Community > Posts By > silverwaya

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:25 PM

Oh Boromir, she purrs
What does a girl have to do to get a room?

Boromir hands over the key to the beautiful half elf. Up the stairs first door to the left.

Oh Thank you handsome, care to join me?
as she winks at him

Boromir falls over! ha halaugh

Still laughing she kneels beside him to see if he needs any resuscitation.

Come on there, no need to do all that. Good lord, you act like you have never had anyone flirt with you before

Boromir was playing dead hoping she takes her key and goes up the stairs. He is but a young man and never dated a woman before. He opens his one eye to take a peek to see if she is still standing there. lol

Gee, i would hate to see what would happen if anyone tried to kiss you. as she turns to bid everyone a goodnight. She goes up the stairs but before she is gone....
Boromir, darlin, you know where i will be..
she laughs all the way to her room.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:17 PM

Oh Boromir, she purrs
What does a girl have to do to get a room?

Boromir hands over the key to the beautiful half elf. Up the stairs first door to the left.

Oh Thank you handsome, care to join me?
as she winks at him

Boromir falls over! ha halaugh

Still laughing she kneels beside him to see if he needs any resuscitation.

Come on there, no need to do all that. Good lord, you act like you have never had anyone flirt with you before

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:12 PM

Oh Boromir, she purrs
What does a girl have to do to get a room?

Boromir hands over the key to the beautiful half elf. Up the stairs first door to the left.

Oh Thank you handsome, care to join me?
as she winks at him

Boromir falls over! ha halaugh

Still laughing she kneels beside him to see if he needs any resuscitation.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:10 PM

Oh Boromir, she purrs
What does a girl have to do to get a room?

Boromir hands over the key to the beautiful half elf. Up the stairs first door to the left.

Oh Thank you handsome, care to join me?
as she winks at him

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:07 PM
Oh Boromir, she purrs
What does a girl have to do to get a room?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:04 PM
well isn't that just lovely
music to make up to and she laughs lyrically

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:55 PM
My My aren't we testy. I said I could have drawn my sword.
Didn't do it though did i?
she narrows her eyes

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:48 PM

Well, Isn't this a lively bunch. She says as she wipes her mouth.
* i know what you are thinking Re'Anna, that could be arranged.*
Oh would you please keep your bloody trap shut!!! as she slams her fist down on the table

Wow that is kind of hard on the hands is it not. he finishes his brew

Aye, I guess so for any other such as I.
It could have been worse, i could have drawn my sword. and she laughs softly

Lets keep the sword put away for now shall we.

Ah now, don't tell me you don't like a good fight now?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:40 PM

Well, Isn't this a lively bunch. She says as she wipes her mouth.
* i know what you are thinking Re'Anna, that could be arranged.*
Oh would you please keep your bloody trap shut!!! as she slams her fist down on the table

Wow that is kind of hard on the hands is it not. he finishes his brew

Aye, I guess so for any other such as I.
It could have been worse, i could have drawn my sword. and she laughs softly

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:38 PM

Well, Isn't this a lively bunch. She says as she wipes her mouth.
* i know what you are thinking Re'Anna, that could be arranged.*
Oh would you please keep your bloody trap shut!!! as she slams her fist down on the table
As the man lifts his gaze, he can almost see her take a step back, but quickly regain her composure. He allows a tiny smile to escape his lips as he returns his gaze to the table....

Notices the newcomers glance and quickly turns away.
(bloody nusiance is what you be, you foul ....)

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:30 PM
Well, Isn't this a lively bunch. She says as she wipes her mouth.
* i know what you are thinking Re'Anna, that could be arranged.*
Oh would you please keep your bloody trap shut!!! as she slams her fist down on the table

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:25 PM

That is an interesting name you have there, Where are you from?

I am from Augshill it is a town deep in the forest

Hmmm check out tall dark and foreboding there. she takes a long drink.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:20 PM
That is an interesting name you have there, Where are you from?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:18 PM

notices one of the newbies getting a room.
Ho there, what might your name be?

Ranar Rox is the name well met fair lady

Hmmm, polite too. you dont see that everyday.
My name is Re'Anna.

Pleased to meet you Re'Anna please join me for a drink

Surely that would be well met.

Then let us find a table and sit

already have one waiting here

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:13 PM

notices one of the newbies getting a room.
Ho there, what might your name be?

Ranar Rox is the name well met fair lady

Hmmm, polite too. you dont see that everyday.
My name is Re'Anna.

Pleased to meet you Re'Anna please join me for a drink

Surely that would be well met.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:07 PM

notices one of the newbies getting a room.
Ho there, what might your name be?

Ranar Rox is the name well met fair lady

Hmmm, polite too. you dont see that everyday.
My name is Re'Anna.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:04 PM
notices one of the newbies getting a room.
Ho there, what might your name be?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:03 PM

Boromir comes back with a glass of elvin wine and a mug of Goblin's Brew. "Enjoy sir," he says before going back to the counter to serve the newcomer.

*He idly places four gold on the table in a group and one nearby, but separate. Then he begins work on the Goblin's Brew while continuing his work.*

...I still have that thing? Huh, weird.

Real talkative that one is..

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 06:59 PM
Looks at the newcomer out of the corner of her eye

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 06:56 PM

walks into the inn. Goes over to the bar, Greeting Barkeep I am Ranar Rox
I have traveled many day. And I seek Food drink and lodging.

Hmmmmm, fresh meat, she mutters as she takes a sip of her drink

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