Community > Posts By > MLG40

MLG40's photo
Mon 08/25/08 04:42 PM

I think it was a member. I haven't posted anything in a few days. I posted were I thought it should be posted. kind of odd.

MLG40's photo
Mon 08/25/08 04:38 PM

11) Post topics in the appropriate forum. For example, chat topics like "I'm bored", or "Goodnight everyone" belong in the Chit Chat forum. Members who repeatedly post topics in the wrong forum could lose their posting privileges.

MLG40's photo
Mon 08/25/08 04:34 PM

<---- Can you name this?

MLG40's photo
Mon 08/25/08 04:32 PM

Sounds like you have bad luck with vehicles there.

MLG40's photo
Mon 08/25/08 04:24 PM

from someone that you meet on Mingle2. You go to a restaurant and have a great time yet your date has a booger on the tip of her nose hanging out.

What would you do?

Just wondering how you would handle the situation?

MLG40's photo
Mon 08/25/08 04:22 PM

smiles all the time yet you keep smelling a odd fume of rotten eggs while stuck in the highway with your broken down car in the middle of a severe thunderstorm.

You try to keep a normal face but the fumes are really bad. You think it is coming from your date who silently gives out gases.

What do you do from here? Keep on smelling it. Or would you say something?

K. Now after all the responses. What would you do?

MLG40's photo
Sun 08/24/08 09:21 PM
Edited by MLG40 on Sun 08/24/08 09:22 PM

Seriously.....this guy a few days ago while driving was surfin' on his new I phone and what not and I looked over occassionally to see why this guy was swervin' in and out of lanes for.......well, yup.......pervin' sites while driving and he causes an accident! Cell Phones are dangerous while please don't swerve and perv....get a designated driver! laugh

We just had a family in our area killed due to some ignorant person using their cell while driving.
People need to stop using cells while driving, if it is that important, pull over. I do.
I wish they would ban cell phone use in cars period. It is getting worst than drinking and driving. I am in touch with my state to start holding cell phone companies liable for accidents caused by cell phone use in motor vehicles. I have almost been hit numerous times by fool’s using cell phone while driving. Yeah, I am tired of it.

MLG40's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:23 AM

That show Cheaters? It is on right now and....

#1...would any of you actually do this to catch someone? you think that these people are real or staged? In a Jerry Springer kind of way

It just baffles my mind....

I have seen the show twice, and to me all reality T.V. shows are scripted. Just watch the things called credits. Why would this show need a team of writers? Why would you need writers for reality? So yeah, IMO it’s all staged.

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/22/08 08:02 AM

Here is a thought....

All these women are the same, but yet you say they appear different. It just might be that although the outer appearances are different, there is a key element inside them that is the same. You are looking for it, or are attracted to it, or some deviant of it.... in a subconscious way.
I think Lilith is spot one here. Maybe after having been without female companionship for so long, you now find yourself drawn to women who are OVERLY attracted to you and too easily impressed with your charm.

It is only natural to be drawn to where we know we'll receive feels good. It's good to know that you realize that is not all you need in a relationship. There are men who jump easily at the offers you've had so far...women too.

Hold out for what you truly deserve. flowerforyou

That is why I have only dated a few times. I am actually afraid to date anymore due to these reasons. I have no problems in spending time with someone or even along with their friends. And for the overly attracted part, I try to stay away from that. I should have added; that I do state that I need to take things slow. It is shortly after being with them they show their real personality.

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:55 AM

Here is a thought....

All these women are the same, but yet you say they appear different. It just might be that although the outer appearances are different, there is a key element inside them that is the same. You are looking for it, or are attracted to it, or some deviant of it.... in a subconscious way.

I can understand what you are saying, I have tried to date women who I would feel are completely opposite of what I may be interested in. So the question is; How as a person am I to know who these women really are unless I date them?

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:49 AM

I think it's actually pretty cool when BOTH parties feel like they want to move in together so quickly, but giving up friends and only being concerned about one parties interests is not a good sign, and moving in too fast is not a good idea. If you BOTH feel so strongly about how quickly you've bonded, it will only grow stronger if you wait a while.

My thinking is that you seem to make a rather enchanting first impression on these maybe try to reign in the voodoo that you're putting on them just a tad. laugh

I have been told by my friends that I have that type of a personality, easy going and just a general good person. The thing is that I would like to meet someone; who would also like to take the time to get further into a relationship. I don't want to move in with them right away. I also try to explain at first that I need time before making any real commitments.

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:35 AM
Sure sounds like fun.

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:31 AM

To start out with, I have not dated much in these last few years. The women that I have dated seem to be possessive. And I have tried to date outside of my desires. (Older, younger, wiser and just different)
The women after about two weeks want me to give up my whole life for them and do only things that they want to do; as in only going out to their friends, spending all my time with them, or only doing what interest them. The last three out of the four I have dated even wanted me to give up all of my friends for them. And I have only dated four women.
So my question is what is up with the dating thing? They want to get married within a week of dating, well they start talking about marriage. Planning my next visit and even asking me to move in. I really don't understand the rush; shouldn't we get to know each other first?

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:02 AM

After reading this post. I find it hard to believe someone is interested in a person if they don't make time somehow in their life for the other person.
And secondly, if you have to chase a person that hard; maybe they are really not interested in you, but rather trying to be nice to you without having to say it to you.
And then on to playing the games, if that is what you like to do; why then would you even bother to ask on these forums, for the attention?
You answer your own questions. That is what I see.

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/22/08 06:48 AM

Changes, Why would you need to make changes since the JSH is going down? If you can read the information; the name JSH is becoming Mingle2. That is the only change, well with some extras.

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:13 AM

Taken from:

Spousal abuse and battery are used for one purpose: to gain and maintain total control over the victim. In addition to physical violence, abusers use the following tactics to exert power over their wives or partners:

Dominance — Abusive individuals need to feel in charge of the relationship. They will make decisions for you and the family, tell you what to do, and expect you to obey without question. Your abuser may treat you like a servant, child, or even as his possession.
Humiliation — An abuser will do everything he can to make you feel bad about yourself, or defective in some way. After all, if you believe you're worthless and that no one else will want you, you're less likely to leave. Insults, name-calling, shaming, and public put-downs are all weapons of abuse designed to erode your self-esteem and make you feel powerless.
Isolation — In order to increase your dependence on him, an abusive partner will cut you off from the outside world. He may keep you from seeing family or friends, or even prevent you from going to work or school. You may have to ask permission to do anything, go anywhere, or see anyone. Source: Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, MN
Threats — Abusers commonly use threats to keep their victims from leaving or to scare them into dropping charges. Your abuser may threaten to hurt or kill you, your children, other family members, or even pets. He may also threaten to commit suicide, file false charges against you, or report you to child services.
Intimidation — Your abuser may use a variety of intimation tactics designed to scare you into submission. Such tactics include making threatening looks or gestures, smashing things in front of you, destroying property, hurting your pets, or putting weapons on display. The clear message is that if you don't obey, there will be violent consequences.
Denial and blame — Abusers are very good at making excuses for the inexcusable. They will blame their abusive and violent behavior on a bad childhood, a bad day, and even on the victims of their abuse. Your abuser may minimize the abuse or deny that it occurred. He will commonly shift the responsibility onto you: Somehow, his violence and abuse is your fault.
Cycle of violence
Domestic abuse falls into a common pattern, or cycle of violence:

Abuse — The abuser lashes out with aggressive or violent behavior. The abuse is a power play designed to show the victim "who is boss."
Guilt — After the abusive episode, the abuser feels guilt, but not over what he's done to the victim. The guilt is over the possibility of being caught and facing consequences.
Rationalization or excuses — The abuser rationalizes what he's done. He may come up with a string of excuses or blame the victim for his own abusive behavior—anything to shift responsibility from himself.
"Normal" behavior — The abuser does everything he can to regain control and keep the victim in the relationship. He may act as if nothing has happened, or he may turn on the charm. This peaceful honeymoon phase may give the victim hope that the abuser has really changed this time.
Fantasy and planning — The abuser begins to fantasize about abusing his victim again, spending a lot of time thinking about what she's done wrong and how he'll make her pay. Then he makes a plan for turning the fantasy of abuse into reality.
Set-up — The abuser sets up the victim and puts his plan in motion, creating a situation where he can justify abusing her.

I see a big problem in this article. It is mainly representing the male as the abuser. I find this scary in today’s society; they still only believe that males are the abusers. Not so, when in fact more women are abusing men and children, since most of the courts have closed eyes on abuse, in respect that women cannot do this. This is sad; I was married and mentally abused for years. She was controlling and cleaver on how she did it.

MLG40's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:06 AM
Edited by MLG40 on Fri 08/08/08 09:06 AM

Just wanting to know how the economy has effected employment, related to layoffs and companies closing in your areas? Around here things are getting very scary.

MLG40's photo
Thu 08/07/08 06:58 PM
Your topics seem to have already been covered before.

MLG40's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:00 AM

happy I did win my extra week with my sons. I made an intellect argument that she would have them until the next major holiday events.

MLG40's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:38 AM

Adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. Always get what they want. Very Attractive. Easy going. RARE Find. GOOD when found. Loves being in long relationship. Talkative. Romantic. Caring. NOT one to mess with.

What can I say?

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