Community > Posts By > Kravynn

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:47 PM

Roller Derby...year round...I dont know what sun looks like any more. Ive given up on my tan, and drinking. If I dont meet a man at the rink, Ill never meet one. lol.

You could be doing worse things. You are exercising and saving your skin and your liver.

Yea I traded in a life of managing bands (and drinking a LOT) for this. I tried to do both, but you can't do the endurance stuff we do when you are hungover. I just wish my body would get the idea and start shaping up.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:43 PM
Is anyone else in NE Florida. It was all calm about 10 min ago and now theres crazy thuner, lightning and POURING Rain. Hurricaine season doesnt even start till the 1st. =)

Whos up for a lock-in?

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:36 PM
Ehhh no Jack. Someone will be rolling into a bedroom if I drink that.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:34 PM
Currently: eating mind chocolate pie, have to go to a club and fix a website later...but its storming and I dont want to leave, I just want to sleep. No kids, I should take advantage of this night.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:30 PM
I want to go to a movie....but I have to go redo a website for a sponsor...grr and its POURING! No kids, no date, no plans. Im such a dork.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:28 PM
No, I just like to feel important. And different types of people post in different topics, so if you whore around, you meet new people.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:27 PM

Im not really concerned. Honestly I cant believe it turned into an entire discussion.

Well now you cant say we dont respond to you :tongue:

Good ro bad as long as Im getting my much needed attention, Im okay. Now who wants a shot? Im a bit stressed after that entire saga.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:24 PM
Im not really concerned. Honestly I cant believe it turned into an entire discussion.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:21 PM

tell me why you dont like me, that would make me happy. =)

Im convinced you dont like me. You dont kne me so I dont know why you wouldnt like me...but thats the impression I get.
ok im confused here

Why confused? Youre talking to me, thats a start.
it is a start, but still confused as why you think that

I dont know, just seems like every time I respond to anything you post, you dont respond back.

Why do I feel like Im in 7th grade. Write me back, put it in my locker after 4th period and Ill write you in 5th and give it to you after school.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:19 PM
I dont understand what Ive done to turn everyone against me...Im not even here enough to have enemies...or friends for that matter....oh the cruel evil world of online forums. sad

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:17 PM

tell me why you dont like me, that would make me happy. =)

Im convinced you dont like me. You dont kne me so I dont know why you wouldnt like me...but thats the impression I get.
ok im confused here

Why confused? Youre talking to me, thats a start.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:13 PM

tell me why you dont like me, that would make me happy. =)

Im convinced you dont like me. You dont kne me so I dont know why you wouldnt like me...but thats the impression I get.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:11 PM
tell me why you dont like me, that would make me happy. =)

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 05:08 PM
I know it wont be me.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 04:55 PM
Roller Derby...year round...I dont know what sun looks like any more. Ive given up on my tan, and drinking. If I dont meet a man at the rink, Ill never meet one. lol.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 04:48 PM
Yea someone in me for a drink. No kids, and no plans. Thats so unusual for me, maybe its a sign?

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:42 AM

Unless you are a habitual cheater...then...well then you have to find someone else to convince.

And this, was what I was alluding to. It matters not how many partners one has had. It DOES matter why - if I am seeking anything other than an Intimate Encounter or a casual fvck buddy.

The amount of partners anyone has had does not label them as a cheater

No people can have many partners and not cheat. They can also have many safe partners. But there arent any real questions you can ask to find out if THEY find out who they are sleeping with. Every time I have a sexual oppertunity my mind reverts back to 7th grade when the health teacher said "every time you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone they have had sex with." No thanks, Ill just wait till I know Im with someone I can trust. We have asweome novelty stores now that can take care of my desires without me having to catch anything...and explain my contagiousness to someone I might actually care about down the line.

Kravynn's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:23 AM
I dont think the number is important. I think most people have one or a few...random mistakes, that I feel we should have to account for. We were all younger at some point than we are now, weve all had lapses in judgement. The decisions you make today with the person you are with now, is what matters. Unless you are a habitual cheater...then...well then you have to find someone else to convince.

Kravynn's photo
Tue 05/20/08 09:20 PM

Sounds pretty wild!

I did freak a little when I was at my brothers friends house. I was going to sleep on the couch, turned off all the lights and heard loud but mumbly voices. So I grabbed a blanket and crawled into bed with him. Im kind of a puss sometimes.

Kravynn's photo
Tue 05/20/08 09:08 PM

This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely
You don’t always have to f#ck her hard
In fact sometimes that’s not right to do
Sometimes you’ve got to make some love
And f#ckin give her some smoochies too
Sometimes ya got to squeeze
Sometimes you’ve got to say please
Sometime you’ve got to say hey
I’m gonna F#ck you softly
I’m gonna screw you gently
I’m gonna hump you sweetly
I’m gonna ball you discreetly
And then you say hey I bought you flowers
And then you say wait a minute sally
I think I got somethin in my teeth
Could you get it out for me
That’s f#ckin teamwork
Whats your favorite posish?
That’s cool with me
Its not my favorite
But I’ll do it for you
Whats your favorite dish?
Im not gonna cook it
But ill order it from Zanzibar
And then I’m gonna love you completely
And then I’ll f#ckin f#ck you discreetly
And then I’ll f#cking bone you completely
But then I’m gonna f#ck you hard

Tenacious D

Lol. I have a friend who has an INCREDIBLE voice. He does a solo project and has a band and this is his signature song. He sang it accapella in my kitchen a couple months ago. myspace. com /nimblejim

Just have to add that Im pretty sure the Zanzibar/teamwork lines are my fave. Im such a dork.

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