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Wed 04/25/12 08:54 PM

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Thu 05/13/10 12:50 AM

What is living, if its in anger, hate, to just discriminate.

What is giving, if its through fears, tears, and beers.

What is trying, if its through crying, sighing, feeling like dying.

What is believing, if its only seen through deceiving, and unmeaning

What is life, if its spent through strife, and words used as a knife

What is the point of ever wanting to BE, if you can't really SEE?

Life IS, what YOU MAKE IT TO BE INSIDE YOU!:heart:

drinker succinctly poignant...

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Thu 11/19/09 06:05 PM

nice piece

using language seems not a problem for you. i look forward to more of your work

drinker drinker

drinks drinks ... thanks KC0003... appreciate the compliment :thumbsup:

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Tue 11/17/09 09:42 PM

good write
flowerforyou thank U... PKH..

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Tue 11/17/09 09:37 PM

Sitting in Central Park
Dusk is falling
I sit on my usual bench
Armed to the gills
With paper, pen, and Marlboro Reds

Looking upon the city
My own personal muse
Watching the people shuffle
As if they actually have somewhere to go

I watch the homeless
Begining their nightly rituals
Of setting up their boxes and guarding their shopping carts

And here she comes

My Ana

My lady of the night

In all her glory

As I sit huddled under fleece
She sits beside me
Barely clothed
In lime green platforms
Elton John would die for

Hey writer girl she whispers
Breath smelling of cigerettes and gin

An ebony beauty
Face chisled
Like an African goddess

At dusk
This becomes her park
She becomes a princess of the night

I watch as she twitters
From car to car
Pleasing men under the city lights
Accepting whatever they say
Whatever they do
Whatever they want from her

For the power of money
For the power of womanhood

I never judge her
My queen of the night
For she knows not what she does
I tell myself

So I write
To give her a voice
And she reads
Slapping me on the back
"Your damn good she says"

I look at her
Her soulful brown eyes twinkle

"Why do ya do it?" I ask

She looks at me long
She looks at me hard
She laughs like only she can

She answers

"Why don't you?"

My Ana

My queen of the night.


"As if they actually have somewhere to go"... scurrying hastily like wasps trying to make honey... so true.

"For the power of womanhood" ... weighed against societal mores or monetary indices?.... how sad.

flowerforyou like the write...

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Tue 11/17/09 09:22 PM

tobacco stained nightmares in alcoholic sweat
the closet door pedophile is preening on the net
as laughing gas dentist yank teeth from a grin
he smiles through the picket fence of his, distorted sin

I’ m not sure what this about
just mental masturbation with a climax of doubt
pre-cum verses dripping down societies chin
lethal contraceptive impregnating spin

there’s a digital recording of a life you didn’t plan
kept in sight by the face on a clock without hands
this cell phone is a tether with invisible string
keeping us connected like the spice on a chicken wing

and I,
I am a miracle

I am super man
without all the cool stuff

you are my kryptonite
but, without you
I would die

it’s a tricky thing, this life

some die heroic, others live in strife
while this flat tire turnstile keeps me on the side
so I trade one for another and the other’s just the same
lessons never learned are destined for the flame

even the good girls sometimes get wax across the chest
and the bad boys swarm when angels need to rest
you trade one for another and the other’s just as lame
keeping with the theory of inertial reference frame

shadowboxer curser, blank computer screen
misfit island luau in honor of the queen
smoke signal drifters infiltrate the scene
corrupting all the produce and you’re a tangerine

in a world of great disease
I am immune
running round the motor track
feeding on the fumes
catching glimpses of a life
through the eye of a monsoon
trying to avoid the cow
who’s returning from the moon

and I will
because I,
I am a miracle

I am superman
without all the cool stuff

sometimes she lets me wax



"keeping with the theory of inertial reference frame"...

smokin ... dichotomously Phoenixical ....

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Tue 11/17/09 09:05 PM

coming on coming on
from in from in
come on song song
come from in

nothing is everything
away away that is something
whats in stays in

the birds in
the wind
in and in
in fin

i have a million songs
in a million years
ill be young young
in and in
in the in
no war in
no blood in
in love with in
in the in the sun was born
there came the wind from in
god is always in the in

love goes in
and in

drinks i'm in... the depth of this write is far more that its' simple elegance and understated paradigm.

no photo
Tue 11/17/09 06:01 AM

... lost language ...

there was a time
not long ago
a moon or so
the universe
and birthed
from her pouting labia
... language ...

ripe with the musk
of do come right in
you are without
quite welcome

that was then
so long ago
an age or so
wee lad
and lass
as thou know

then came the age
the drug of ME
the bonded free
... modern language ...

rank with the smut
of who are you?
do i know you?
you certainly
don't know me!!

where so quickly left?
now mourned
that ancient
... lost language ...

*and so*

the time is nigh
and drawing near
that final curtain

how will you reflect
when you retrospect
joy or regret?
... your life's language ...

poisoned and vexed
bilious and cleft
imbued in misery
... violent ...
... silent ...

fragrant sweat
perfumed breath
illocution of sweetness
... violet ...
... resonate ...

ancient language
patient language
transparent language
uninhibited language
virtuous language
natural language
spoken language
kinetic language
... lost...

... lost language ...

awesome!!! really enjoy reading your poetry

drinker drinks Thank you my good man... Appreciate the kind words well.

no photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:19 PM

:heart: Into our minds we place our day.
Some for safe keeping, others to throw away.
Focused on time and never having enough.
These times of hardships, work and money, have been rough.
Folks losing their job and needing compassion.
Coming on here to post, pass-time and feel some relaxation.
Asking not to help with money, just your time, and something funny.
Sharing time is all they seek, this is your time not to feel meek.
Open your time if you can, help them get a grip,and a plan.
Show-um some love and give them an ear.
It helps them combat all their fears and tears.
Life now across this whole big plain, is working on everyone's brain
Lack of work, lack of bread, lack of even caring about who's dead.
WE all need to remember who we our, a word can stop another cry.
So blend on in, and do your part, all I am asking for is Try.
Lives can be changed through the listening you give.
It might even help someone else's desires to live.
Give-um a smile and say hello, it lefts their spirits up SO.
I am so glad you now can see, just what YOU and do, to help me.wink
:heart: flowerforyou :banana: drinker :heart: flowerforyou

This is the times to be grateful, and the times to show,
:heart: :banana: :heart: flowerforyou Yes, I am a bit early,lol
But,,I am just soooooo happy for everyone this year.wink.

drinker drinks you are a good soul my friend...

no photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:15 PM

I look in the mirror
at the reflection I see
and all that stares back is
a blank expression of me.

The sadness and trials
that life left behind
has left little room
for a reflection of smiles.

I look deep within
to find something to grasp
wondering when it will be safe
to remove my outer mask.

The only happiness
I find to recall
Is being a Mother,
the best blessing of all.

I close my eyes
in hopes to see
a reflection
within of the true me.


flowers to altered reflections and incipient hope...

no photo
Sun 11/15/09 04:04 PM

I'm posting here because the poem forum is where I spend my time.My mind is blank,can't really come up with the words to say.I would like to ask for prayers for my sister and her kids and family.Shes in hospice and were just waiting which is a hard thing to do.They say any day now.So any prayers for her are appreciated.I do know shes going to a better place,but it still hurts.Thanks

:cry: a moment of silence ............................ be well.

no photo
Sat 11/14/09 09:14 PM

... lost language ...

there was a time
not long ago
a moon or so
the universe
and birthed
from her pouting labia
... language ...

ripe with the musk
of do come right in
you are without
quite welcome

that was then
so long ago
an age or so
wee lad
and lass
as thou know

then came the age
the drug of ME
the bonded free
... modern language ...

rank with the smut
of who are you?
do i know you?
you certainly
don't know me!!

where so quickly left?
now mourned
that ancient
... lost language ...

*and so*

the time is nigh
and drawing near
that final curtain

how will you reflect
when you retrospect
joy or regret?
... your life's language ...

poisoned and vexed
bilious and cleft
imbued in misery
... violent ...
... silent ...

fragrant sweat
perfumed breath
illocution of sweetness
... violet ...
... resonate ...

ancient language
patient language
transparent language
uninhibited language
virtuous language
natural language
spoken language
kinetic language
... lost...

... lost language ...

no photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:19 PM

... My Greatest Performance ...

... it was the greaaaatest performance of my life !!!
i pretended it was well
pretended all was swell
it was my moment
... and what a moment ...

... it was the greatest deception of my life
i deceived my heart to heights
with a shaman's tongue
convinced it i was right

eyes shrouded in darkness
i blamed the truth
gall... presumption... uncouth
said of blindness 'tis the light
co-opted pride
for the myth of might
as did Peter the Truth,
denied I thrice

... and in the end ...

not a friend
not a fan
no doting loner ...

... it was the truuuuuest moment of my life !!!
alone with self
devoid of wealth
yet blessed with health
it was my salvation
.... and what salvation ....

if you were there
laid I in fear
when my soul fell
my courage was spent
relegated with head bent
you would see that
this child was frightened

although a man
craved mother's hand
even the grave
has maternal welcome

then the savage winter of lies' finality
exhumed me from self induced insanity
where not even the unbelieving nods of approval trod

i faced the truth
that savage brute
still, my dearest friend
spent i there 13 moons
among life's failures

... that was the greaaaatest performance of my life !!! ...


drinker :thumbsup: ....JIMZ ... thank u

no photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:18 PM

good one keep up the good work.....:thumbsup:

flowerforyou TxsGal...appreciate the compliment...

no photo
Thu 11/12/09 01:34 PM

“It’s a Sad World”

Take a look and look all around.
It seems that this world is being taken down.
No one believes that love is to share.
No longer do they seem to even care.

What has happened in this day and time?
It seems to love another is but a crime.
I have sat back and watched day after day.
This thing called hate is coming our way.

No matter what we do it seems to stay.
What do we need to do to make it go away?
I see when others freely give their heart.
Just to have another tear it apart.

I do not understand what has happened anymore.
Or how much more can there be in store.
Is there a story that must be told?
Have we all become so cold?

We no longer have a heart nor do we care.
Are we that far gone and unaware.
We need to look around us and see.
How lonely without love this world will be.


"How lonely without love this world will be."

So reflective...:cry: :thumbsup:

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Thu 11/12/09 01:18 PM

A thousand white fires
the stars did light
a great battle scene
depicted at night

Growing blue crystals
a hum in my eyes
glitter with prow
preparing for flight

Red, I'll paint you
Dance round in glow
white sparks of light
a fire made of snow

Hands of feathers
blistered in magic
traveled in bleak streets
to swallow up defeat

From me comes sight
a spool of ladies might
I'll sit spinning
my magic, on this night.

:wink: crafty... crafty indeed.

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Thu 11/12/09 01:16 PM

*** she

*** he

*** we

*** me

*** it

*** words

*** heard

*** hurts

*** life

*** pain

*** strife

*** high

*** low

*** i

*** you

*** who

*** us

*** love

*** words

*** merged

*** works

*** profanity

*** vanity

*** tragedies

*** reality

*** sanity

*** fatalities

*** nationalities

*** happily

*** mad

*** sad

*** crappy

*** laughing

*** off

*** bottoms

*** tops

*** them

*** another

*** eachother

*** every

*** other

*** word

*** faced

*** traced

*** made

*** old

*** young

*** smart

*** dumb

*** fun

*** luck

*** sucks

*** happily

*** mad

*** sad

*** crappy

*** laughing

*** off

*** bottoms

*** tops

*** them

*** another

*** eachother

*** every

*** other

*** word

*** faced

*** traced

*** made

*** aged

*** young

*** smart

*** dumb

*** fun

*** stung

*** sucks

*** luck

*** crutched

*** why

*** cries

*** tries

*** dies

*** what

*** who

*** old

*** new

*** lies

*** real

*** feels

*** acts

*** more

*** sore

*** lacks

*** facts

(f u k!)

glasses abbreviated but voluminous ... like the style D4TC

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Wed 11/11/09 05:56 PM

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

flowerforyou NOW THATS WHAT IM TALKIN BOUT!!!!!!!!!

THERE'S THE LOVE MAN.......drinker

YOU FOLKS HERE,,,,,well,,,,,I just gotta say it,,,,,,,

:::::::::YOU ALL ROCK, FOLKS""""""""""""""and I just rollrofl lol.

IAM4U ... bigsmile You are an incorrigible optimist... U r a good soul my friend... thanks... be well

no photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:54 PM


I appreciate...


no photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:54 PM

Nice work!

Thanks for the comp.

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