Community > Posts By > SHAMELESS_42

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Tue 12/25/07 11:54 AM
Is thier a fine for not following these commandments are do i just need to go to confession once more this week.if thiers a fine plese forward it to my email it's EYEWONTPAY@CATCHME.COM bigsmile TY 4 SHARING.

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Tue 12/25/07 05:01 AM
Maria just got married and being a traditional italian, she was still a virgin.So on her wedding night staying at her mothers house, she was very nervous.But her mother reassured her,don't worry Maria Tony's a good man."Go upstairs and he'll take care of you.So upshe went.When she got upstairs,Tony took off his shirt and exposed a hairy chest. Maria ran downstairs to her mother and says,Mama,Mama,Tony's got a hairy chest.Don't worry Maria,says her mother, "all men have hairy chests."Go upstairs he'll take good care of you. So up she went again.When she got up to the bedroom,Tony had taken off his pants exposing his hairy legs.Again maria ran downstairs to her mother. Mama,Mama,Tony took off his pants and he's got hairy legs.Don't worry,all men have hairy legs.Go upstairs.Tony's a good man.Go upstairs and he'll take very good care of you.So up she went again.And when she got up thier.Tony took off his socks.And on his left foot, he was missing 4 of his toes.And when she saw this she ran back downstairs.Mama,Mama,Tony's got a foot and a half!!! Stay her and stir the pasta , says Mama.THIS IS A JOB FOR MAMA!!!

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 05:38 PM
group what cooly and dont tell me sex .. roflmao

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 05:36 PM
Aboy and his date were parked on a back road pretty far from town,doing what boy's nd girl's do on a back road some distance from town.They were getting hot and heavey when the girl stops the boy. I should have mentioned this earlier,but"i'm really a hooker and i chargge 20 dollars for sex ,she say's." The boy looks at her for a few seconds, then he reluctantly paid her and then they did thier thing. After the cigarette,the boy just stares out the window for awhile.Why ain't we going anywhere asks the girl? Well i should have mentioned this before,but im actually a taxi driver,and the fare back to town is 25 dollars.

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 05:24 PM
rofl laugh laugh laugh

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 05:22 PM
im no cyber perve how dare a , im old school still use 2 cans and a string:tongue:

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 05:20 PM
lol cooley dont look at me .. you better go find itz ooops typo .. funnin you 2bigsmile

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 05:18 PM

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 05:11 PM

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 05:05 PM
Two young lovers go up to the mountains for a romatic winter vacation.After bringing all the luggage in, the guy say's ,honey my hands are freezing! Well she say's ,put them between my legs and i'll warm them up. Later he goes out fishing to catch a few trout for lunch.When he finally gets back a little later, he says MAN my hands are really freezing!So she say's agin, put them between my legs and i'll warm them up. After dinner he goes out to chop fire wood for the night.When he returns, he again say's honey my hands are really really freeezing!! She say's,DAMIT HONEY DON'T YOUr "EARS" EVER GET COLD?

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:49 PM
ohh thats a riot hope ya got great insurance atleast lmao

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:47 PM
I thought menwere like mushroom ... kept in the dark and fed bull**** ... ooopsy did i post that :wink:

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:44 PM
oh 2 funny but so true laugh laugh laugh drinker

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:42 PM
what ya mean nerds most my friends say nuts .. never been called a nerd, does that title come with fringe benefits?If not i refuse the job and title rofl

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:38 PM
bigsmile LMAO great one bro keep it up (no not litterally )laugh

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:35 PM

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:32 PM
It's the spring of 1957 and Bobby goes to pick up his date.He's a pretty hip guy with his own car.When he goes to the front door,Carrie's father answers and invites him in. Carrie's not ready yet, so why dont you have a seat?,he says. Bobby says , thats cool. Carrie's father ask's what are you two planning on doing?Bobby replies,that they will probably just go to the soda shop or a movie. Carrie's father says , why dont you to go out and screw?I hear all the kids are doing it. Naturally,this comes as quite a surprise to Bobby,so he asks Carrie's father to repeat it. Yeah,says Carrie's father,Carrie really like to screw.She'll screw all night if we let her! Well this just made Bobby's eyes light up,and his plans for the evening we're planning to look very good.Afew minutes later Carrie comes down in her little poodle skirt and anounces that she's ready to go.Almost breathless with anticipation,Bobby escorts his date out the front door.About 20 minutes later Carrie rushes back into the house,slams the door behind her and screams at her father; DANGIT DADDY!!!...IT'S CALLED THE TWIST..!!!

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 03:25 PM
It's the spring of 1957 and bobby goes to pick up his date.

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 03:12 PM
bigsmile now thats so funny i almost choked on my coffeeow.. poor guy wont leave his phone out anymore, if he can afford a phone after that.(remind me never to leave my cell unattended ever again yikes)

SHAMELESS_42's photo
Mon 12/24/07 03:06 PM
That was a very amazing and wonderful story, and im a better person for hearing it. yes im a man but im man enough to be able to feel as well as cry without feeling unmanly,and that brought a tear to my eyes also.(i couldn't of stopped them if i'd wanted to )And yes i whole heartedly agree if the world was more like PAY IT FORWARD(which was a awesome and uplifting movie)the world would be a much more beautiful place for all.thank you very much for sharing, and especially on christmas a better person forreading it,thank you again ....MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL