Community > Posts By > sealove42

sealove42's photo
Wed 04/23/08 03:04 PM
We're here for you Kevin. Keep your chin up...

Take Care

sealove42's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:23 PM
Each day we try,
we smile through the hurt
into the lie
We wake up alone,
we walk our day in hope
That someone will be on
the other end of that phone.
Our children, our future
is left unsaid and incomplete
Could this be anohther detour?
A jest for you, a smile from them
A hope that today
Someone will be a close friend.
Capture the beauty in the
smallest of ways.
Hold on to right now,
my heart is holding yours
in the beauty of the arrays.
One day we will be there
One day we will know
that the troubles of the day
were handle by Love that will grow
Before all else fails,
all I can truly say
Is what helps me the most
Is when I'm on my knees to pray.

For KC0003 he needs our friendship now...

TAB 05/21/08

sealove42's photo
Sun 04/20/08 04:31 PM
Thanks everyone its been busy


sealove42's photo
Sat 04/19/08 11:09 PM

sealove42's photo
Sat 04/19/08 11:06 PM
Edited by sealove42 on Sat 04/19/08 11:07 PM
The truth is overrated
seldom believed
and definitely underestimated

Reach for the answers all around
some will make sense
others lose all ground.

Beneath the truth, are lines
many words said many ways
are there hidden thoughts, hidden signs.

So in the truth the heart
may have the reasons why
the pain of the truth from the start.

Alas sit down and tell a someone
the truth as you know to see
Why can't the truth be an answer
for everyone to believe.

Common sense oh yes, lets not forget
The reason why the must understand how
the conspiracy theory of life's regret.

Thanks for love, thanks for friendship
I can't thank anyone for the truth
for I believe everyone bended their lip.

This doesn't flow very well.

TAB 04/19/-08

sealove42's photo
Sat 04/19/08 10:38 PM
I don't have a story, but yours sound nice. Nice to meet you. Your brave to post your name.. That was my adopted name, I think I several others ...

Smile... I believe I was born with Tanya Ericka.

sealove42's photo
Sat 04/19/08 10:33 PM
probably like joe

sealove42's photo
Sat 04/19/08 10:29 PM
funny you sign in name is my first and middle name put together...

TAB Nice poetry small world.

sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:07 PM
On a role tonight....

:heart: :heart:


sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:02 PM
Well done, creativly expressedflowerforyou

sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:02 PM
Well done, creativly expressedflowerforyou

sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:01 PM

sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 08:00 PM
Thoughfully life was somewhere between a dream and a vivid memory. Not always clear of what was to come, but vague moments of the remberance of what became before a beginning. As common sense, rational ideas can take on a new perpective, only by exercising an unique possibility can one open wonderment.

Ideas can take on new perpectives, and in life we are told that you can change the outcome in dreams and in life, as where that doesn't always seem reasonalbe to me. The aspect of coexsisting in dreamland, isn't quiet handle well by all propects entering a rational world.

Sometimes it flashes like memories, sometimes in vast quanities, like cable vison running through your head. Carrying past, present and future characters, some I've known forever and some have yet to be met. Somtimes pondering when I am awake, I wonder could I be sleeping and dreaming this very moment right now. Other times the parrell universe is calling for us to make changes,or at least make some sort of difference.

Most of the time awake or asleep, I dream that life contain I would like to dream of love, kindness and hope for a better tomorrow. However when receive love which isn't very well given, or a belief that possibly a someone out there could share the understanding that our dream world and waking world can so closely walk hand and hand.

When I hear Dream ON, I know to watch for the dream world that gift I have been given and that can I express to those that understand that the dream world is part of our minds just a different receptical recieving and storing information, the chances of changing our ways for the better in both world might hold infinate plausiability, if your given the chance to want a better world for everyone.

( A little ditty from Alice in Wonderment.) Have a nice week

sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 07:58 AM


sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 12:11 AM
nine messages

sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 12:10 AM
thanks for the set up;

sealove42's photo
Sun 03/30/08 12:08 AM

sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 09:17 PM
Edited by sealove42 on Sat 03/29/08 09:18 PM
I opened this moment and took a good look.
Where are you, who are you a story or a book.
Average, Intelligent, surprising and real.
Or the matrix of life to change the road to the surreal.

Your game, his game, the game, the time.
To sit and tell you the stroy is it ours or just mine.
With a fleeting moment a smile may appear.
The everything you become, stops in your direction away from fear.

Air Force, Dominoes, Movies, health food.
Long talks, smart hearts, a belief to be understood.
Adventure, security, are you here or the distrated plan.
To move me through another unbelievable story of an unknown man.

Do you exsist, do you believe and do you know?
Through this heavenly hell, there is the heat of the moment colder than snow.
Your game, my game, the radio, the show.
With the ringing of the ears, the changing of life when the wind blows.
Ask the direction, their is a comfort in what I believe to be your way.
Of course your not much more than a memory, that is programed on a certain day.

The painting, the music, the colors of life.
Time opens, time closes and I am only closer to a feeling of strife.
Pools of water, tears of shame moments of a friendship I try to believe.
Or just another distraction to finish what is undone, and not to see.

Real or surreal, truth or dare, free will or chains.
As this everything of us passes either together or apart we were so different or enchantingly the same.

Take Care my friend... I send this to all of us who aren't sure if what we believe of those that are there for us really are.

Trust in God.. night everyone..
TAB 03/30/08

sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:59 PM
Fill the sky with a burst of light.
The fields, roads, dirts everywhere in sight.
A wandering thought arranges the day.
A quest for now where in everything, what else can I say.

An Everthing is a moment of truth.
Mabye a Mary, a Sarah or a Ruth.
Addressing the reason for opening every door.
Will your everything dive deep, or bring you to soar.

Will the everthing remind you of all the good you have done.
Or will the failures, dissapointment arise like the daily sun.
Gentleness, beauty, intelligent allude.
Or was the game of everything about everyone being rude.

Lets look at the word and pull it apart.
In the beginning of the word I believe Eve is the delicate start.
Did you put yourself before everything, or everything before yourself.
Did you hide all your secrets on the bottom of a hidden shelf.

Did everything know about all you needed them to see.
Did everything care about who you really wanted to be.
Will tomorrow include what you left behind.
Will everything every be there, will everything you find.

Hope for the best, learn from your past.
Open your doors, and pray for the love to last.
Express each moment with the glory of heart.
And most of all remember that most of the time everything
was there from the START.

Night everyone... This one for all of us looking for everything.... Keep smiling and I hope you have a nice weekend

TAB 03/30/08

sealove42's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:41 PM
Thank you for the writes, I wrote this one about my daughter a few years back. Sometimes I draw photos and write poems to fit the purpose...

Take Care


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