Video games or porn
Okay here goes a little thought. To better understand this I should explain that I work at a place that is 96% female. The other day I was at work and we started talking about computers and what we mainly do with our home computers. Come to find out a lot of these co-worker’s husbands have quite a bit of porn on theirs; then the attention turned to me and I was asked how much porn I had on mine, so I replied none… a pause of silence, then laughter and then the” yeah sure” from the gallery. So I explained to these co-workers that even since I am a male that doesn’t mean that I have to have that on my computers. And then I went on to informed them that my computers are made for gaming, and when I have free time that is what I enjoy doing other than resume’s and email plus the occasional research. So my question is to all what would you rather see on your partner’s computer…. Porn or video games and then why would you prefer this … over that? |
Back to work Blue's
Did this weekend just go past like it wasn't even here? I feel like I robbed myself of one more day off from work since I asked if I could work Saturday since today was a holiday, but Tuesday is a busy day for me and I didn't want to fall behind in my shipping so I asked if I could work half a day on Saturday. |
office and windows 7
I use both Windows7 and Windows 2007 office suite on both of my computers and I have had no problems with either and I am running both systems on 64 bit. You may want to call Microsoft and ask them; since Windows7 came out I have found that support from Windows has moved up a few notches. You may want to uninstall Office 2007 and update Windows7 and then try re-installing office... |
When all is said and done...
When my day is like that!!! I use crackle hulu fancast netflix to watch some great old movies! ![]() Do you visit OVGUIDE at all? OV has a lot of different sites for movies, TV. and past shows can be found thru them. |
The A-Team
I just watched it last night. Good to a point, but should we be expecting a new A-Team t.v. show? |
When all is said and done...
On a rainy day; and after the entire house work is done. Not wanting to drive one and a half hours to the movie place or to the mall. What do you do to occupy your time? |
Just wondering if anybody else has a job where one doesn't has to be crazy to work there but it helps. Sanity is such a luxury where I work. But once in a while I get to talk to visitor from off the street who is still sane. I do, with my new job (shipping) orders tend to be built during the pickup time. Remind you my job is not anything like McDonalds... |
Love, defined.
This part could be seen as lust?...
"Sometimes, we call something 'love' because we don't know what else to call it. And sometimes, there are no other words to describe it. Love could be defined in many ways, but I like this one: love is just the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in that recognition." |
Does it matter?
I will agree with all the other replies on this topic. No it should not matter as long as they have a job and they don't live above their income. But the truly sad thing is that there are a lot of people out there that still judge others by their income in the dating world. |
So very true. But what is even better is when they decide to want you later in the future and you have the memory of the past; and you get to reject them. |
What do you miss?
Cooking together, cuddling, making love and spooning. |
Have you ever meet one of these people that say from the start "If you can't trust me or what I say" just to find out that they can't be trusted with what thay say or do? So how do you approach them about the word "trust" that they pointed out at first when you first became friends; or should you just stay away from them? |
Crossed Signals ?
Krupa Freakin funny, that's just way too funny... ![]() |
I think it depends on how a car is kept. My best bud is picking up this 69 Roadrunner this week. Our friend Ray is doing the video. He owns his a repair shop. |
Crossed Signals ?
I will tell you what is going on here. But first, let me say that, in my should definitely not go any further with this chick. Now, allow me to explain why. She wants to be friends. But, she is also flirty with you as well. I don't see this as a case of being on the backburner (not all the way). I feel that she also wants to see what you are feeling. Yeah, you agreed to her terms and all, respecting her wishes and what not. But alot of times, people (men and women) do say one thing, but they really want something else. What I mean is, I feel that she said the friends comment just to see what you would say, or also to hear like if there was some amount of disappointment in your voice. However, as she is still being flirty, going out of her way to see you and all, well that just signals to me that she wants you to actually pursue her. It is a game, and no doubt it seems that she likes to play them. Yeah, we all want to be pursued, and I just feel that she does want that from you. She obviously likes you and the attention you give her. She lives for the chase. And she wants that from you. Anyways, I think you should just ignore her and move onwards dude. Just my thoughts. I think you nailed it right on the head. This person told me she did certain things to get her husband’s attention when she was married, like going to the tanning spa, or just doing things to impress him; just trying to gain his approval so he would pay attention to her... But for me, I like to be straight forward and enjoy spending time with whom I am with, Yeah a lil chase is fun but when you reach our age it should not have to play that big of a part in getting to be with someone if you both want to see were things can lead. And thank you ALL for your understanding and replies |
Sweet... |
I will never understand people that ask these questions. I do believe that in a relationship if there are problems then you must address them. Cheating in my little world is wrong and I think the majority on here even agree. Move on and do what you need to do, just don't let it build up, that’s when things can and will go completely sour. |
Crossed Signals ?
Hey thanks for the heads up on my topic. I just need to throw this in there to see what others would think besides my friends. They seem to have hit the nail on the head most of the time well
Crossed Signals ?
Edited by
Sat 05/29/10 09:53 AM
Long time lurking in the back ground just reading. So I must say HI once again. So now on to my confusion. I just recently started working at this place back in the beginning of the year, due to being laid off at my last job. So one day I was asked what I thought about this person at work from her friend, I responded that I found her attractive but that I don't really know her since my work keeps me in the back ground a little. So about a week later this friend of hers asks me again "Why haven't you asked her out"? I responded that I have never asked someone out from work; since it may not turn out good or what not. Her friend then gave me this person’s phone number and told me she was hoping that I would call her to go out sometime, or just to talk. So I did just that, I called this person and we had a good 4 hour chat over the phone the very first time. And we have had many more as well. But the last few call this person had informed me that she would like to keep it to just friends for now, since she has been having problems with her Ex(of over a year now). Mind games as she informs me. He had got remarried less than a year after their divorce. But my problem is that I really don't follow this persons lead or hints. She kind of flirts like a little girl when she comes around me by like adding a little hop in her step, smiling and seems to find reasons to come over to where I may be asking someone questions for my shipments, which seems to be out of her way in my opinion. Now a few of my best friends from many years say that she has me like on a "back burner" just in case. So I am at the point of not calling her figuring if she wants to further this she can call me, I mention that since her friend had asked me why I haven't called her friend in four days. So my question is... Umm what is going on here? Should I take my friends advice and stay away or continue this game? I know that she had mentioned that she wanted to be friends, but I don't understand why she would do this stuff to get my attention if we are to just be friends. And yes maybe I would like to be more than friends but when I am asked other things from this persons friend. |
Since cameras cost money, and the cameras seem to always break upon taking the photo.