Community > Posts By > silverwaya

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:48 PM

Boromir, could I please have a drink. Bring 2.

Boromir smiles and serves two drinks.

Thank you. You know you really are a sweet lad.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:40 PM
Boromir, could I please have a drink. Bring 2.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:38 PM
She breezes in through the door not stopping until she reaches the bar.
Looking out of the corner of her eye she tries to see who all is here.
She sees that Jericho is passed out yet again. Will that blasted man ever learn?
She tries to think whether or not to get a drink. After the day she has had ... she certainly could use one.
* Now Now RéAnna, you don't need to get plastered* She tries to find the voice and glares menacingly at it.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 03:58 PM
Later my friend and thank you again

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 03:54 PM

Thank you for your help Kory, I am feeling much better now.

You are most welcome my dear friend.
So he cut off his finger,That is why I smelled burnt flesh.

Yeah, since i was here basically by myself, I had to do something to stop the bleeding. So, I took a knife and set it in the fire.
I see he finally came to and left. I bet with a blasted bottle in his hand too. Can't tell a man nothing, they think they know everything.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 03:50 PM
Thank you for your help Kory, I am feeling much better now.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 03:48 PM
She left before all the excitement started.
He pulled out these rings that glowed and Jericho wanted to buy them to give to Rathil. the dummy put one on and it started draining his life force.
Rathil shows up and well, luckily he could take care of himself.
he took care of the wizard but Jericho today decided to cut his blasted finger off.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 03:37 PM

So how did this happen?

Some wizard named Ishtar sent one of his minions to do his leg work for him. I knew something was up but didn't want to let on.
Didn't really pay him any attention.
Tried to talk to a mercenary half elf and he pissed me off.
Don't say it Kory, I know I shouldn't have insulted him in Elvish but he had it coming to him. The wizard thought that i was talking to him I suppose and he cast a fire ball at me. I didn't have time to defend.
Then there was what happened after that...

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 03:34 PM
Has to be better than this vile stuff i keep trying to drink for the pain.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 03:26 PM

A cloaked figure walks in . The hood covers her head. she takes a seat in the shadows.

I see Re'Anna walk in so I go over to her and ask What is wrong
You look like you have been hurt Let me see.

That is an understatement friend. Opens her cloak to reveal that half her body has been burned. She reaches into her pouch and pulls out a vial. She drinks the swirling contents. Have you heard pf anything that happened?

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 03:19 PM
A cloaked figure walks in . The hood covers her head. she takes a seat in the shadows.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 01:22 PM
Edited by silverwaya on Tue 05/13/08 01:24 PM
Well well, finally a healer arrives. RéAnna says sarcastically.
Maybe you can help get some food into him and water. he has lost a lot of blood.
Sorry if i seem such a *****, I don't like the idea of sticking a red hot knife to a man even if it is to save his life. Leaves a nasty lingering smell about.

Now that you are here, I will take leave. I don't think I want him to see me when he wakes up.
She walks out the door.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:20 AM
Edited by silverwaya on Tue 05/13/08 11:22 AM
The smell of burnt flesh fills the room.

She takes a clean bandage and rewraps his hand after the bleeding has finally stopped.
At least he will live.
Now to get some fluids in him, other than alcohol.

sees Raquill jump on the table... That was cute

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:19 AM
Seeing that the bleeding has not stopped and the bandage has become red.
RéAnna walks over to the fireplace and places a knife in the embers.
When it gets hot enough, she takes it out and goes back over to Jericho's still passed out body.
Taking the bandage off and seeing that it truly is still bleeding badly( probably because of the copious amounts of alcohol that he drinks) she takes the red hot knife and places it on the wound to cauterize it.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:05 AM
Well, now that he will be fingerless....
Let me have that wretched piece of metal Caliope, I know who to give it to that can destroy it.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:57 AM
Returning with the items requested she sits in the floor next to Jericho's still form.
RéAnna takes a clean rag and places the severed finger in it. She takes another and dips it into the water to wash the ragged remains of his hand.
Muttering to herself... can't believe he did this to himself. Would have been better the have had Rathil and orc brain do it for him last night.
She places a bandage around his hand as tightly as she dares to try to stop the bleeding.
Now, someone needs to find a healer.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:52 AM
with Caliope's help , they drag his comatose body back into the bar.
RéAnna attempts to check him over to see if he has done anything else to himself, like cut his throat.
Seeing that nothing else is wrong with him, she undoes the hand to assess the damage he has done.
Caliope, get me some clean rags and some clean water.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:47 AM
RéAnna runs back to see Jericho passed out.
Damn fool. he's cut his bloody finger off.
Caliope, help me try to get him out of this filth before he gets gangrene .
We need to find out what exactly he's done

silverwaya's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:23 AM
Walking down the stairs and hearing Caliope fuss at Jericho, makes RéAnna laugh. she wears a cloak today. she sits at the bar.

silverwaya's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:11 PM
Hmmm what a wonderful idea, bed.
she shivers from the heat of the burns.
I think I will retire also, Good night Rathil
and she walks upstairs to her room

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