Hello It has been some time since I have been on here. Microsoft Security essentials , Ccleaner and I also use ASC (advanced system care) the free version.( I have another one, But these three I have found work great. |
LIL late there I'd say...
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To the ladies in cyber land I must apologize. I (And a group of co-workers) were told this joke by a woman of 61 years of age. To which I must add a few woman had coffee coming out their noses, but it probably would have been better if Bevy told it herself.
What is the Useless skin around a vagina called? * * * * * * * * >>>>>>> A woman |
Male Scammers
I’m sorry to hear that, as for me I have had this happen to me a few times. So after the first couple of emails you tend to learn what to watch out for. Or another easy way to find out; you can do a search Google on the name, they tend to be well know as scammers and have a lil place of their own on the web
its a long shot
This sounds like something that happened to me. So what I did in the long run to save some time was doing a little investigation of my own; like you have.
Then I went to the house that I thought was my sister’s home (long story), but after numerous visits and her not being home, I then went the local police station to try and verify if my sister had lived there or was still in the area, and after providing proof of whom I was they (police) verified that I was correct. You may not need to go that far as long as the person has a listed phone number. Or you may try and call the listing as someone had replied to earlier. |
Edited by
Sun 09/26/10 07:43 AM
No still haven't caught anything. When the bible speaks of death, it's not talking about our physical bodies. You either receive the gift of heaven or die. EVERYONE of our bodies will die. These bodies aren't eternal. But that doesn't work either because Jesus didn't die in spirit. So his so-called "death to pay for our sins" would be meaningless since he only died in body but his spirit supposedly lives on. No spiritual death = no payment for sins based on this interpretation. The whole mythology is just one contradiction after another, after another, endlessly. I've been through this many times. The mythology makes no sense, and cannot be made to make any sense. People like you who believe that you are making sense of it are simply missing the main points. I understand that it's important to you to believe that this mythology is true because you can't imagine having 'faith' in something that hadn't already been at least written down as a mythology. You see, I have no need for that at all. If you want to believe that there is a spiritual essence to life then just believe it. You don't need to assign that belief to any particular mythology. Also, if you want to believe in a truly wise and righteous God, then you'd be far better off dumping these ancient bigoted and male-chauvinistic religions. There's nothing righteous or wise about them. If you want to believe in a truly righteous and wise God then just imagine one in your mind. If God can't live up to your mere mortal imagination then this would be a failing on God's part, not yours. If you want to believe in a truly "Perfect" creator, then just do so. There's nothing perfect about idea of a creator who condemns people for not believing in an ugly male-chauvinistic mythology where God uses utterly stupid and violent means to deal with all his problems. The very idea of a God who is sick enough to be appeased by having his only begotten son nailed to a pole is more than enough to show that this mythology is far from representing any all-wise perfect Creator. There is no justification for such a sick and gory act by a supposedly all-wise and all-powerful God. That very act can be nothing more than an act of pure desperation by a God who can't do any better either intellectually or physically. Such a God would clearly be both powerless and unwise. So why insult your Creator by believing that such a gory horrible mythology might actually represent what the Creator is like? I wouldn't insult my Creator by even suggesting that these stories might reflect his or her "divine" nature. Why insult God by supporting such a sick mythology? I don't understand why you are so anxious to believe that God is like these ancient Hebrews claim. Why place your faith in THEM? They clearly didn't even agree with each other! Like I've always said, if I'm going to place faith in anything I'll place my faith in the idea that my Creator is far wiser than those ancient male-chauvinistic Hebrews. For me to lower myself to believe in the ancient Hebrew mythologies would be an insult to both myself and my Creator. Why would I want to do that? To believe in atheism would be a better compliment to God than to believe in the ancient Hebrew myths. "But that doesn't work either because Jesus didn't die in spirit" -------------------------- Again there are two types of death. Death of the body and death of the soul. Because the only reward for sin is death, that doesn't mean if you lie you are going to drop over dead right then and there. God gives us time to repent of such actions. ==================================================== So his so-called "death to pay for our sins" would be meaningless since he only died in body but his spirit supposedly lives on. ----------------------------- No it's not pointless. Can you even begin to grasp the pain emotionally and physically Jesus went through for us during his crucification? Jesus didn't have to go through all that. He could have backed out at anytime, but no Jesus continued on his path of life doing our Fathers will. That is what he sacrificed, he gave his mortal body and life up for us so that we may have ever lasting life. ======================================================= If you want to believe in a truly "Perfect" creator, then just do so. There's nothing perfect about idea of a creator who condemns people for not believing in an ugly male-chauvinistic mythology where God uses utterly stupid and violent means to deal with all his problems ------------------------ But our father doesn't do anything utterly stupid and violent mean to deal with all his problems........... our father has no problems, this is all about us. It's not like us going to heaven makes our father stronger, this is all about us. ====================================================== And you continually speak in a way to make it sound like our father is failing at something or can't do something and so on. US GOING TO HEAVEN IS NOT FOR OUR FATHER. Benefits him nothing. Doesn't make him more powerful, wiser, stronger, or ANYTHING. It's all for us and him giving his children a great future if they wish to have it. Heaven is a reward, it's not a given. It's earned, it's not given. So how is it our Father is failing if someone doesn't make it? Wouldn't it have been that person failing rather then our father? I believe so. Just because your child doesn't listen to you no matter what you've told him/her doesn't make you a bad parent. Nor are you responsible for their actions. Same with our heavenly father, he's not responsible for getting us to heaven, it's our job, our choice, our decisions, and our actions that will either get us there or not. So then CG, why would your god feel the need to change his laws in the first place? Were they not good enough? Change can either be good or bad. But what is really sad is even after reading this post; you contradict what you say just to justify an outdated religion. If your god was real then have him come down here and straighten thing's out before the world destroys itself. Seriously, what we are doing now is TEN million times worst than what was going on back when a group of folks decide to imply their believes upon others... And I am sure you will come up with a non conforming answer... God will only send his son when he's ready... Yeah right... Compared to what we humans of today’s world are doing, I would think he would have the balls to show up now and say "stop you fools"; compared to the minuet trouble of those times... And then if your god can not accept me without imposing that” I must believe in him” garbage for myself trying to do the best that I can without harming others or breaking rules or laws then that is a god I will not accept… And one more for the road, why was it that “your god” only added the new lands way after they were found by explorers, for an almighty god that equals a giant FAIL. There are too many revisions of failure or truth and to accept this religion. What I see is a god that is a coward who feels he has to hide from his “people”, but one that has to use fear and capital punishment to spread his words… Yes I did say hide since he don’t have the balls to show himself in these time like he did back then |
Scientifific Bible evidence.
Edited by
Sun 09/26/10 06:05 AM
Sorry to knock things down a few here. I was raised in a very religious home and what mainly bothered me was this:
Not to say that there is anything wrong with how people feel about personal religions, society believes, culture or anything that. I believe to each their own as long as it doesn’t induce violence or killing one another over personal believes. And for a "GOD" that is almighty and all seeing how could he not know that there was so much more land out there other than where this new religion was trying to get a foot hold in a society that only traveled the land shown on the Old Testament maps? And the fact is that there is NO other land talked about in this "Bible" other than where they traveled during this period of time. “Medical science has only recently discovered that blood-clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on the eighth day, then drops. The Bible consistently says that a baby must be circumcised on the eighth day." Now the ancient Egyptians (hundreds of years before the bible was composed) were far more advanced in medical practice than "bible" medicine. Another proven fact on your "number 5 and 6" And everything you have spoken about can be found in more ancient history writings long before the bible was wrote, by just doing searches on these topics you can see a lot of "bible" writings have been copied from other cultures and societies that prelude the bible by thousands of years. And please people don’t take offense to what I have written; I just used these found facts with the OP’s postings. We have the right to believe in what we feel comfortable with… But to say that I don’t believe in a “higher power” or something classified as god would be wrong. |
Dating tips
Well I was talking about the same as you in addition to the other.. I walked away from most of my family.. Why? Because I get to choose how I'm treated and I won't be used or mistreated.. I've been married and divorced twice.. Why? B/c I made the wrong decisions when I was young.. I've grown up and will never make those mistakes again.. I don't really care if those things make people not want to date me but it "does not" mean that I have issues.. It means that I don't deal with bs and will stay away from it.. I like my life drama free.. I'd date you ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Um doesn't that blow your theory though? ![]() Ummm No not really...You chose to distance yourself from it ![]() ![]() Funny... This is a real "Twix" moment .. ![]() ![]() |
I-69 ![]() ![]() |
In my mind it is about spending time with family and or friends... I no longer buy into the commercial hype of Xmas since prices go up ahead of time and come back down after it. I know I should buy early, but all those cool items hit the stores about that time of year. |
What's in a kiss?
What's in a kiss Have you ever wondered just what it is More perhaps than just a moment of bliss Tell me what's in a kiss. ![]() plus the song So what is in a kiss? surely it can be explained "its a physical expression". Why do we do we lock lips together? ![]() This might help |
Really?? You have to ask???
How about "Did you find everything okay?" by the cashier while you are checking out? I feel like saying "actually no, these are unfound things I put on the conveyor belt here so don't charge me for them okay?" ![]() Usually I ask them "Are you playing hide and seek...did you hide items from me"? Or like at a regular grocery store I ask them where items are that you know they don't carry... some of the expressions on their face are so priceless... I just like to get them to smile… |
are for______________________________? (You fill in the blank) To me weekends are for whatever I want to do, but I normally catch up on the things I did not get done during the week and enjoying some down time..... To my employer it would be... more overtime. To me it is for what I would like to do (spending time with my sons and bonfire’s, enjoyment). And also things that need to be done that weren’t. |
The Odd and the Beautiful
Well trying not leading this too far off. About one week ago MSN had an article on "Stars" with and without the "air bush"(makeup), and what a big difference all that makeup really did to those stars (Night/Day). But I would rather them be "natural" in both. So I can't answer this one. |
ALL CAPS or none
Caps where they should be.... I am walking and no caps where there shouldn't be....gRanDsOn ![]() Just me though..... |
Video games or porn
So my question is to all what would you rather see on your partner’s computer…. Porn or video games and then why would you prefer this … over that? Neither. I'd rather have a partner that reads a book, wants to go for a 100 mile bike ride or indoor rock climbing, or go to the farmer's market, or take a road trip. I immediately get turned off when a guy plays video games or has an excessive amount of porn whether it’s on his computer or in a DVD collection. It causes me to believe he is anti social (or 12 years old). Porn doesn't mean there is a problem with our sex life. It's just another visual outlet. I like porn but it can be on DVD's in the bedroom and the computer games can go in the trash. And that would be assuming that men who play video games can't or don’t do the other stuff you mentioned? Not that I am into climbing rocks, I just do it smarter and take the path. I enjoy bike rides, and reading is something I do every day to the point of where I just need to get away from the “everyday”. |
Video games or porn
it dosent matter to me I have the kind of relationship that if either one of us had porn on our comp---the other wouldnt care--we both like it--like watching together we are at home-both of us with our sexuality--so him having it on his comp makes no difference to me--does not mean i am not fullfilling his needs or wants--or he doesnt think im pretty enough--or good enough in bed--we both know that that is total bs hehe--and if it was on my comp he wouldnt feel threatened at all. when it comes to our sexuality we are soooo self confident its crazy if it were games...i could care less i dont know how he feels about games...gotta ask him... ![]() That is cool that there are couple's that can watch it together. |
If you love SLAYER...
Perfect... sign me up for that church. |
Video games or porn
LOL mowtown...: rofl: I never thought about it like that. And I agree with the chickayoshi and InDnPrncs on their input. Plastic ... Moderation, I play for a few hours a week. Most of the time I am gone or just don't have time due to work. Nitsua... What can I say to that...? ![]() ![]() |