Race will always be an issue...Always Agreed - until people start not caring about race. Not likely in my lifetime, unfortunately. |
Now that was good! |
They Lied
Just because others do not feel they need to speak out on it, doesn't mean there are alot of people who realize they were bamboozled into war in Iraq. I knew the day we did not go after bin laden and Saddam became the target that we were headed the wrong direction but there was alot of snow jobs on the American people so I cannot blame them too much for not thinking for themselves. We should have bin laden, we should not be removing dictators without the people of the country asking us to do so. We should not be democricizing countries (especially since the people who favor the war tell us we are not even a democracy so WTF???). The rose colored glasses of those who cannot see the Bush administration for the economically biased, personally biased, bigoted group that they are, will come off one day soon and it is not a pretty picture without the glasses clouding it Wow....speaking of rose colored glasses - what, you think the peace-loving citizens of Sadr City are going to come over and say "Oh please, Saddam is treating us horrible - please kill him" ? Or do you have in mind the Kurds who got gassed where going to come haunt the White House saying how they were wrongly mort'ed? And your constant rants on anything related to Bush *couldn't possibly* be considered to be somewhat biased and 'rose-colored glassy-ish' ? Nawwww...that couldn't possibly be the case. |
They Lied
1: Is there any concrete proof that Saddam was funding the 9/11 terrorists? You realize they don't exactly post their ledgers in Wall Street, nor worry much about stockholder reports. You want 'concrete' proof Saddam (or any other person) was shuttling funds? Best luck there. But let me turn the question around a bit - Is there any concrete proof that Saddam had NO intentions of invading any other country or ever using some form of WMD (ie, chemical agents) ? 2: Once you get into a situation where you can't tell the difference between civilians and the enemy, you're in trouble. Same thing our folks learned in the Revolution - stand toe to toe with a better trained, better equipped Army - you get slaughtered. Learn to fight in a manner that gives you the advantage - your odds go up. As "unfair" and "reprehensible" as that is - welcome to battle. If you haven't the stomach, get off the battlefield. 3: When's the last time that the US had international weapons inspectors coming in to check on and catalogue what we are doing? Mind you we are doing some scary things, like focused energy weapons. Umm...let's see, today is Friday. So likely had a satellite pass over the U.S.at least *some* time this week. Sorry, since the "lookers" tend to keep those sorts of thing classified - hard to say. And at this point in time, Energy weapons are not under any sort of treaty bans by any country. Saddam could have gone that path quite openly, and been basically off the hook. 4:We've lost more men and women to Iraq than we have on 9/11. When will we bring our brave soldiers home? If we stopped playing Globocop and took care of our own yard, things would be better here, due to saving billions, plus you'd take away one of the big terrorist recruiting tools. Do you honestly believe the terrorist types such as bin Laden would leave us alone if we just declared one day "You know, you are right, we are pulling out. You are in charge now, and we promise to never interfere again." If you do, then about the best I can say, is you are *seriously* deluded. Look - they want power. You back off 50 yards, they want 75. You back off 75 more, they declare jihad and want 100 more. Why? Because you are willing to give them that power. You think that the Taliban would just leave the world alone? No - they want everyone under their rule. You think Saddam would have been satisfied with Kuwait, had we just stayed home and said "Not our problem, we are not doing anything"? Want to seriously reduce the 'terrorist recruiting' then you start taking out those who's lust for power gets out of hand, and demonstrate that if you attack, you get hammered back. Give other nations a reason to 'police' themselves. (Anyone heard anything out of Libya after Ronnie air mailed them some love letters? Oh..that is right...He was telling Saddam to back off, and currently trying to get in U.S. good graces with all sorts of pleasant talk) |
They Lied
Don't worry Lindy...he is already attacking McCain. As likely as anything else, McCain will win, and of course, will be the new source of all evils from day one, because he is just another 'warmonger' to those who live in Camelot.
They Lied
Being wrong and having lied are two entirely different things. President Kennedy believed in the "Domino Theory" as it pertained to Vietnam which simply stated that if South Vietnam fell it would trigger communist aggression that would soon reach the cost of California. It didn't (though one could argue that UC Berkley tempts that argument) but that was because they were wrong, not necessarily because they lied. Oh, and enough of he "Bush and Company" were the only ones who believed that Saddam had WMDs. Examples: "One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 "If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998 "He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983." Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998. "Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998 "We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandated of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them." Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002 "We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002 "We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002 "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force-- if necessary-- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002 "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 These are all quotes checked at Snopes.com and easily found all over the Web. So yeah, as you can see from the quotes above it was ALL Bush and Company that believed this. No one else--lest of all, our good friends on the Democratic side of the row. -Drew *GASP* You mean... DEMOCRATS supported this as well? DEMOCRATS thought that Saddam was dangerous? DEMOCRATS voted for the Iraqi War as well? No!! Say it ain't so!!! Then how ever will Madison and Dragon blame all this stuff on Bush, when Democrats clearly supported him?!?!? <sarcasm mode off> |
Nebraska - things you will see and experience:
Wind Cornhuskers stuff tumbleweeds Cornhuskers stuff Sandhills Cornhuskers stuff really long empty spaces Cornhuskers stuff That pretty much sums up Nebraska. |
Well...at least on the issue of the currency, I can tell you they have NOT started any form of printing any form of 'NorthAmerican' pesodollars of any sort.
They are still trying to get ramped up on the 'new' currency designs, of which the $5 was the latest release. |
The Iraqi Army
So -giving the numbers credibility for the sake of argument here:
1,000 deserted out of 20,000 soldiers. In what would basically amount to a 'civil' type war, in which they are being asked to shoot what may be (remember - 'fog of battle') other Iraqis. Out of that thousand - *MIGHT* there have been any Sadr loyalists? Not unreasonable assumption. How many decided that the pay for getting killed today wasn't worth it? Reasonable Assumption there. How many just seen real bullets flying, the guy on right or left leaving, and they decided not to be a hero today? Reasonable assumption. Point being - is just about EVERY military unit sent to battle has seen this. Even U.S. military boot camp, which is an all volunteer force sees this type of 'wash-out' rates. Some military training cycles will see 50% and higher attrition rates AND THAT IS JUST TRAINING! Personal Opinion follows: I think the Iraqis are getting the taste for free life apart from Saddam, but it is going to take time. Ask any 'abusive relationship' counselor if the 'abused' walks away from the 'abuser' one day, and is perfectly right with the world the next. Just plain not reasonable, and doesn't happen. Well, now we have a whole country like that. Add to the mix other countries seeing the chance to seize power, or at least create disruptions for their particular sect. Add to this, a young wet behind the ears cleric who seen his chance to grab power, and has latch on like a bulldog to a rare steak. Right now, I believe the greatest threats to Iraqi's (the people not the country, although they are linked) peace and stability come from this Sadr-pup, and countries like Syria and Iran butting their noses in for sectarian rabble-rousing. Fanta and Sailor? Good debate - nice to see news articles and such used in the way they should be. |
so brave!!!
You know, some would be truly surprised at this?
Having been around many outstanding military types, branch or particular job being secondary - I would say especially in the combat roles, this would probably be the norm, not the exception. Too bad it won't make front pages anywhere but his hometown. Good job, Navy Seal! |
Well - first I agree with one of the other posters - the adult "lookouts" should get a very heavy sentence. They should know better.
The 'participants' should get a punishment worthy of the crime. Say, jail lockdown until they get 9 months straight positive reviews (one bad review one day, start the clock again) working in something like a battered woman's shelter. Or hospice. Use your imagination, but you get the idea. And blaming schools is not the answer. They are not a daycare nor a nanny service. As Lonely pointed out - if the parents are not providing proper discipline and guidance, why should we expect schools to do so, yet forbid and sue them, should they employ corporal punishment. Face it,there are quite a few kids who need a crack on the ass that are NOT getting it. And will be fair, in looking around my neighborhood. They are good kids. Sure - bit rambunctious at times, and the skateboard thing is annoying as hell - but they decent kids. Last summer I welded some pipes and such for them to skateboard on, and the group decided to wash my vehicles and cut the grass as a 'Thank you' Yeah, the skateboard thing is still annoying, but what the hell. |
Please somebody help!!
If you keep touching the F button, you will go blind. |
No bike, but a very close second:
CJ-8 sans doors and top. And if the bugs are not bad out - no windshield. |
Copyrighted material
Edited by
Tue 04/08/08 03:39 AM
This should also include cut/paste of the articles first paragraph, then posting the link. There are no questions, comments or anything. This also is a copyright infringement - as they tend to say "reproduction of any or all"
I don't mind if someone puts in a link to an article to provide additional info, but the current practice of spamming the boards with propaganda articles because you hate <insert person or group> highly detracts from any sort of true 'Current Event" discussion. |
Mcains ugly secret
Madison - you are just one of the folks on here that loves to smear anything Republican. And has the unfortunate habit of talking ka-ka about that which you know nothing about.
So - in this site you pander a bunch of conspiracy theory b.s. about McCain, and you slather over it like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth. So - how about the possibility of an improper fueling procedure being used, which caused a static build up on a plane? Did that possibility even cross your mind? Or you seen "McCain" and latched on like a pit bull? And yes, the Zuni rocket from the F-4 comes from aft to forward - for those who are wondering |
texas death row rights
Okay...we got that. You don't like the death penalty, and you want it abolished. Covered that already - your opinion, and you have a perfect right to it.
SSSoooo...what do we do with those who would have formerly been convicted with a death penalty? What do you propose we do with these prisoners? Rot in a cell, chain gang, ???????? |
He illegally attacked Iraq Then why don't you take him to International tribunal or federal court for his actions? Since you continue to claim this? And as I have asked you before - please post your arraignment information - charge, specifications for the charge, how he met those specifications. Last I checked - he used his duly authorized War Powers Act abilities, and Congress has continued to provide funding. Geee...if they were all insensible as you are - why do they fund this? Why has no mandate to pull out managed to pass both houses? Oh - that is right - you just hate anything Republican - so all they do is evil - and someone somewhere claimed "illegal" so therefor it must be so. |
Mindless spam - nothing to see here, move along... |
Okkayy 62easy.....
So what do the Freemasons have to do with this? Good on you for the whole Christian, Gospel of Christ thing and all, but I fail to see the link between 81% opinion, Freemasons and your religious beliefs. Please note - this is not any form of knock on your beliefs, so please stay off that track. |
the top Bush junta lies
Mindless spam - nothing to see here, move along... |