Topic: Heaven or Hell
sealove42's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:12 PM
I'll try to tell this story with the best ability I can.

Threre was an man who died and went to St. Peter.

Peter first took him to a house that had seven people sitting around a table, looking starved,rib cage showing, shivering and in the middle of the table there was a bowl of hot stew. Each person at the table had a long handle spoon, but when they dipped it in the soup the handle was too long fot them to feed them selves, so they were very hungry because they couldn't get anything to eat, they all looked sad and disappointed in not being able to feed themselves.

Saint Peter said to the man this is HELL

Peter then took them to a house next door, when he open the door he saw seven people sitting around a table very happy, very well fed and very comforting to eachother. These people took there long handle spoon and fed eachother with it, and all were satisfied, completed and comforted with helping one another eat the bowl of soup.

Saint Peter said to the man this is HEAVEN.

Which world do we live in, are we feeding others with love, generousity, and kindness or are we only looking out for ourselves missing the key ingredients to making earth a little bit more like heaven.

I have to thank a friend named **** for this story, I have told it often because sometimes I strive towards a heavenly experience here on earth.

TAke Care,

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 05/05/08 10:52 PM
Nice share! :heart: flowerforyou