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Wed 11/11/09 05:53 PM


Thank U 4 the welcome

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Tue 11/10/09 05:43 PM

you will never understand me completely

no matter how much I tell you everything

there will always be more left unsaid

I have ways about me that bog me down

in my own little world

wear size is circumcized by my situations

We could sit here all day and argue

about nothing and it would mean something

as we slit our throats and squeeze our necks

I am spit on a sidewalk as far as I am

concerned with life and letting go

moving on and trying again to learn

You can pardon me if you will whenever

the whatever it is gains conciousness

to know that I am a hook unlined

We need our spaces and time is too short

to carry this on as it was never intended

how it is between hopes and dreams blurred

"I am spit on a sidewalk as far as I am

concerned with life and letting go

moving on and trying again to learn "....

Like your resilience and resolve to "again learn"...:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Tue 11/10/09 05:38 PM

im forming in the dusk
with some worms
brewing in the full moon
wearing helmets made of dust
strungout grasshoppers fan the worms
theres something dwelling
in hollow metal sockets
beetles sacrifice their routine
admiring the worms breastplate
moths live an extra day
while the worms walk
in an aluminum winter
my world

... the way of the flesh indeed my good man ... like :thumbsup:

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Tue 11/10/09 05:35 PM

I've been here to long, I sound like a tramp.
I talk with great amp, but lack the real vamp.
Kissed from toad to Prince, all pas-tense.
Now with age I feel like, I'm looking out a cage.
Time and youth, both a tribute, to this man I am today.
Still in so many views of seeing, Feeling needs of fleeing.
Wasted days of years spent trying,
Now here for all those who's crying.
I know my heart, my lacks my needs,
Inside this shell, my heart still bleeds.
No-more games I PRAY for GOD to help me find.
Another like me who's just happy and kind.
She will find me and I know we shall be.
But ALL OF THIS, is taking the roar out of me.
Funny, witty, graceful and charm.
Never a man to give anyone harm.
Yet on these pages I give out all my rages.
And sit back and PRAY, WISH, DREAM, and SHARE.
Just waiting for her , to show me her care.
And write to me with such warmth and desire.
That I know I'll read and feel, her burning hearts fire.
Live, Laugh, and Love,,,,,,,may Peace always find you at home.

"Time and youth, both a tribute, to this man I am today."

IAM4U...You are a deeply reflective soul my friend...thanks 4 the share...drinks :thumbsup:

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Tue 11/10/09 05:31 PM

You come home from a hard days work
I smile at you and give you a smirk
Rose pedals scattered all over the floor
Leading us straight to the bedroom door
The room is dim,candles are lit
It's time for us to play a bit
Music playing our favorite song
In your arms I know I belong
So let's you and I relax and play
Making love till the very next day

Sounds like a case of premeditated flowers .... great sentiment PKH

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Tue 11/10/09 02:06 PM

Like the words in your write,
no one here has yet to give you light.
this is sad and I feel ashamed
for you my friend, have not gained your fame.
To all who writes upon these pages,
they do it not for any wages.
Just to be read and viewed, never chewed.
Do not think that this was bad,
its these readers who should feel sad.
Your write is top self, like full of grace,
and should be felt by all this human race.

GREAT JOB MAN.....and YOU sir,,have MY REPLY!drinker :wink:

drinker drinks my friend are a Gentleman .... Thank you 4 the words.

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Mon 11/09/09 07:37 PM
... My Greatest Performance ...

... it was the greaaaatest performance of my life !!!
i pretended it was well
pretended all was swell
it was my moment
... and what a moment ...

... it was the greatest deception of my life
i deceived my heart to heights
with a shaman's tongue
convinced it i was right

eyes shrouded in darkness
i blamed the truth
gall... presumption... uncouth
said of blindness 'tis the light
co-opted pride
for the myth of might
as did Peter the Truth,
denied I thrice

... and in the end ...

not a friend
not a fan
no doting loner ...

... it was the truuuuuest moment of my life !!!
alone with self
devoid of wealth
yet blessed with health
it was my salvation
.... and what salvation ....

if you were there
laid I in fear
when my soul fell
my courage was spent
relegated with head bent
you would see that
this child was frightened

although a man
craved mother's hand
even the grave
has maternal welcome

then the savage winter of lies' finality
exhumed me from self induced insanity
where not even the unbelieving nods of approval trod

i faced the truth
that savage brute
still, my dearest friend
spent i there 13 moons
among life's failures

... that was the greaaaatest performance of my life !!! ...

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Mon 11/09/09 06:47 PM

nice read drinker flowers

flowers drinks ... 2KidsMom..thank u

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Mon 11/09/09 06:46 PM

welcome again-what a great writeflowerforyou flowerforyou

flowers PKD1220...thank u....and glad u liked.

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Mon 11/09/09 09:10 AM


drinker ..Jimz... thanks

no photo
Sun 11/08/09 11:30 AM

I had a Dream

I had a dream ...
that the philosophy
which holds one race superior
and another inferior
was a country's
... montra ...

I had a dream ...
that those beliefs
were finally
and permanently
... credited ...
... abundant ...

I had a dream ...
that still there's
... hunger...
1st. and 2nd. class
citizens of each nation

I had a dream ...
that the color of a man's skin
is of importance and significance
as the color of his eyes

I had a dream ....
that all basic humans rights
will never equally
be guaranteed to all
... without regard to race ....

I had a dream ...
that the dream
of fading peace
... world feudalship ...
rule of international monopoly
will remain imminently
a looming intrusion
to be procured
and eventually
... attained ...

I had a dream ...
the ignoble
and unhappy regimes
that hold our brothers
in Angola
in Mozambique
in South Africa
sub-human bondage
have been tacit
utterly employed

I had a dream ....
quar in the east
quar in the west
quar up north
quar down south

Quar... Quar
rumors of quar.
U.N. ... F.E.M.A .
camps of quar

I had a dream ...
as on that day
every continent
will not know peace
we Apathetic will fright
we find it necessary
as we know our lights shall dim
as we are impotent
lacking confidence
in good over evil
... good over evil ...
... good over evil ...

I had a dream ...

... last night ...



no photo
Sun 11/08/09 11:27 AM

JR, very nice, good to see you back...

The Inimitable MzEm...thank U.... good 2 see u 2

no photo
Sun 11/08/09 11:25 AM

nice...lets see some more

4974...Glad U liked.... consider it done.

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Sun 11/08/09 11:24 AM

Nice Write! thank you for sharing. drinker

drinker D4Tc...welcome..thanks 4 reading

no photo
Sun 11/08/09 11:23 AM

can i have a dream to ?xD

...all about initiative... indeed

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 06:57 PM
I had a Dream

I had a dream ...
that the philosophy
which holds one race superior
and another inferior
was a country's
... montra ...

I had a dream ...
that those beliefs
were finally
and permanently
... credited ...
... abundant ...

I had a dream ...
that still there's
... hunger...
1st. and 2nd. class
citizens of each nation

I had a dream ...
that the color of a man's skin
is of importance and significance
as the color of his eyes

I had a dream ....
that all basic humans rights
will never equally
be guaranteed to all
... without regard to race ....

I had a dream ...
that the dream
of fading peace
... world feudalship ...
rule of international monopoly
will remain imminently
a looming intrusion
to be procured
and eventually
... attained ...

I had a dream ...
the ignoble
and unhappy regimes
that hold our brothers
in Angola
in Mozambique
in South Africa
sub-human bondage
have been tacit
utterly employed

I had a dream ....
quar in the east
quar in the west
quar up north
quar down south

Quar... Quar
rumors of quar.
U.N. ... F.E.M.A .
camps of quar

I had a dream ...
as on that day
every continent
will not know peace
we Apathetic will fright
we find it necessary
as we know our lights shall dim
as we are impotent
lacking confident
in good over evil
... good over evil ...
... good over evil ...

I had a dream ...

... last night ...

no photo
Fri 07/10/09 06:26 PM

~ FED ~

Ocean waves rise and
A sunset calls it a day
Horizon displayed in gentle

Love's willingness for
amidst up and down,
what is soft,
what is hard,
with those who forgive,
with who is remiss

Love sees,
Love seeks,
hears cries...
cradles sadness
when someone dies

Love is the answer,
so it’s been said
Wed to all,
our world is fed.

~© JDS 07/09/2009~

"Love's willingness for
... must be its' omnipresence...

Yes...ty for your comment JR ~ :heart:


no photo
Thu 07/09/09 03:17 PM

~ FED ~

Ocean waves rise and
A sunset calls it a day
Horizon displayed in gentle

Love's willingness for
amidst up and down,
what is soft,
what is hard,
with those who forgive,
with who is remiss

Love sees,
Love seeks,
hears cries...
cradles sadness
when someone dies

Love is the answer,
so it’s been said
Wed to all,
our world is fed.

~© JDS 07/09/2009~

"Love's willingness for
... must be its' omnipresence...

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 06:02 PM

A Place of Resting
M.E. Martin

I'm tired, to tired to think to tired to feel too tired to love
I have worn myself out thinking of things that have no answers
Trying to stay focused but my mind wanders and wonders "what next"?
My mind leaps and bounds past times and futures
I can't find my resting place I can't seem to get back to me

I wait for sleep to claim me to send me into nocturnal rest
But there is no rest for me not now maybe not ever
My eyes droop wanting to close but they jerk open
And I am alert once more another sleepless night
Is what I am in store for sleep eludes me once again

I am tired to the bone even to the depths of my soul
This weariness is like a prison with no escape
I can't fight my way out I can't talk my way out
I am held in this state of never ending limbo
Somewhere between sleep and waking

My body wants rest to heal from the days worry
I need to lay my head down so that my day won't be endless
My nights have me longing for sleep but the night is too short
And my day begins again without the companion of sleep
No rest for my weary self just working to keep from falling

I miss my resting place my place of renewal
My time of unconsciousness my time to dream
I need to be in a state of relaxation where time slips by with no fetters
Bringing the healing power of sleep into my very tired body
Let the night be my friend again, the place were my dreams can play

flowers very private write there MzEm...sounds like a familiar place called incipient evolution...

no photo
Tue 07/07/09 10:57 PM

Beautiful...Almost 'tribute' like... :thumbsup: you for enjoying...