PT's rant room
only fallen angels growing their wings write such things.
Kharma Hits Dirty Harry
this old world just ain't built fair. |
god and devil brains...
sly be the fox that can out extreme the extremist. |
there is no luck. wise insight create blissful good. unwise insight create unblissful bad. equal love, equal dedication, equal values, equal total freedom, equal validity unto words, equal brains and body value, equal value unto the wants of two, or I take 0. I take it the immortal has yet to (sea) his match made in heaven? well... us immortal's ya know, have different rules, from the seas of heavens... in the heavens, the fe's pick their knights... opposite of the mortals... for there, no fe be unwise, and so cannot choose unwisely, so what knight ever chosen would ever consider disputing her choice as incorrect... then and only then does he know for where his loyalties shall lie. tis far better than the ways outlined in the koran, bible or torah, that created all the mortals ways. smiles. |
god and devil brains...
until these books receive proper burial, there will be perpetual war...
and the cycle of pain never broken... a world ceremony should be held, and all these books should be cast into the everlasting lake of fire... in ceremony and remembrance for all the tortures they inflicted upon our own fellow species, and in remembrance of all the murdered souls. |
god and devil brains...
we got 3 million marching in France for the right to offend.
should be ok. |
god and devil brains...
Edited by
Mon 01/12/15 12:58 AM
I need to start smoking ,what the op is smoking.. ![]() ![]() ![]() you been smoking the hate smoke billowing out of the torah, the bible, and the koran. |
god and devil brains...
Edited by
Mon 01/12/15 12:49 AM
so let me not be late...
to unravel more time... people long ago, heard data in their brains, that made them hate, said it was of god, and declared it would be the rules for all humankind. humankind grew, bigger and bigger... and time moved on... and many more brains were born, and all told the same... so disregarded their own brains data, for those already here, did say it was data from gods, they heard from their brains... no... by now it was data heard from "special brains"... who wrote their "special data", in "special books"... books of brain data that came from gods... that told them what all the bad people on earth are and do... and it still be the same to this date... an so people heard data in their brains, and said it was fornicate, and these should receive punishments, and pains and torture should be induced upon them... heard data in their brains, that blacks were less and evil, and a big everlasting fire, and we could burn them all, just like the kkk... heard data in their brains, that said cut off peoples hands for stealing, and said it came from gods... heard data in their brains, that said all who don't listen, cut off their heads and don't be late... and the children first cried, until all the brains already here, told them it was brain data from the gods, who told them what to do... and people heard data in their brains, called it homosexuality, said these are evil and should die, be castrated and drowned, and said their brain data came straight from the mouths of gods... heard data in their brains, said god told them so, that we should burn them witch ho's... and the people used to cry, but then that was before they heard that it was brain data that said how to get to heaven... heard data in their brains, that only some go to heaven, that listen to the special brain data, that tells and teaches others how to be cruel... gods. devils. did it not all just come from human brains... it seems obvious to me what be causing the total sum of any fallen state of humankind into blind. |
god and devil brains...
let me get this straight... slow down time, go back in the past... humans like us, heard data in their brains, wrote it down, and called it the torah... they said what they heard in their brains came from god, and told them who of their own species was evil, and not of god... and how they them self were of god, and the "others", of their own species, were of the "devil"... of a separate creator, of "bad life forms"... and to war and exterminate these. how does that not fit any ever description of any "first evil" wrote down, implemented, and put into law... that would not forever after that day, create perpetual war, by pitting the same species against the same species. is that not what the "devil brain data", was supposed to be guilty of... creating and sowing discord, war and murder, amongst the same species... if the data they heard in their brains was of god, why is the data we get in our brains not? but indeed, much much much more current... so let me get this straight... people long ago, humans just like us, heard data in their brains, wrote it down, and said it came from god, and told them who of their own species was evil, and how to kill them, and ravage them, and to be masters over others of their own same species, and called it the koran... and some believe that data came from god? are these not simply guilty of being liars and slave masters and murderers? who got millions killed? what else could be called "evil".... why is not the data we get in our human brains now, more of god, since humans have advanced, so than naturally, so has the data humans hear in their brains... and so people long ago, people heard data in their brains, wrote it down, and called it the bible... said it was from god. and told them who and what was evil about others... guess some of the bad guys caught on to what worked for the other bad dudes in the torah and the koran... if data came from god into human brains then, than so does it now. as what has changed about the human brain format? except that now we are not supposed to be so gullible, and naive. peace&smiles |
there is no luck.
wise insight create blissful good. unwise insight create unblissful bad. equal love, equal dedication, equal values, equal total freedom, equal validity unto words, equal brains and body value, equal value unto the wants of two, or I take 0. |
Floreat... |
we kick out the bible, the torah, and the koran, from any input of any laws.'
for they ALL create wars. and are all of madness. ' that's what we do. and yes, we "play god", since we the humans, are the only one's here... and we create the reality. just as any "gods" would want us to, of course, since hello, they ain't yet shown up. for no doubt, was it not but for all those praying and trying to earn heaven, FOR THEM SELF, in the "after life", who didn't care too much about what happens to others, NOW, since "god" is gonna rescue and take care of them... uh.. heads up their arses, busied being holy and espousing self professed righteous babel. that endorsed the very belief's that created such madness in human brains, that brought us all to the present reality. and we piss off all whose allegiance is unto 'god', instead of their own fellow species. the extremist. and we institute a new set of world rules, based only on mutual consent of all parties involved. then, we have ceased the unsane madness. smiles&peace |
look over there marge... it's a dove descending... just like happened to that dude jesus... 40 leaders of the world super powers all joining arms in France, to fight extremism and save us all from the extremists... geez homer, that's a really nice thing... never fear olive oil, popeye is here... and the president of France announces on national tv the illuminati are attacking france... hehehe... hahaha... my oh my... your teeth have grown so long grandma... is that ac/dc hells bells i hear playin marge... homer, look, the peace ark has arrived... ooh, damn grandma, your nails look razor sharp, curved and fat like a steel sickle... and why oh why dear grandma, is that dove in the air doin a nose dive over there, asked poor little red riding hood.... |
Annunaki, made us what we are! That's why Annunakii , reptilians , aliens are nothing more than fallen angels . Fallen angels were the ones that showed mankind how to make weapons for war etc and give them knowledge . smiles... dear brother... it is but humans them self that are the "fallen angels"... that liked to fight... hehehe... lets blame it on space aliens though. man used his MIND, and devised how to make a "gun". just as we devised how to make a wheel. and a car. and a house. and a bomb. the same minds of man created it all. did the annanaki teach us how to create knives and swords... and spoons and forks... the logic of such just doesn't fit. just because some with wild imaginations have defined words to mean that, doesn't make it a fact, especially a fact to base one's actual life upon. not to get off topic... oopsie. |
equal to the ant?
equal what? equal good looks? equal mating prowess? it seems a definition of equal would have to be rendered and agreed upon first really. it is obvious, it can't be in physical abilities, ratio to ratio. but in building capacities, they are sheer genius with their intricate mazes of underground cities and towns. they wanna live, so do humans. they adapt and morph to their environments. and they seem to be quite green and eco friendly... hehehe... guess we won't know how equally well they handle the powers man has, till we provide them wheels, and outfit them with uzzies and cash, and some really cool drugs, and the finest liquors, and then devise ways trick them and fool them, and then when we listen in, to hear and compute their ant lingo, we will know. I'm sure if one took the life out of an ant, and placed it in a human body, they would be just as unknowing and disorientated as we were, when we first arrived to earth in this human body. for all life, is just adapting to the pre-existing environment it was placed in. perhaps it was in that way, when it was once writ, to understand man, look to the ant. but surely you mean, the same as the text... compared to the creators, we have about the powers of an ant. but that would be a grand good thing. smiles |
Does god forgive divorce
one should pity the blind fools whom declare they speak for gods.
Edited by
Sun 01/11/15 04:51 PM
bows to you makenwallo.
not because you deem me wise, for what is wise but looking out for who we love. but rather i bow to you because you are a caring soul. so to you, dear brother, WITH ALL RESPECT. and soon, all the none violent shall meet and hug, when the great problems of the world have been solved for all equally. and our loved one's shall be able to live, dance, and play, with no fear of rape, reprisal, torture nor oppression... living free of demands. for the wise and noble of love and caring always seek mercy for their loved one's, never for them self. and such be the mark of those who shall live and prosper to tell the tale of those previous days of a past mad world. blessing dear soul. |
are there some who do not yet sea all super powers work together for the greater good...
and even dear old Russia has agreed to help cleanse the world of the terrorist. it is not about country against country any longer, or nation against nation any longer, nor has it been for many a time. for all nations have mutually agreed to rally and fight against the duly recognized terrorist. the east and the west have the same grand good agenda. and it seems we shall soon even be successful at cowing old kim jong un into good agreement. then, order. and we cleanse the world of ALL the vipers, before they get a chance to strike the innocents. cleanse the world of all those who demanded respect for them self, and so wished to destroy all those who didn't respect their beliefs and religions and demands, instead of seaing that, must be earned. a pence for wheat, and two pence for barely, and pay the grim reapers. |
"Last seen over a month ago"
Edited by
Sun 01/11/15 03:49 PM
if the world reside in "do unto others as one wishes done to it self"...
and one see the expectations and demands of self treatment such creates in the brains of humans... than it is clearly seen this makes many in the world deem what others should be, and do, to them, only as each it self deem individually fit. such will create 7.7 billion different versions of demands of self treatment. and billions of different definitions of what words are acceptable or good. and soon billions disgruntled with each other in due time. it was said the sayings from 'that book', would bring war, and mother against father, and child against parent. which of course is why the philosophy believed created many a wars since than. surely reality has proved it so. there is NOTHING, in 'that book', THAT IS SUITABLE TO GUIDE HUMANITY OR THE MORALS OF HUMANKIND. the only truly non warring none arguing philosophy could only ever most be, live and let live... to have no law in one's brain, as expectations of what others should be, do or say... or how they should dress.. or eat... or sing... or walk... or talk... for indeed, we shall have to change it to all is love, except physical violence to any, that don't like and agree to engage in it. then we can be done with all the philosophies and religious beliefs that created wars and destroyed humanities humanity for each other. for what more is there really. just had to rant that someplace. peace&smiles |
never be sorry for showing reality.