Your opinion.....
and hah hah, double hah... Amerika, the new revised Amerika's, will lead the world into all peace and wealth for all, just as we did before... not that we do not bow, low low to all who helped, and endorsed us, and gave us our first opportunities to do and be such, most the Great Queen Her self... and it shall be proven to the entire world, that when She, the Great Queen, had confidence in us, the children nation of fledglings of democracy and capitalism, Her great wisdom and insight was never more clever and shrewd, wiser than most all wise, and not unfounded... and the New Americka's renewed, shall shine as the the star of fledglings, of wealth, freedoms, and safety, of the world... and we be but always ready... to reach forth our hand, and extend it in peace, helping and safety, unto all and any nations, who will endorse personal liberties and free choices for all, unencumbered, in the world. and She, stand ready, to step up her game, and help all, who believe in the Amerika's principle's of no slavery and freedoms of trade for all, and stand ready to reward those who agree, as partakers of the richest, safest, and happiest nation on earth. aman. |
they're printing 3 million copies of next edition Charlie hebdo with Mo on the front cover... this should go over pretty well saint John... now is the time brother John, of equal wants of happiness minus religions... 40 nations leaders, and the POPE, ALL, on the side of those AGAINST, right and wrong, based on religions! open wide wide the portals and sea... the opportunities. to seize. what one longed for, for all, and then, it self. those that stand for rights and wrongs based upon religious previous teachings, will be drowned outside the ark. decide how much value you really put into those "belief's"... for they do decide the outcome of all self reality... for all. peace to all. |
ugh where is such a person
some believe serious, are those serious about giving one self all it self wants.
those, it will be but a short time longer, before arriving at it's own most wants come as true. paddle during no winds. |
What hadiths would You condone? What rape would You condone? Are You open to any agreement? If I can tell You what the source of the problem is... What would You do to implement overcoming its action? 1. I do NOT condone any "reports" of statements or actions of Muhammad... or any other teachings based on outdated manmade scriptures. 2. I will NEVER condone rape 3. I am open... Not to agree, only to acknowledge your opinion. 4. I would do what needs to be done! EDIT* How many depictions of your prophet Mohammed would it take for you to hate me Sheik? bout time ya got here St John... we been needing your current brain data to complete all the rest of the other humans earths knowings. for did ya not hear, without what you know... and long for... many will perish. just because one voice, did not input, where it might be disputed and mocked, can cause an entire nation, to suffer more.. some don't know this, but soon all will sea. blessings to you a less pain for earth knight. unpeace2peace. we all create more, the more all, speak their own true brains data. and don't forget wise one's, to remove the expectation of not being insulted, from one's personal agenda. peace |
i can assure, when the people find out, all that Barrack actually stands for, is, was, and will be...
they will say, again, but this time knowingly with all proof, he was a savior and helper to all humankind... there are lots of saviors in humankind all around... for some save others from some bads, and some save many and many from bads. these, saviors, any and all of them... have one thing in common... they within, truly wish for the most liberties possible, with safety, and the least oppression possible, and less pain possible, for as many as possible. and they come in all sizes shapes and colors... and he is one of them... the people will get their second roubnd of proof... for what barrack most does, to save the world, will cone even more, after his service to "the world", after even more after his presidency. proof of such. solid proof. it will be impossible for the world to not know, without a doubt. he embraces people, no matter their size, color, creed, sect, nationality, religion, status... peace to all who believe. |
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Mon 01/12/15 08:15 AM
if two want it, it's good,
it two don't, it ain't. vbut hey lets face it... it has been the self declared holy, that have been harping, nagging, cowing, inducing guilt, trying to control the behavior of all those they didn't deem "holy"... not the other way around... so turnabout is fair play... for all must feel what they dosed out... why it said not to judge others... or one self will be judged in return. so, now the "judgement"... hehehe... don't worry, wont be as bad as ya thought it would be... you can take it, if the unholy could take it... so can the "holy"... now the "unholy", get to make the rules, and put the pressure on the holy... to learn. to teach. to evolve. to ascend. so we can get rid of this hellish atmosphere of restrictions deemed as holy. |
lots of old ways each them self did not create, that shall soon change, and all will live in pleasure and with no lacking...
for the gods command all to be free. think anybody would buy that... hell no... even though it says it in the holy book, that created such emotional collective energy on earth that makes people "feel" those ways... as emotiopns add together in the "air"... creating a "stifling" emotional climate... once we set the right emotional collective energy of the whole earth, back to what it is supposed to be... wa lah... none will "feel" the same ways... and double standards comes first, from first at an early age, being torn between the wants of the mind, and the emotions of the body... people who do it don't really mean to... it's just learned habit from bad childhood emotional climate and mentoring. such was created by first "belief's' by many many many many things were "unholy"... but in the garden of eden, back to the genesis, where we have arrived now, they were not ashamed of their nakedness... nor did they "hide" from 'god'... or so than think such was 'evil'.... that we gonna change... hotdiggitydog shazam... about time. now redmist will finally have his cake and eat it to, and no one will dare call it unholy... as the notion of unholy shall soon be "erased" for good. for ever. unholy. terminated. anyhow peace |
makes me think of that prophetic holy song Freedom by George Micheal...
now, it has begun, all songs will be considered holy prophetic songs... as they are... every last one of them telling about the now and the future to come. then, one will hear the truth of heaven in everything. oopsie... maybe slightly off topic. smiles |
god and devil brains...
great write. the bible said all the same. they just read it upside down like wannabee dictators of others behavior do. once the same book used to condemn humankind, has been used in the opposite, to free humankind, from the very same slavery from things taken from the book it self... then, wa lah, no more books at all, as man will have elevated and now, i know, it's hard to believe, but will not ever want to read books again... yeppers... ah, the book readers will groan at first... but once they realize a brain without thinking or believing it lacks any data, can get any data it wants, instantly, at will, from its own mind... we will access each others brains as we do google... as google is already but accessing data collected from others brains... they will be dazzled... and of course, we move into being able to transfer data telepathically... and into a telepathic species, that the old book was keeping from occurring... and then teleporting... hehehe... it was said in the "book", that the "kingdom of heaven" would be created "on earth"... so where do they all think they gonna be raptured to? and, it was writ heaven was 'within', so how can one know how to create it, by reading a book... guess some forgot what it actually said... anyhow... your gonna love the new world. |
he was just busy...
had to make them wait... ... not a mistake at all... 'right on cue'... now, world freedom from tyranny and holy overlord dictators begins... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
god and devil brains...
Pope condemns 'deviant forms of religion' in the wake of French massacre, accusing them of causing 'the breakdown of society and spawning violence and death'
Pope Francis criticised religious fundamentalism in a speech today... He said that it 'eliminated God, turning him into an ideological pretext' He blamed last week's murders in Paris on a 'culture of rejection' Francis said this 'spawns violence and death' and 'societal breakdown' By TED THORNHILL FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 06:04 EST, 12 January 2015 | UPDATED: 06:15 EST, 12 January 2015 Pope Francis slammed 'deviant forms of religion' following deadly attacks by Islamist militants in France last week which left 17 people dead. 'Losing their freedom, people become enslaved, whether to the latest fads, or to power, money, or even deviant forms of religion,' he said, laying the blame on 'a culture of rejection' which leads to 'the breakdown of society and spawning violence and death.' 'We see painful evidence of this in the events reported daily in the news, not least the tragic slayings which took place in Paris a few days ago,' he said in his yearly speech to the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook ___________________________________________________________________ now we got the pope and 40 nations leaders... calling for the end of oppressive devious religions... the end of the old religious chains of human natural behavior called as evil. ![]() ![]() ![]() and that's tons of stuff... suicide as a sin... attire deemed immodest and evil... sex before marriage as a sin... even marriage will soon go out the window all together... any partner any time, on mutual consent. it's up to the individuals... masturbation as a sin... sex toys as sins... sex with multiple partners as a sins alcohol as a sin... drugs as a sin... the age of when sex is allowed... prostitution as a sin... same sex partners as sin... holy crap, what are the holy tryin to get to heaven for them self gonna do... especially when they remember heaven is to be created on earth, just as was said... the whole bible is gonna be turned against them for a change... even the score a little. for all their damage and harm they did to precious little minds. the very same book they used to crush others, AND CONTROL, and dictate as overlords and dictators, of others behaviors, is gonna be used to crush their standards called of god, and prove them as FALSE! ![]() ![]() ![]() what ya gonna do, call ghost busters... |
god and devil brains...
for verily verily i say unto thee, those deemed satanist, and wicked, and homosexuals, and transgenders, and scoundrels, the offenders, the blasphemers, ahd the sinners, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, long before those whom declare them self of god.
for as it was write, those who deem them self first, shall be last, and those who deem them self last, shall be FIRST. ditto's and praises to our wise leaders of forty nations strong. the tide hath turned. and out be swept the self righteous chafe and the stalk. |
god and devil brains...
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Mon 01/12/15 03:28 AM
what John Lennon died for...
what "jesus" died for... hello! jesus was AGAINST RELIGIONS! he called religious leaders, the devils! and of their "father the devil" and a brood of vipers! jesus was for, no religions... the people around him, wrote all the other stuff, and tuned his words FALSELY, into another SET OF MORAL RULES, or "religion"... and what all the many peoples have been begging for... no more religions dictating the moral code of behaviors of the free will of human beings, and that some shall burn in hell, and some ascend to heaven. for ALL MUST ASCEND TOGETHER. there is no ascension except of and for ALL THE CHILD GODS TOGETHER. how else should it have been devised. to release humanity to her next stage of higher dimension. for jesus was not against gays, but rather against religious leaders. the peoples have been crying for for millenniums... no more religions! and to think such has arrived. certainly don't think anybody is gonna get 40 nations leaders to back down do ya... they ALL AGREE. NO MORE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS POSED FALSELY AS OF GOD SHALL BE OUR GUIDELINE FOR HUMANKIND. that is what their ACTIONS, and words, do show. so no more devil brain data posed as "god data". jesus has gotten his dying wishes. praise be to jesus. smiles |
welcome to your first post...
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Mon 01/12/15 03:04 AM
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Mon 01/12/15 03:03 AM
there is no luck. wise insight create blissful good. unwise insight create unblissful bad. equal love, equal dedication, equal values, equal total freedom, equal validity unto words, equal brains and body value, equal value unto the wants of two, or I take 0. I take it the immortal has yet to (sea) his match made in heaven? well... us immortal's ya know, have different rules, from the seas of heavens... in the heavens, the fe's pick their knights... opposite of the mortals... for there, no fe be unwise, and so cannot choose unwisely, so what knight ever chosen would ever consider disputing her choice as incorrect... then and only then does he know for where his loyalties shall lie. tis far better than the ways outlined in the koran, bible or torah, that created all the mortals ways. smiles. Hence, angels fell. And among mortal humans do dwell... ![]() That one day may return to heaven nigh, To once again serve The Lord, on high. and when one approach this lord in heaven... first, he shall say, bow not to me women... what do you think i am, a devil whom wishes servants for my self? i am no greater than thee... and he will say, women, i don't want you to serve me... rather, you do as your own good heart sea fit... smiles |
god and devil brains...
please oh please...
no need for anyone in this thread to be more careful with your words here... lest of course that be your own wishes... what does a child have to do, to break free from oppressive, old, outdated, religious parents? say screw off... the same as, i wish to use my own brains data, for now we are equal, i am an adult... and that is precisely the place in time humanity as a whole has arrived... and what humanity has to do, to no longer it self be "delimited"... by these teachings falsely posed as "good" for the rule of peoples for THE NOW... the essence of what i am saying humanity must do with the old notions posed as "good god data"... to blaspheme and blast the crap out of it... that is what the martyrs of freedom were doing and standing for when they were gunned down in France... and, the GOVERNMENTS WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT THEM, WITH 40 NATIONS LEADERS ARM IN ARMS? in unity and solidarity... for the right to so! which show which people "THE power" will back up... such is more monumental than the peoples have even begun to grasp. now freedom will truly begin for humanity. and those who hold true to such old notions with allegiance, will not find them self in a good place... because the teaching were meant to be destroyed. the last book of the bible, declares that the book it self shall be destroyed. wa lah... so, who is actually following the "good god data" of the bible? the opposite side. what the mass people call devil, is god, and what the old masses called god, is actually the devil data. the old bait and switch. a simple ploy and con. works well to make little human god children more wise, and not so gullible. that is what this thread states. |
god and devil brains...
i am not saying the books were fiction... but rather they become self fulfilling prophecy... simply because it be said, and recognized, and accepted, they are the "books of god"... that is the only thing that distorted the effect and power they have OVER PEOPLES COMMON SENSE... SO, THEN THE PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD, AND WA LAH, made it become reality, so than turned it them self into actual facts that happened. so not fiction... not meaning to disagree or debate semantics or anything... harry potter books are from god too, if the bible is from gods... it is first dividing the conscious stream of data, into two separate categories, that creates the "belief", that some brain data, FROM SOME ONLY, is of god, by way of complex doctrines and dogmas... data is either about being mean or nice. that is all. and HUMANS MADE UP, that such data was then, of god or devil... and, posed the "mean" data as the "good data"... thereby, keeping humanity in a delimited state. the stories and parables and allegories are all very similar throughout the written texts... since duh... it's all coming from THE SAME STEAM OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS INTO HUMAN BRAINS... i am saying that mean data was falsely, totally and intentionally switched, and posed as the nice data... with malice and forethought and intent... to maintain a warring state of human existence. that the books them self, CREATED THE FALLEN STATE. that is my point. your precious. peace that is all. |
god and devil brains...
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Mon 01/12/15 02:12 AM
until these books receive proper burial, there will be perpetual war... and the cycle of pain never broken... a world ceremony should be held, and all these books should be cast into the everlasting lake of fire... in ceremony and remembrance for all the tortures they inflicted upon our own fellow species, and in remembrance of all the murdered souls. and then some new Idiot,errm Prophet will come and write another set! GOOD POINT CONRAD! but then, when that happens, the whole world will ALREADY HAVE THE "KNOWLEDGE", of how such were and are by the "majority", burnt in the trash, and logically have the knowledge such was NOT current data of GODS at least, and plainly, NOT OF CIVILITY, nor of any brotherhood of humankind... and the MAJORITY, doth create the venues, and the laws... and so many many many less will heed such mixed mash rubbish as rules for humankind... as remember, we created these to have power, simply by the majority AGREEING, that such was brain data from the gods... will more believe it, or less... certainly less... and supply and demand, WILL HAVE BEEN CREATED TO DECREASE... and the world is smarter now, and much less gullible... for how many are accepting personal sexual preference choices now... and peoples of different color and nationalities... it is but a natural progression... it always has been... a humanity fallen state march unto to the prize... of all and for all... of but mutual consent of the free will of all individually. |
and indeed it be so.