Topic: What a Vote for Ron Paul Means
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/12/12 08:16 AM

What a Vote for Ron Paul Means
By S. Alexander Cooke Yahoo! Contributor Network

COMMENTARY | Ron Paul finished a strong second to longstanding front-runner Mitt Romney in Tuesday's New Hampshire Republican primary. But not all of the 23 percent of primary voters who supported Paul expect him to win the GOP nomination. Romney cemented his front-runner status with a commanding 39 percent of the vote, and his nomination, though not yet certain, now appears likely. But Ron Paul might still win. Here's how.

Paul's second-place finish in New Hampshire, combined with his strong third-place showing in the Iowa caucus, establishes him as the Republican candidate offering the sharpest contrast to Romney. New Hampshire State Senator Jim Forsythe confirmed this Tuesday, saying "Dr. Paul is clearly emerging as the alternative to Gov. Romney (and) the alternative to the status quo."

It's the second part of Sen. Forsythe's comment that caught my ear. Paul is more than just the Republicans' runner-up; he's their best alternative to the status quo. And for those of us who think the status quo is irreparably flawed, that makes Paul the primary's only real winner.

Paul and his staff have not yet giving up on winning the GOP nomination. Paul himself told supporters of front-runner Romney, "We're nibbling at his heels." He also claimed his New Hampshire performance consolidated the nomination contest into a two-man race. Still, most experts consider a Paul nomination a long shot.

But that doesn't mean Paul isn't winning anyway. Paul also responded to criticism that his campaign and stances on the issues are dangerous. "I sort of chuckle," Paul told his supporters of the criticism, "because we are dangerous to the status quo."

Therein lies the lasting value of a vote for Paul. Paul's political platform may play best in independent-minded states such as Iowa and New Hampshire, but his politics are capturing the hopes of frustrated lifelong Republicans and young people new to political engagement. Paul's supporters greet him with chants of "End the Fed, end the Fed," and Paul's unconventionally liberal positions on social issues appeal to many young fiscally conservative voters.

So when Paul told his supporters that there is "no way they are going to stop the momentum we have started," perhaps what he really means is not momentum toward the nomination, but rather what Paul calls "the cause of liberty." In other words, a vote for Paul is a vote for a totally unique brand of politics, one that surely threatens politics as usual.

Paul's strong New Hampshire showing might not position him for a third-party run, but it does reposition expectations for evolving intra-party political dynamics and party demographics. To the extent Paul represents the Republicanism of the future, a vote for Paul is a vote for new solutions via new ideas.

Even assuming he loses, a vote for Paul is at least one I, and many other Republicans, can cast with patriotism and pride.

metalwing's photo
Thu 01/12/12 08:24 AM
A likely scenario is Ron Paul making a good showing, but not getting the Republican nomination. He then goes to run as an independent and siphons off enough votes to get Obama reelected.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/12/12 08:29 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 01/12/12 08:32 AM
"Even assuming he loses, a vote for Paul is at least one I, and many other Republicans, can cast with patriotism and pride. "

Veterans and enlisted servicemen/women agree..... who would dare challenge the choices of so few who give so much... for our right to have a vote?

This war veteran stands with
RON PAUL 2012 FTW!!!!

drinker :banana: drinker

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 01/12/12 09:04 AM

The way I see it you have 3 choices, Robamney, Robamney or Ron Paul!

To me the biggest difference between Romney and Obama is their names.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 01/12/12 09:18 AM
i don't think we have any other options besides Paul....

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/12/12 09:46 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 01/12/12 09:50 AM

i don't think we have any other options besides Paul....

Not if we value our rights, liberty, freedom and our constitution we don't.

We can always vote Vermin Supreme.... at least we would get a free pony.....rofl

Stargazzer250's photo
Thu 01/12/12 11:03 AM
Edited by Stargazzer250 on Thu 01/12/12 11:04 AM

A likely scenario is Ron Paul making a good showing, but not getting the Republican nomination. He then goes to run as an independent and siphons off enough votes to get Obama reelected.

Which is not a bad thing. That is, "His running as an Independent."
Unless of course, the 2 party system manages to lock out a 3rd party from their "Biased Press Moderated Dog and Pony" debates.
At the very least the excuse, "Lesser of 2 Evils" gets thrown out the window along with he'd get the 3rd party recognized as a power to be dealt with as it should be: be expected, accepted and invited to all future Presidential debates along with receiving the same benefits afforded the 2 party system.
Hopefully he would pull off what some would CONCIDER an upset victory.
PAUL in 2012.

It sure would be nice if people would start thinking for themselves, quit relying on spin doctors and biased news media passing themselves off as "Journalist". I wonder if they realize when their agenda gets met and fulfilled their rights won't be quartered as well. Then who will have won?

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 01/12/12 11:04 AM

i don't think we have any other options besides Paul....

Not if we value our rights, liberty, freedom and our constitution we don't.

We can always vote Vermin Supreme.... at least we would get a free pony.....rofl

The coolest thing about Vermin Supreme is the name Vermin Supremelaugh

andrewzooms's photo
Thu 01/12/12 11:15 AM

i don't think we have any other options besides Paul....

That is the sad part.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 01/12/12 03:17 PM

i don't think we have any other options besides Paul....

Not if we value our rights, liberty, freedom and our constitution we don't.

We can always vote Vermin Supreme.... at least we would get a free pony.....rofl

drinker I guess I could make room for a free pony if the GOP fails again to nominate RP. laugh

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 01/12/12 03:18 PM

i don't think we have any other options besides Paul....

That is the sad part.

Why sad?

andrewzooms's photo
Fri 01/13/12 01:20 PM

i don't think we have any other options besides Paul....

That is the sad part.

Why sad?

The other candidates are big spending war mongers.