Community > Posts By > davidben1

davidben1's photo
Sat 01/24/15 04:33 PM
bows low to all the human mortal saint's over here...

awesomeness posts...

drinker smokin drinker

davidben1's photo
Sat 01/24/15 04:31 PM
good to sea all these fine souls over here again...

drinker drinks drinker

davidben1's photo
Sat 01/24/15 04:16 PM

David, hows things mate? Thought you'd left here, or something? :smile: drinker

just been traveling...

good and great to sea ya fine one peoples one world brother...

absolutely smagzackely...

getting everything ready for a book release and book tour...

so hope all is supra excellent for this dear friend and precious soul...

drinker drinker biggrin

davidben1's photo
Sat 01/24/15 04:01 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Sat 01/24/15 04:21 PM
for in the realms above, the advanced being's did watch, once being previously human them self, and did yearn for humankind to evolve past the old ways and old days...

and did whisper into the ear's and hearts of the children's of earth...

and some were afraid to heed, and others took heart...

but the consensus of the love was growing more unanimous...

for charities plume had come down...

and the tunics of fig leaves of religion's, the courageous immortals living as but mortal for a spell did cast off...

seaing they no longer needed to believe they needed a pastor, a prophet, a teacher, a leader, a priest, for their heart to know what was love, and what was not love...

and the empires built upon the notions that humans needed "wise" scholars and books to instruct them in what was of god, of love, became obsolete and crumbled from being abandoned enmass...

and many did sea the love of the gods had always been there, and accepted all of humankind as one, seaing the empires of religions had exploited the vulnerable fears of humankind and children led astray...

by those who sought their own financial and personal gains, and had prospered the hate of others as unrighteous, as being of love and of gods the advanced beings...

for many false voices had spread the insidious false notion that gods punish humans, and so many back then did first have fear in their hearts, spread by false prophets and false teachers...

who had used writings to judge others as unrighteous to try to enrich and get them self FIRST into heaven's gates...

but the chains of darkness were broken back in the those days long ago, back in the human mortal year of 2015...

and humankind was freed, and no longer led by fooled and led by doctrines, and religions, and teachers, and prophets, and pastors, but rather each one by the light, the love, in each one their hearts.

peace unto all.

davidben1's photo
Tue 01/20/15 02:08 PM
every moment in life is judgement day to the wise, who beseech their own brain for any and all self inaccuracy, that could cause painful missteps in life for others.

davidben1's photo
Tue 01/20/15 01:18 PM

until a "christian", believe in all that a satanist believe in, it self shall be blind, and until a satanist believe in all the 'christian' believes in, it self shall be blind.

then the middle becomes known and real, shattering the darkness and lightness.

and anything outside the middle, shall walk off it's own singular chosen belief and self believed imposed cliff.

Well That is what Satan said in the Garden regarding the tree of the Knowledge of Good and bad ...

" Is it true that god said you cannot eat from every tree in the garden ? "

"No God said only dont eat from this one tree , for when we do we will die"

(SATAN) No , you wont die , for GOD knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened AND YOU WILL BE LIKE (US) KNOWING GOOD AND BAD .

We were only ever meant to know GOOD , Now by eating we have become
LIKE GOD ( or we are GOD ) Determining Good and Bad ...

And that right there is THE issue Central to Christianity and GODS right to rule .

In the new World after Satans Question has been put to rest Mankind will only KNOW GOOD and there will be NO MORE DEATH and NO MORE SATAN . From our perspective of 70 years or even mankinds history is nothing compared to God who has said 1000 yrs= 1 Day , he is nipping this in the bud ...

A Father to his Children .

but sir...

did you not as well read...

what is UP to man, is DOWN to god, and what is DOWN to man, is UP to god???

so one must INVERT all text, to not break the sacred text it self...

so, each place where it was said "satan", was actually god, and each place it said "god", was actually satan...

but, of course, the wise source who made writers write...

knew in advance, those who sought the text, FOR GOOD FOR ONE SELF...

the accursed...

for their own selfish motive...

source knew those would never catch nor sea such, as their nose's be to busy to the ground like a hound dod sniffing out what they FEEL makes them "righteous"...

and will "guarantee" heaven for 1.

the most mortal sin and mark of the beast most among the uncareers of others of their own same species...


they got suckered...

by WANTING to HEAR, how to gain "good for 1"...

those same would be the one's who killed others so they would get onto the life boats when the titanic sunk...

for who be good?

those who seek "heaven" for self...

or those that want good for their own fellow man.

those who say give all others give first, i will eat last...


for what deem it self fir5st unto heaven, shall be last.

even more so, those who seek heaven, FOR SELF, shall be last after all others.

davidben1's photo
Tue 01/20/15 01:06 PM
once one mentally believes, projects to it self, no other human is making one self FEEL as one self does...

the powers one self had all along but didn't know it, yet...

are so powerful, overwhelmingly magnanimous, like a rush of blood to the brain, breathing it self becomes orgasmic each moment, like that which has not felt has no point of memory reference for, YET.

self is it's own master, when it NEVER believes the sad feeble who understandingably believe others are creating most if not all of their emotions.

davidben1's photo
Mon 01/19/15 12:08 AM
it's amazing how one can post exactly as it self is and shall be in all of it's own life.

truly sad in the sad cases of sum cases it be.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 11:49 PM
for the only dark we our self must live with is the dark emotions of not love we our self decided to validate within our self as good, and so they continue, and grow, swallowing some whole, not coming from others as the blind surmise, but from our own choices, of what emotions we decided, were good one's to live accept and live by within our self.

a to z, we decide it all cases what we programmed our self to be.

wise one, know thy self.

that no one did decide what feelings one self decided to follow, but it self.

which decide all one self is and be.

peace to all.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 11:49 PM
for the only dark we our self must live with is the dark emotions of not love we our self decided to validate within our self as good, and so they continue, and grow, swallowing some whole, not coming from others as the blind surmise, but from our own choices, of what emotions we decided, were good one's to live accept and live by within our self.

a to z, we decide it all cases what we programmed our self to be.

wise one, know thy self.

that no one did decide what feelings one self decided to follow, but it self.

which decide all one self is and be.

peace to all.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 11:37 PM
that which deem it"s own inaccuracy as needed, shall forever have the same reality it had.

those as this need find comfort from others, for they shall never experience anything much in life that don't need others comfort for, all created from their own inaccuracy they deem must exist, and so their own sadness of inaccuracy repeated, be all they shall live out.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 11:31 PM
wisdom will be held by those who sea they created all that occurred in life...

all others will have but guesses of how to attain when one self did not.

knowledge and wisdom be as oil and water...

hardly ever mixing in reality of real life...

for those full of knowledge will hate those full of wisdom, and those full of wisdom, will pity with sadness those full of self knowledge.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 11:26 PM

rofl laugh rofl
rofl laugh rofl
rofl laugh rofl

guess it's safe to assume you think others are creating how you feel...

well, then one self will be led by all others like a lamb.

one self will be the puppet, and all others will be the puppet master...

but as you wish mam indeed, indeed, it shall be unto you.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 11:22 PM
once a human realizes there is no morality, only but what the self wants, than he taste of freedom, of mind, of reason, and of the all knowing possible, to all those who eat not of the cursed fruit of mentality of living but trying to be not classed as an evil or bad person.

what a human wants, be it's soul.

what it has been taught by do gooders as good to want, be what it's mind was taught.

if it not be happy with and doing such?

can it not ascertain what it was taught was not the true path to happiness?

sum sea, and sum linger, trying over and again to do what they heard to do as good, and find not happiness...

has it not stuck the self, what one was taught was inccorrect?

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 11:13 PM
why the greatest phenomenon unknown be humans can't sea they them self are creating ALL their own reality, and blindly think others be creating it for them.

ALL humans create what they them self feel, and OTHERS don't create how self feels.

don't believe it.

you will, when you have lived long enough to prove it so to your self.

prisons be full of those blind who think others be creating hwo they FEEL.

self can FEEL however it wishes, based upon how it self decides is good and acceptable to feel.

base that on what others do, be blind.

base that on what one self decides, sea all.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 11:05 PM
why listen to those who have not what they most wish...

those who listen to those who have not their own most happiness, become all the miseries of those they listened to.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 10:58 PM
try what ya haven't ever tried...

all that is happening is supposed to be occurring.

just 3 minutes of mentally believing so, and one self will be dazzled, like one self always wished.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 10:51 PM
i wonder when humans will realize all thoughts into all human head be equal...

then they will get to FEEL how they always wanted to FEEL.

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 10:49 PM
all humans naturally decide what data they hear be "good, or evil"...

wrong or right...

when they realize to quit this practice, seaing all data as equal, then they become released from the "fall".

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 10:48 PM
one day humankind will sea it is only experiencing what it self does define.

how one self define, decide how one self feel, how one self feel, define what be occurring.

to change what be occurring, change how one self be defining it.

than what those around define existence as shall not be able to steal one's own wished creation of existence.

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