for I must retire early,for I have a long day tomorrow.

Don't know what his problem is. he seems not like anything or anyone. go figure.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 04:06 PM

Looks like we have an other human here but seems to be upset,Have you been teasing boromir again

Who me???
Pffttt, not bothered him a bit....yet
she laughs

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:56 PM

As I enter the Inn ,I see Re'Anna and of course Boromir,Ah my sweet man some elvin wine for Re'anna and myself as I blow Boromir a kiss,Re'Anna may I join you

Oh Kory, please do. I could use some intelligent conversation

Why thank you,So how is it going

Oh it's going i guess you could say.
Mr. Wonderful over there has talked my ears off.
Other than that, I am just waiting. takes a sip of her drink.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:52 PM

As I enter the Inn ,I see Re'Anna and of course Boromir,Ah my sweet man some elvin wine for Re'anna and myself as I blow Boromir a kiss,Re'Anna may I join you

Oh Kory, please do. I could use some intelligent conversation

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:52 PM

I do have a name, although that doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep what you have in your mind to yourself. You can have the lad for all I care.

*Indicating towards Boromir*

My my my, so testy. I never said that I wanted him, now did I?
Haven't found what I want yet and until I do, I am just having fun.
so what do I call you besides Mr Nasty?

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:38 PM

*The cloaked man has a scowl on his face as he listens to the half elf flirt with Boromir. He can't wait for Rathil to get here so he can leave*

watches his reaction and the scowl on his face.
You know, he's just a lad. Still wet behind the ears.
The gods know he couldn't handle a woman like me. Haven't found anyone yet that could. she smiles seductively at him.

You have a name or should i just keep what i have in mind to myself?

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:29 PM

Well, I can see that this is gonna be a lively bunch.

Boromir, darlin may i have a drink please. All this talk of getting drunk has made me thirsty.

Boromir serves the drink and smiles at Re'Anna.

Thank You so much Handsome one. Thought for a minute there I was gonna have to do everything myself. Glad to see you didn't get lost. Winks at him

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 02:50 PM
Well, I can see that this is gonna be a lively bunch.

Boromir, darlin may i have a drink please. All this talk of getting drunk has made me thirsty.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 02:47 PM
Props her booted feet on the table and crosses her arms under her ample chest. She sits and watches the interactions of those around her, waiting.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 02:36 PM
She breezes back into the Inn after having to take care of some important business that arose. She almost bumps into Barbus as he gruffly leaves.

Gee, Don't get your feathers in a pinch there darling, she tells him before going in to see who all is here.
She notices the newcomer in the corner and Mr. Happy pants trying to drink himself into a stupor.
Things look relatively slow for now. She can take her time and sit back and relax for a change, at least until the games begin....