Community > Posts By > Stargazzer250

Stargazzer250's photo
Mon 01/16/12 10:14 AM
Edited by Stargazzer250 on Mon 01/16/12 10:16 AM

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
Winston Churchill

And there lays the paradox, just like when you take a friend, extra ammo or track shoes along when hunting Grizzly Bears or Wild Hogs...knowing full well, both Bear and Hog can and will eat you, when you're caught...remember, should the gun jam or runs out of ammo, all you need to do is outrun your friend.

How's that for friendship?

Stargazzer250's photo
Mon 01/16/12 08:01 AM

Why force a result?

Iran has never attacked anyone in 200 years.

I'm not calling for forcing a result.
Although Saying "Iran has never attacked anyone in 200 years.", I do recall when they (Iran) took over an embassy, guess one could have said In 1978 that'd never happen as well or is akin to saying in 1939, "Germany never held a holocaust".

Stargazzer250's photo
Mon 01/16/12 07:19 AM
Thanks for bring this to our attention.

First glance of the hook I found very interesting, then checked out the web link, again interesting, next goggled CNI.
Found CNI and CNIF have their own agenda and just maybe their own horse in the race, go ahead, Goggle "CNI" see what you think and want to believe.
Pulling the covers over or sticking ones head in sand isn't going to solve the issue just pass the buck and power to some incompetent to make the call. We all know how that's worked out for us all in the past.
Which ever side one subscribes to, the result won't be pretty

Stargazzer250's photo
Sat 01/14/12 06:27 PM
January 14, 2012

Focus on the Family Airs National TV Commercial During Tonight's Broncos-Patriots Playoff Game 
Group behind the most talked about ad of Super Bowl XLIV shares the meaning of the Bible's John 3:16 with an estimated 40 million football fans.

Totally awesome commercial.

Stargazzer250's photo
Sat 01/14/12 06:25 PM
January 14, 2012

Focus on the Family Airs National TV Commercial During Tonight's Broncos-Patriots Playoff Game 
Group behind the most talked about ad of Super Bowl XLIV shares the meaning of the Bible's John 3:16 with an estimated 40 million football fans.

Totally awesome commercial.

Stargazzer250's photo
Sat 01/14/12 01:07 PM
How about comparing the civilian unemployment to employed government personnel ratio's for eras you stated. Oh, and can anyone explain what happened during the Clinton era (other than lying under oath about sex. Great role model there) or did you fail to figure him into the equation?

OMB, is that the same OMB, that couldn't make their mind up regarding numbers supplied by Peloosie and her entourage over Obama Care?

OMB only deals with numbers given and as Slick Willy showed us all, only give em what you think they asked for and it'll all be good. Question is, "Good for whom?"

Imagine that, some of us don't forget.

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 09:13 PM
And don't forget his SuperDuper limo, and all the attack SUV's his entourage requires for protecting his goat smelling behind.

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 09:10 PM
"...At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight HOUR..."
Does that figure refect the cost of the decoy or back up AF1? I think not, so...I guess what...We double it!!

Solution, take the freaking keys away from him then tell him they're waiting on back ordered Chinese mfg.Turbin intake filters, shouldn't have a hard time thanks to G.E. outsourcing to China.

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 08:25 PM
Amen. tears

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 05:02 PM


Teadipper, screw the shirt, go with the direct airbrushed paint job.:banana: :banana:

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 04:42 PM
The year is 1911 --- One hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1911:
************ ********* ************
The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.

Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.

Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.

Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.

There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.

The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph..

The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower !

The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.

The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year ..

A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,
A dentist $2,500 per year,
a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year,
and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.

More than 95 percent of all births took place at home .

Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which
were condemned in the press AND the government as "substandard."

Sugar cost four cents a pound.

Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.

Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.

Most women only washed their hair once a month,
and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.

Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from
entering into their country for any reason.

The Five leading causes of death were:

1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5.. Stroke

The American flag had 45 stars...

The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only 30!!!

Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.

There was neither a Mother's Day nor a Father's Day.

Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and only 6 percent
of all Americans had graduated from high school.

Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter
at the local corner drugstores.

Back then pharmacists said, "Heroin clears the complexion,
gives buoyancy to the mind, Regulates the stomach and bowels,
and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health!"
( Shocking? )

Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help ....

There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A. !

I am now going to forward this to someone else without typing it myself.

From there, it will be sent to others all over the WORLD -
all in a matter of seconds!

Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 04:36 PM
Another date bit that when added together with what has been batted around is worth a 2nd look.
It's all relevant here and now.

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 04:30 PM

"...some gun control/regulation (common sense) should be used when issuing an instrument designed to harm or kill,,,..."

Scarey part about your words "...(common sense)..." is this administrations A.G., other appointments Tim unaccountable sec. Of treasury Geithner, and Czars galore, photo ops. aplenty: fly AF1 over Statue Of Liberty totally with notification of proper authorities, returned caskets when explicitly told no photos to name a couple, yet the list goes on and..., now let's add a plethora of actions, inactions and choices that have used anything but "COMMON SENSE". Most under the Ruse of he being a Constitutional Lawyer. Had to have been an Honorary title.

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 04:09 PM
You still believe and hold the 2nd amendment sacred?
True it can't be taken away, yet it can be gutted to the point of being unrecognizable.

Michelle Obama’s warning to gun owners
By Chris Cox Published: 9:41 AM 10/11/2011 | Updated: 4:17 PM 12/13/2011
Nearly three years into President Obama’s first term in office, Michelle Obama finally said something with which I can agree.

At a recent fundraiser for President Obama’s re-election campaign in Providence, Rhode Island, the first lady told her audience:

“We stand at a fundamental crossroads for our country. You’re here because you know that in just 13 months, we’re going to make a choice that will impact our lives for decades to come … let’s not forget what it meant when my husband appointed those two brilliant Supreme Court justices … let’s not forget the impact that their decisions will have on our lives for decades to come.”

This was music to the ears of the small, affluent crowd of admirers who cheered and applauded. But to gun owners, Michelle Obama’s remarks should sound like a warning bell, alerting us to the danger ahead should Barack Obama win re-election and get the opportunity to alter the current make-up of the Supreme Court.

When Americans flock to the polls in 13 months, we will not simply decide which direction our country should take over the next four years. Rather, we will decide whether or not our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms will survive over the next several decades.

Currently, the Second Amendment clings to a 5-4 pro-freedom majority on the Supreme Court. Just one vote is all that stands between the America our Founding Fathers established and a radically different America that Barack Obama and his supporters envision.

If you want to read something scary, take another look at the minority opinions in the Supreme Court’s landmark Heller and McDonald decisions that struck down Washington, D.C.’s and Chicago’s unconstitutional gun bans. In the Heller dissent, four justices concluded that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an individual right to own a firearm, nor does it protect our right to defend ourselves, our families, or our property. In McDonald, the same four justices argued that the 5-4 Heller decision should be reversed.

Read more:

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 04:04 PM
Should one cleave to the belief The Government is looking out for us, then how can you explain, "Fast And Furious" other than to admit they will resort to just about any trick or means to B.S. their way into passing controls.

Hmm, A.G. Eric Holder, all for gun control, in favor of Obama Gun Ban List.
Isn't it just amazing how many of those guns have nothing to do with assault weapons, but just due to cosmetics and new technology they should be "Outlawed".
I think Holder should start enforcing outright violations to the Constitution instead of banning a new and improved mouse trap.

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 03:51 PM
Could the Election of 2012 have some influence.
Must have something for the Huffington Post to chime in.

Huffington post, January 13, 2012

Obama Gun Control Policy: President Stays Virtually Silent On Issue

By ERICA WERNER   11/25/11 03:55 AM ET    AP

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 03:47 PM
I know this is dated news, yet it holds merit asto what is CONCIDERED to be ban.

Obama's Gun Ban List Is Out
Alan Korwin - Author Gun Laws Of America

".... Catch-all category (for anything missed or new designs):
A semiautomatic rifle that accepts a detachable magazine and has:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock,
(ii) a threaded barrel,
(iii) a pistol grip (which includes ANYTHING that can serve as a grip, see
(iv) a forward grip; or a barrel shroud....

...Frames or receivers for the above are included, along with conversion kits.
Attorney General gets carte blanche to ban guns at will: Under the proposal, the U.S. Attorney General can add any "semiautomatic rifle or shotgun originally designed for military or law enforcement use, or a firearm based on the design of such a firearm, that is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, as determined by the Attorney General."..."
"...Note that Obama's pick for this office, Eric Holder, wrote a brief in the Heller case supporting the position that you have no right to have a working firearm in your own home..."

Stargazzer250's photo
Fri 01/13/12 03:35 PM
slaphead rofl rofl

Stargazzer250's photo
Thu 01/12/12 11:03 AM
Edited by Stargazzer250 on Thu 01/12/12 11:04 AM

A likely scenario is Ron Paul making a good showing, but not getting the Republican nomination. He then goes to run as an independent and siphons off enough votes to get Obama reelected.

Which is not a bad thing. That is, "His running as an Independent."
Unless of course, the 2 party system manages to lock out a 3rd party from their "Biased Press Moderated Dog and Pony" debates.
At the very least the excuse, "Lesser of 2 Evils" gets thrown out the window along with he'd get the 3rd party recognized as a power to be dealt with as it should be: be expected, accepted and invited to all future Presidential debates along with receiving the same benefits afforded the 2 party system.
Hopefully he would pull off what some would CONCIDER an upset victory.
PAUL in 2012.

It sure would be nice if people would start thinking for themselves, quit relying on spin doctors and biased news media passing themselves off as "Journalist". I wonder if they realize when their agenda gets met and fulfilled their rights won't be quartered as well. Then who will have won?

Stargazzer250's photo
Wed 01/11/12 05:20 PM
Edited by Stargazzer250 on Wed 01/11/12 05:24 PM
Be very careful, are you sure it wasn't "Customer Service" calling you back by mistake?frustrated

You'll have to cut and paste the URL, sorry I haven't got it figured out how to make it a hot link on here.grumble

Turn up the volume and enlarge the screen, also play it to the very end.rofl rofl