Community > Posts By > sealove42

sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:39 PM
This was written very well TR. Keep up the thoughts.. you did a nice job


sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:37 PM
Sometimes I think we see how we are taught they are, and not the whole truth in what we may see.

Just my opinion

Nice Write


sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:14 PM
much better said ... nice job. I am great with lameman terms.

Well Done

sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:06 PM
Edited by sealove42 on Sat 03/29/08 08:08 PM
Maybe he was speaking of what is written of what must happen to the Son of God. He knew the old testament, and knew what needed to happen in order to fill the prophesy. I am not a thumper, just always aksing some of the same question and trying to understand what is meant.

All things of Christ was in God's Perfect Will, therefore, all was predestined to happen, therefore written in the old testament, when a Jewish person read or heard him talk they might refer to the scrolls or the lesson they had learned since early childhood, and they would have known what he was referring to by what he said.

That is my I think so, but i can ask at church if you like.

It is a really good question, and one that leaves room for research. Hopefully in that research you might find the faith that is more important that the word and verbage.. Take Care, I like your questions.

sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:59 PM
Its difficult to be a single Christian, follow all the guidelines, especially being married once. Seem to get caught up in lust or desire of a partner, then following all the moral rule or roles that go with being a single Christian. Very difficult to be accepted and divorce, because as a single person you are suppose to live as a bride/groom for Christ, until he brings around your mate.

I think it difficult because you know the intimacy, and the marriage that didn't work seems to be a down side to your Christianity.

Just my opinion...


sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:51 PM
A beautiful poem a parent can understand, never give up the memories, and allow them to get you through the good and the bad. It was nicely written, and a giving of yourself. Tides do turn, and love does triumph. Keep on the bright side.


sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:48 PM
I believe in Ephesians Chapter 2 Verses 4-8

But God being rich in mercy , because of His Great love and which He loved us, even when we were dead in out trangression, made us alve together with Christ( by grace you have been saved) and raised us up with HIM and seated us with HIm in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, in order that is the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith and that notof yourselves, it is the gift of GodL Not as a result of works, which no one should boast.

I think this passage might say that by believing in Christ Jesus we are already in heaven. This is our HOPE.

I believe it is sort of calvinist, but I prayed on it and it comforts me when I wonder about Heaven.


sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:35 PM
I spoke of a rainbow, the intrepretaion of the illusion in the sky. My belief for forever as the world passes in circle around the sun. The belief was that of a flood that would never again cover the earth. Two days later half a rainbow appeared without a drop of rain. I thought about half from God and wondered how much knowledge does God keep to himself. For surely the devil believed he knew as much as God, and wasn't able to stop himself from falling. Surely, the Bible is what we need to learn to build our relationship with God. Not the book on how to become a god.

I shared this with a drawing a made a few years ago. That my faith is not in the wisdom of men, but in the Power of God.
1 Corithians Chapter 2 Vrs 5

My drawing has Promise written across the hand, a sword from a cross dipped in ink with the bottle labeled The words of truth
In the rainbow I wrote : to love: to live: to have faith: to be joyful: to love my neighbor: fair: helpful: friendly: kind: complete: resourseful: respectful: encourage: to be a friend: to be a mom: to LOVE GOD: exercise companionship: minimize anger: learn and educate your mind: support personal ethics and morals: exercise and relax my body: believe and support that which is good in life: Lean of friends and family: don't assume the bad in anyone. It wrote that our whole story may not have the whole truth and Jesus knows why we have the half. the Unseen, the unspoken, the unheard, the unknown says that knowledge is in the Will of God, and Jesus Christ was and still is his perfect will.

it was a lovely drawing, and I thought I would share it with this forum.

Take Care everyone

TAB 03/30/08

sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 10:37 AM
Where April come from, I try to understand....
A month of beginning again, a fresh new blend
Put away the old, you've seen winter through.
I can't begin to express this world I see true.
Through the years I've encountered an array of mixed emotions
Not sure of why this month is our calander of devotions.

I love the rain, the new and the flower of spring.
The way the possibility of love often has romance to bring.
Behind each one of God creatures lies away of attracting a mate
Where mother nature sometime intervines between the fate.

We usually celebrate the power of Gods finest hour.
We appreciate the newness of every living flower.
For me April I am somtimes alive and awake.
Over aware of the surroundings, wandering from the fake.

I'm not sure what pulls me to change so hard and fast.
Sometimes in April I'm not sure if my race will last.
My faith each year has allowed be to tackle some fear.
Though my thoughtts and beliefs leave in my heart a tear.

Will there ever be a year when I lok up to say.
April is here, April is here- oh what a glorious day.
It would be sill to pretend a delightful feeling inside.
My eyes, my soul, my being , feel like the pulls of the tide.

Some days hight with Spirit and Love.
Other low as the like the fog that comes from the clouds above.
I can't bring you into my world of change.
Though if you stay for awhile, and endure the every changing range.
A promise of summer fun, and of power.
Will happen every year after each rain will bloom a flower.

Changing seasons.

TAB 4/29/03

sealove42's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:29 PM
Edited by sealove42 on Wed 03/26/08 09:33 PM
Roses are what color?
Grown for all, appreciated by a lover.
Allowance for this brief moment of retreat.
On this road of life another fork I meet.
Which way to go, which way to lead.
Understand that growth comes with planting a seed.

Up, down, right, left - just live for the sake of love.
Its all the better when life is treasured from above.
Cherish the gift of each day in every way.
It isn't always what you think, it sometimes what you say.

Don't judge, don't hurt, don't make silly excuses.
Don't yell, don't argue, don't blow your mind fuses.
Love, gentleness, kindness, truth, beauty of the moment
Expression of the best you can be can help the others sent.

While I contemplate the way in which seem right for me.
I address that Yes there is sadness, for a need to be free.
Not caged to a financial string, that pulls me like a puppet.
Not stuck to whom I am because of the lack of money I make of it.

But, look inside this person I have become.
I would give you my last cent, if you needed some.
It not worth anything if our success can't be shared.
Immediately I remember a child eyes In which I stared.

She wasn't any different than you or I except by social grace.
She was born in poverty, white trash of this human race.
Intelligent, bright, giving and overly bizarre.
There I was more concern about people in this world, than their money by far.

I guess in life one tries to fit in.
I never knew being poor, was a closer doorway to sin.
As I grow in life cycle and begin to understand.
I appreciate hard work, values, ethics and a hope for goodness in the end.

Its not about money...but it does make it easier for those fortunate enough for this blessing

Night everyone.
TAB 03/26/08

sealove42's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:11 PM
Thanks everyone for the boost... I been looking for knowhere since this poem, and to be honest its been a rough journey. I however did adjust to some sense of peace.

Hope everyone is doing well, miss the poetry, maybe I will get creative again soon.

sealove42's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:57 PM

sealove42's photo
Tue 03/25/08 07:10 PM

As the day passes through moments in time.
I look for a meaning, through the sublime.
A ticket to Knowhere was the thought of the day.
That's the place to go, that the place to stay.

Knowhere's a land that is exceptional bright.
Knowhere's a land that one can sleep through the night
Knowhere's a question that has just one truth.
Knowhere's a place where silence to the ears will sooth.

Momentarily I am transported from here to Knowhere.
No need to question how, just imagine your there.
Quietly we adjust our minds and forget the wrongs.
We embellish on the best of love in all of the songs.

Knowhere's a place where good is the gold of life.
Knowhere's the value of happiness, over the value of strife.
Knowhere's a time when innocence was an actual commodity.
Knowhere's a land where things are just the way the outta be.

Out of this dream, and into this land.
The Know is about how to lend an unselfish hand.
The Where is the place that you should already know.
Knowhere can truly exist if you'll let your love grow.

Open up your eyes, take a good look inside.
You can't be in Knowhere if your life you must hide.
Express the blessings that love can bring forward.
Knowhere's the place that we want to move toward.

For Knowhere to exist right here and right now.
We have to live ethics, values and with a respectful vow.
For Tolerance, truth and mercy without a fuss.
For Knowhere to exist the justice is not about us.

I expect that Knowhere is a heavenly view.
A Utophia that is a philosopher dream come true.
Ignited by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
I think I might find Knowhere on earth now better than Most.

For a better world.
TAB 2/17/2008

sealove42's photo
Tue 03/25/08 07:02 PM
thanks for the poems


sealove42's photo
Sat 03/01/08 08:34 PM
nice job


sealove42's photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:04 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone. I hope you have a wonderful night. I am trying to fight off this flu, talk to you later....


sealove42's photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:56 PM

sealove42's photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:10 PM
True Companion

Marc Cohen

sealove42's photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:57 PM
nice job Mom flowerforyou

sealove42's photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:45 PM



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