Community > Posts By > davidben1

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 02:51 PM
anybody stupid enough to point out all the women in current political high places all over the world, who embrace equally savage men, i feel very sad for.

for those who endorse and simply nod, and their accusers are disposed of neatly and tidily, with nice cover stories, are of both gender.

for no man can be in power, and be surrounded with women, as all political systems are, and not have the mutual consent and agreement of those same women for all actions committed and implemented.

lest one think the generals and armies of nations make their own decisions.

for if there was not consent, these same women would be forced out.

and the same with men who do not concur to the world agenda.

these are all are turned lose.

and it surely seems, some do not realize...

true power doth not play.

nor ever forget or take kindly to those who point out their guilt.

so i shall not list all the many names of the warmongering savage fe's in multiple colors who reside in swank plush places who mutually long to ravage and plunder the unsuspecting so vulnerable commoners for all they have for them self.

but it surely be wise, to not implicate that which has power over one self, lest one be ready as well, to swallow all forced down one's own throat by that same power.

but i would swallow thrice, before listing any names in these days.

that goes against all the rules for both the good and the bad.

smiles to all.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 01:49 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Sun 01/11/15 01:50 PM


kick back and watch the show...

for no small hands or brains shall change the future now.

David, you are so prophetic.:thumbsup:

ah brother.

if ever there was a time to heed one's own doubt before it speak do or say, it be now.

for the precipice down shall be steep rocky and bloody most for those who don't.

hail to the new world order, who shall cleanse the world of ALL terrorist.

for peace for all.


davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 01:40 PM

kick back and watch the show...

for no small hands or brains shall change the future now.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 01:04 PM
haters and the power hungry are as lions, who thirst with watering mouths for blood and sex all over, bathing in such self sanctioned desires with self approval of rape, torture and blood mingled.

for it is but these one should protect it's loved one each from.

and they come in male and fe, riding on horses with mighty power and swords.

for if one can be convinced to despise an entire peoples based upon an ideology or religion, one has become a unwittingly cheerleader for the lions mentioned above...

for if one hate, let it hate abuse of people, and seek but to stop it...

but to hate peoples and wish for their demise.

surely these shall taste of their own blood in these present days...

has not one self become the mad hater, if it become a warmonger crying with thirst for vengeance, now becoming ever so slowly being carefully guided by emotions, as those who kill and slaughter and then rejoice in pleasure...

indeed, back in those days, when man was gullible and blood thirsty the world over, coaxed and led by selected data, beasts in black who longed for blood splattered and sex all over, did ride with black covered faces never a one to know who raped and plundered and murdered the women and the children...

and they ran like sheep scattered in a fields bleating and bloody...

for the great sword of mans own wrath wished had become precisely what the many masses had been convinced to cry and wish for.

most not stopping to realize the same would visit their own hallways and doors and windows.

woe unto the bloody plans of man.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 12:42 PM
for it be only but dreams we our self create into reality that shall occur...

but the deep woeful pain of the stories of all the books of life of each human...

are a many...

if one did not pay heed to be sure one has factored all reality into all it's dreams, before attempting to make them reality.

for truly fools but rush in.

peace and good results unto all

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 12:33 PM
that which seeks to master sex, to gain "admiration", and to "get love", from another, becomes a self inflated mechanical unfeeling robot of self conquest, all the while declaring their own great sexual prowess.

that which seeks to master loving another, becomes more loving and so then more sensually sensitive and loving.

there is truly not many comparisons for the difference of the two, except they be as abhorrently different as ice and hot water.


davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 11:56 AM
i hope for sake of sane sanity the op's topic is but a mere slab of humorous side dish fodder for entertainment sake.

for ahoy...

any that actually believes such, as factual validity, shall never sea how it self created many many many bad happenings.

and so shall cause much much pain unto others, many and mostly unto women.


davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 11:43 AM
only give honesty to whom has a strong enough mind to handle it.

sex for sex.

love for love.

but never confuse the two.

equal for equal.

unto the two.

those who linger in unequal isms, get but isms, and live but isms.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 11:33 AM
in any society where pain unto others comes to be considered justice, do come slowly until fully ripened, down many a streets and avenues, many a psychotics.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 11:26 AM

What influence does testosterone have on war . Power.. Corruption.. Dominance mainly fuelled by male hormones .

Women are nurturers and peacekeepers .. Admittedly there are exceptions .. Laughing but how often do women have a voice when it comes to war. Would the outcome be any different if women controlled the tactical ..political .. Moral and social decisions that lead to war . If for just one year had no voice .. What could be achieved . Would words replace weapons of mass destruction . Is a world without war even possible or will the greed and competition to dominate always be the goal of mankind .

I dunno, the question posed seem to lean on just one side. True, testosterone can lead to physical aggression in males... Just as estrogen can lead to emotional lability in females. Each of which dictates the form of warfare each gender is more predisposed to.

As for peacekeeping and leadership, either can make it good. women are gender-roled as nurturers, just as men are gender-roled as providers. Both are protectors. It's mutually beneficial, just a matter of communication and diplomacy. If one had their voice taken away, that would negate the importance of the other, which leads to domination of the first.

So in conclusion, a utopian society is not achieved by asserting a difference in gender, but more likely by the proper cooperation of each individual with every other individual in the global society. Seems an improbability, tho.

Hmmm... Did I make sense?what ... Oh well, carry on, carry on...


wise words...

this one in power would make society a better place for ALL, not just for women, or not just better for men.

as many male and fe agenda's be.

just as the fem bots are "at war", against men...

as the cause of all the "bads", and their own unattainments.

and these will lose.

just as any "male", at war against females, proving how they are the more cause of the "bads", and their own unattainments, will lose.

for those who win and don't later fail, miserably, sea past the illusion of either gender as "better", in any way.


davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 11:16 AM
the soul is never able to be mated to another soul not in it's own same place of learning...

can a wise one me with an unwise one.


the wise one would never choose what was unwise if it were as wise as it self wishes to think.

it is nearly always an over inflation of the self data through emotions that leads to unwanted results.

in this way, each one has mated with only what be a mate of one's own soul at that moment in time...

or are of the "same most energies"...

the total sum created by the total sum of all emotions felt by each one individually.

or the "energies" would have repelled away from each other, and there could exist no equal mutual attraction....

if one sea equal mutual attraction as the only most good goal...

many are duped with heavy single attraction to another, and get involved knowing this other one does not have the same attractions, hoping they shall convert a taker of what is free, to more...

uh oh...

pain pain pain for those.

but if one peer thru more of a scientific electrical based force, or energy...

it is much much easier to break down the simple miscalculations of not getting the good results one wishes.

or being, understand they self.

one must remove self favoring emotions to to this.

then peer at the simple facts.

two actual batteries are no different at all than two people in their operating functions.

plug in the wrong end, get a shock...

put two batteries together properly, one will have double the brain power and so creating ability, and electrical "passions".

it is far better to mentally think of one self looking for it's own proper "counter balance", than to look for love.

or "soul mates".

peace and good speed to all.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 10:50 AM
if ya wanna, then do.

if ya don't, then don't.

either way, your most want, and her most want, will win out anyways.

to deem either way a "mistake", is follish.

for if in life, one is always asking others which way to turn left or right, it shall never gain it's own instincts nor confidence to not need others to prop one self up with a cane.

and right and left are both equal turns.

once one makes all it's own decisions, with no input, one will be surprised just how accurate one will become...

for it is only in taking others advice, that leads naturally to the instinct to blame them, when the outcome for one self was not a good one.

when one makes ALL it's own decisions, it will blame ALL on it self, and very very quickly, become wiser than a serpent.

for when one ask it self, how "am i", i am, creating all that is occurring.

clarity of precise mind cannot fail nor avoid these.


davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 10:42 AM
the eye's of the octopus are many and all about.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 10:41 AM
welcome Joseph...

accurate good results for all...

that be all i give a damn about...


ditto's good brother.

many winds of splendor fill the sails of happiness and wealth of those who seek to know their own inaccuracies.

the rest.

will live in more reckless abandon each day.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 10:25 AM
i wonder why most humans don't get it be them self creating everything that occurs to them self and others.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 10:23 AM
one will learn in life that comparison of the self situation will be the most inaccurate data since no people or situations are an exact same place of learning the same things...

two people steal...

two people seek to know whether to forgive...

one will never steal again, and be at the end of stealing...

one will steal for long time more...

if one want exact, certainly important for exact good results...

one must forget the notion the self physical experiences of self have any validity in correlation to others physical lives.

those who do not sea so, lead many into more ditches of despairing situations.

albeit many of these are loving people with good intentions...

but as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

to thine OWN SELF, BE TRUE.

each one, it self.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 10:14 AM
"they" are all about...

keeping the balance...

blinding the self declared wise to fall into ditches to teach them the importance of self accuracy in all things.

for did some think the "god parents" were actually only 'off-site parents'...

for yea, they walk amongst us transfiguring into any size, shape and look, fe or male, child or adult, pauper or rich...

just as some declare the "bad satanists" do...


will know...

in the end, the new beginnings, all will know...

some know how to tell the difference in words, to "know"...

for is was always said, ye shall know not by face first, but rather by words.

for in the beginnings, the genesis, were the "words"...


davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 10:04 AM

666 i was obsessed with it wn i was 15 in boarding school got some company who made it so obvious that i started to blv..........god knows whats d truth

smart men think as this.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 09:55 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Sun 01/11/15 10:55 AM
"self declared" religious leaders, or those who "say" they KNOW THE TRUTH, of "god matters"...

and deem so, because they read a book...


many have read it...

and not had the same good report...

for the book is a double edged sword, as all words are...

but many self quantify and deem them self "knowing", because they proved to them self, that what their own brain said about the words, when they read it, were the "only true facts"...

and demand they have put all words and meanings in the "correct order", of the entire book, to unlocvk the secrets of the cosmos...

no, these are reading it to find out "who is guilty"...

the "damned"...

the accursed.

the book was true...

all words are true in MANY WAYS...


it was clearly defined within the "magic book of the devil", the bible...

that whosoever reads this and be of unpure heart, shall be given "false meanings", in their brain when reading...

and whosoever reads this "magic book of gods", the bible...

with a pure loving heart for all of humankind equally, with no respecter of persons, as the creators of humankind have, shall be given the MOST CORRECT MEANINGS...

and the proof of such?

the meanings shall be as a golden hidden key, that shall unlock the secrets of the cosmos.



or facts factually found, by proving beyond all preponderance of a doubt...

for in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses with no conflict of interest, let all facts of reason that guide to accuracy be established.

and how is this done, in the human brain...

what many of the religious "converts", the "pharisees", the self professed "Christians", have no knowing of whatsoever...

for "gods posing as devils" gave unto these "strong delusions", just as was writ...

because their MOTIVE when reading was impure.


science based principle is to prove how it self can be INCORRECT.

religion based principle is to prove how it self can be CORRECT.

leading to delusion of mind in time, to ALWAYS CORRECT.

uh oh.

the unsane.

now of course, these two founding first principles used, will cause for an arrival at very different conclusions.

the one proving to it self how it self be CORRECT, will become delusional and insane.

the one proving how it self can be INCORRECT, will become the most accurate, or correct, more over time naturally.

and why those of "faith", have always been the tyrannical extremist, over lording their own chosen lifestyle and theories should be the SAME FOR ALL OTHERS.

all others.

even by force.

do some scientist rum amok with self pride and prove them self and all their theories correct, and leave the founding principle of science...

of course...

we do have MAD SCIENTISTS.

self power thirsting, prestige mongering, corrupt scientist.

and, self power thirsting religious leaders, prestige mongering, corrupt zealots.

for who does not go mad, if they but prove to them self how all their own theories are correct without sound brain operating functions.

***prove incorrect until their is no possible other conclusion left as possible***

is what science is based upon.

and is what "religious" principle was NEVER EVER based upon.

but religious has always been based upon WHO IS GUILTY OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.

but, the magic book, did transcribe a "magic key"...

and is was writ...

any of pure heart...

would be shown this "key"...

and that humanity would be saved from certain COSMIC extinction protocols and configured into creation set on 'time release' to transpire...

in that day.

when the day was ripe, and ready, and time.

for the day that time stood still.

we factor time on the sun, so either the earth or sun would have to stop, for time to stand still.

and not until that day, would the true MOST MEANINGS OF THE BOOK, BE REVEALED.

and revealed only to those the "creators" of civilization chose, not to those who chose them self as more righteous.

why of course, those are the "god damned".

hearken time, and do stand still to set the records straight.

peaceful rants.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/11/15 09:01 AM
Blessed Sunday's to all...

when faith exceeds accuracy it becomes lunacy.

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