Community > Posts By > sealove42

sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:57 PM
sweet dreams...
hope seems
life for love
wings for a dove
may everyones day
be for what you pray
sleep well,
lets try for heaven
and stomp on hell.


sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:52 PM
Winner of the night. That was extremely lovely and how special is the person you had in your heart to bring that poem forward.

Keep the love


sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:45 PM
:heart: Nicely written, its a deep thought, Much appreciated.


sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:40 PM
Hippos make me smile.



sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:35 PM
Asking for the truth, is possibly a mistake.
For inside each heart, the truth for love sake.
It could be so real, or surreal at times.
Living life for your family, reading between the lines.

Absolute, postive undenyibly sure.
Sounds so real, such words all the more allure.
The truth doesn't ever seem to live close by.
Why when the ref doesn't catch the foul we applaud the lie.

Where would be if our mask weren't about who we pretend.
I've tried the truth for years and years on end.
The more truth I tell, the harder the trials seems to be.
I wonder so much about my truth, and why don't others see.

I guess the best feeling is when its time to sleep.
I don't worry about what I did wrong if didn't whisper a peep.
I lay my head down, thank the Lord for the good and bad.
Sometime tears roll down, for the truth was really sad.

But through it all, and forsight not missed.
God's mercy and grace at his feet I will have kissed.
Upon my truth, there still is an element of pretend.
For normal its not, and telling the truth takes a special friend.

I like to say all is well and living is so great.
There more love from others, than the signs of hate.
I prentend alot that everything is just fine.
But more than I try to surrender the words between the line.

So ask me for the truth might make a great book.
Telling the truth, I might get a strange look.
So, this mask I wear that all is well for today.
Is because each night, I hope tomorrow is a normal day.

Night everyone.

TAB 05/05/08

sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:16 PM

sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:12 PM
I'll try to tell this story with the best ability I can.

Threre was an man who died and went to St. Peter.

Peter first took him to a house that had seven people sitting around a table, looking starved,rib cage showing, shivering and in the middle of the table there was a bowl of hot stew. Each person at the table had a long handle spoon, but when they dipped it in the soup the handle was too long fot them to feed them selves, so they were very hungry because they couldn't get anything to eat, they all looked sad and disappointed in not being able to feed themselves.

Saint Peter said to the man this is HELL

Peter then took them to a house next door, when he open the door he saw seven people sitting around a table very happy, very well fed and very comforting to eachother. These people took there long handle spoon and fed eachother with it, and all were satisfied, completed and comforted with helping one another eat the bowl of soup.

Saint Peter said to the man this is HEAVEN.

Which world do we live in, are we feeding others with love, generousity, and kindness or are we only looking out for ourselves missing the key ingredients to making earth a little bit more like heaven.

I have to thank a friend named **** for this story, I have told it often because sometimes I strive towards a heavenly experience here on earth.

TAke Care,

sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 09:59 PM

Who said we were in it to win?
The track is just a circle you see
Run as fast as you'd like and you'll only reach
The beginning or the end, whichever you'd like
We all finish sometime, no matter our order
After all its not timed or controlled
And there's no need to compete
Your victory does not imply my failure
And my success does not lessen your journey
Instead find your stride, settle in, and HANG ON
We're not meant to reach the grave pristine
Instead slide in last minute, battered and tattered
Loudly proclaiming "That was a hell of a run!"

That was nicely said- and expressed with an appreciation for life. Thank you


sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 09:45 PM
:heart: :heart:

The power of God Love in my life is my existence, and the one thing that makes each day unique and special.


sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 09:38 PM
Nice Mom,

Its such a special world to remember the magic of childhood, when the answer was as easy as our imagination. The world tries so hard to harden, and bitter once Make Believe...

Make Believe is more than a moment its a beautiful way to remember that God asked us to see the world through the eyes of a child. Sometimes I pray that it was easier not to see the other stuff.

Thanks, it was beautiful


sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 09:33 PM
Hi Everyone....

sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 09:26 PM
flowerforyou onward and forward as always we strive to improve.

Nice Write

Night TAB

sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 09:24 PM
:heart: nicely written


sealove42's photo
Fri 05/02/08 11:35 PM
The last king of Greece, found out that the prophecy of him was that his kingdom would be taken over by another group. But, the other group had to keep the king alive in order to keep the citizenship of the town in order. The king dressed as a commoner and went to the other group and started a fight, they killed him which broke prophesy. He saves Greece for the time, but they lost a incredible king, and no one ever wanted to be considered King of Greece to honor this King. They then became statemen.

Now God knew upon Adam all sin laid. Adam was reborn in human flesh and spirit filled by prophesy through Christ Jesus to live the perfect life that no man could live, Jesus learned the Torah, lived a sinless life, and filled the prophesy in which all men that believed in the Son of God would be reunited with God for ethernal life- instead of hell. He lived the life that no man could do. Mind, spirit and soul.

Now comparing the two stories which are similar, the lacking of the first is that one the King was dead there was no consolation for the hope of the people to be reunited with the way in which the perfection of the kingdom was run.

God, found a way to eventually bring us back to an eternal life that provides hope, joy and positively a reason to live a better life now for what has been given for our eternal soul (Heaven). Only God could possibly reason a way to make up for the evil in which he knew man was capable of creating. He was pure, man was made like God and could learn of good and evil. Mans flesh in humanly in need to fulfill the senses. It takes something extremely spiritual to move beyond the sensual. That is where the Holy Spirit is released to help us with controlling, but we still flesh lacking for God and God knew this. Thus he was omnipotent of our flesh and Spirit. Past. present and future. That is why the cross.

PS the King was Plato's uncle I believe or grandfather.

Take Care. TAB

sealove42's photo
Fri 05/02/08 11:35 PM
The last king of Greece, found out that the prophecy of him was that his kingdom would be taken over by another group. But, the other group had to keep the king alive in order to keep the citizenship of the town in order. The king dressed as a commoner and went to the other group and started a fight, they killed him which broke prophesy. He saves Greece for the time, but they lost a incredible king, and no one ever wanted to be considered King of Greece to honor this King. They then became statemen.

Now God knew upon Adam all sin laid. Adam was reborn in human flesh and spirit filled by prophesy through Christ Jesus to live the perfect life that no man could live, Jesus learned the Torah, lived a sinless life, and filled the prophesy in which all men that believed in the Son of God would be reunited with God for ethernal life- instead of hell. He lived the life that no man could do. Mind, spirit and soul.

Now comparing the two stories which are similar, the lacking of the first is that one the King was dead there was no consolation for the hope of the people to be reunited with the way in which the perfection of the kingdom was run.

God, found a way to eventually bring us back to an eternal life that provides hope, joy and positively a reason to live a better life now for what has been given for our eternal soul (Heaven). Only God could possibly reason a way to make up for the evil in which he knew man was capable of creating. He was pure, man was made like God and could learn of good and evil. Mans flesh in humanly in need to fulfill the senses. It takes something extremely spiritual to move beyond the sensual. That is where the Holy Spirit is released to help us with controlling, but we still flesh lacking for God and God knew this. Thus he was omnipotent of our flesh and Spirit. Past. present and future. That is why the cross.

PS the King was Plato's uncle I believe or grandfather.

Take Care. TAB

sealove42's photo
Fri 05/02/08 11:16 PM

Fri 05/02/08 11:13 PM
I wondered about the truth of your living a love for me. Deep inside I wandered through my mind, hoping there was a part of you in my life still.

AS I recollect the avenue that bended my every thought and fiber. I kept hoping deep inside that it was You helping me through the wave of unsure emotions.

Why do You give the one whoe refuse your ways a moment of standing ground. The power of Your love unleashed is by far perhaps the greats moment of truth of your exsistence.

When Jonah comes to mind, as You correct the ways of his path. What words or direction exemplifies your Will, for the world to know your heart,. Oh, how I wish the world would grasp your grace, your mercy, your mind.

Sometimes I look at all the different people that believe in Your Name. As they walk through this life, with purposeful direction and inviting truth for all to see.

Your asking me to accept You as definite control on my world, showing me that as my thoughts manifest Your abilities of rights and wrongs progressively open others to Your truths.

The idea of You being everywhere is grander that the progress in which my mind can imitate. But, a truthful comfort that has grounded my very soul in trusting that your Love is Omnipotent, Graceful, Loving and Cherished.

Are you There? No need to ask, Thank you for allowing me to say You are always there, meeting me at every right and wrong turn making my path for the gain of your Kingdom. Thank You for the Cross, Thank you for carrying me through, Thank you for me never having to ask "Are you There?' even in the trials. Thanks your for giving Your life for mine eternity.

May honor, glory and blessing rest in your hands, in your Kingdom from now until forever more.

Yes YOU ARE HERE and I know I don't every have to ask Are Your There?

TAB 05/02/08

sealove42's photo
Fri 05/02/08 11:13 PM
I wondered about the truth of your living a love for me. Deep inside I wandered through my mind, hoping there was a part of you in my life still.

AS I recollect the avenue that bended my every thought and fiber. I kept hoping deep inside that it was You helping me through the wave of unsure emotions.

Why do You give the one whoe refuse your ways a moment of standing ground. The power of Your love unleashed is by far perhaps the greats moment of truth of your exsistence.

When Jonah comes to mind, as You correct the ways of his path. What words or direction exemplifies your Will, for the world to know your heart,. Oh, how I wish the world would grasp your grace, your mercy, your mind.

Sometimes I look at all the different people that believe in Your Name. As they walk through this life, with purposeful direction and inviting truth for all to see.

Your asking me to accept You as definite control on my world, showing me that as my thoughts manifest Your abilities of rights and wrongs progressively open others to Your truths.

The idea of You being everywhere is grander that the progress in which my mind can imitate. But, a truthful comfort that has grounded my very soul in trusting that your Love is Omnipotent, Graceful, Loving and Cherished.

Are you There? No need to ask, Thank you for allowing me to say You are always there, meeting me at every right and wrong turn making my path for the gain of your Kingdom. Thank You for the Cross, Thank you for carrying me through, Thank you for me never having to ask "Are you There?' even in the trials. Thanks your for giving Your life for mine eternity.

May honor, glory and blessing rest in your hands, in your Kingdom from now until forever more.

Yes YOU ARE HERE and I know I don't every have to ask Are Your There?

TAB 05/02/08

sealove42's photo
Fri 05/02/08 10:40 PM
nice write:smile:

sealove42's photo
Fri 05/02/08 10:36 PM
Thanks for the thoughts and inspiration.

Have a nice weekend everyone.


sealove42's photo
Thu 05/01/08 06:37 PM
Edited by sealove42 on Thu 05/01/08 06:41 PM
Heavenly Host,
Akward Ghost.
Answers to reasons.
changes of seasons.
A day that goes right.
What power what might.
An open door,
and open floor,
An open year,
for craziness sincere.
Allow the world to run your life.
The hurt, the pain, the strife.
Adore, forgive, forget, move on.
Forever truth, forever wrong.
wonder, amazement, sorrow, cheer.
Love was special, but never dear.
recite, remember, trust, obey.
Open your words, truth will say.
Aggressive, certain, sad, aloof.
All is real, where is the proff.
Alice in wonderland,
off in a hole
Chasing a fantasy, hoping for soul.
smile, laugh, cherish, hope.
hang on to a friend if not find a rope.
To all a wonderful meaning of tomorrow.
Appreicate life for the good and not
meaness and sorrow.

An open door, is like an open book
Anyone can read, anyone can look.
Just don't judge what you see inside.
Unless is your door to keep open
So everyone can take your lifes token.

So suppress that bitternesss,
wipe away that tear.
You better appreciate this life
for it could be worse next year.

allitude, forgiveness, trust, time
words and by the dozen with only a
spirit to keep the rhymn.

Open that door to tomorrow they say.
Forget yesterday, now and today.
We are marching your life to our drum
So you might as well just hum.

Night everyone.

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