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Topic: They Lied
madisonman's photo
Thu 04/10/08 06:54 PM
Edited by madisonman on Thu 04/10/08 07:09 PM
George W. Bush, **** Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Condoleezza Rice, along with a slew of administration underlings and a revolving-door cavalcade of brass hats from the Pentagon, have been making claims regarding Iraq for many years now.

They claimed Iraq was in possession of 26,000 liters of anthrax, "enough to kill several million people," according to a page on the White House web site titled Disarm Saddam Hussein.

They lied.

They claimed Iraq was in possession of 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin.

They lied.

They claimed Iraq was in possession of 500 tons, which equals 1,000,000 pounds, of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.

They lied.

They claimed Iraq was in possession of nearly 30,000 munitions capable of delivering these agents.

They lied.

They claimed Iraq was in possession of several mobile biological weapons labs.

They lied.

read all of the other lies here at

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:00 PM
You still on this? Boring! yawn

Thomas27's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:01 PM
So what, you act like it's the first time.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:02 PM
Welcome to the human race, enjoy your stay.

lifestooshort6's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:03 PM
politicians who LIE???? Do tell?

madisonman's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:03 PM

You still on this? Boring! yawn
I suppose if you dont care about america it is boreing or you dont care you have been led to war on a pack of lies its boreing......or if you live in denial its boreing....or if you just wish you could pretend it was all true its boreing......what your gig anyhow? do you like being lied to and have our nations treasury swindled by war profiteers?

willy_cents's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:05 PM
Hmmmmm....decisions can only be made after accumulating as many facts as can be had about the situation. The CIA provided all the intelligence used to make the case for the Iraq war. Of course, I would not expect very many liberals to understand this, they are far too occupied researching cut and pastes to understand how decision making is actually arrived at. Many of them struggle with decisions as to whether to cut and paste or just not say anything due to the fact they have had no independent thoughts of their own.

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:06 PM
And the madman is going to save the world by cut and paste! woohoo! I reject your logic and replace it with my own.laugh

bastet126's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:07 PM
Edited by bastet126 on Thu 04/10/08 07:09 PM

poli = more than one
tics = blood suckin insects

there ya go.

iRon's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:10 PM
History will see them as more than just liars. It will see them as war criminals, murderers, constitutional law breakers, thieves of civil rights, election fraud, etc......

But even sadder than their action is the Americana's people lack of action. They are politicians and did what far too many politician do. But we allowed it, we have bowed down to it and the fact the we have not been in the streets screaming for impeachment is of all things, the saddest of them all.

Drew07_2's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:10 PM
See you almost got it all, Madison. The part you forgot to copy and paste at the bottom of the article you once again "borrowed" was:

© : t r u t h o u t 2008


willy_cents's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:10 PM

and have our nations treasury swindled by war profiteers?

I would rather the nations treasury being sucked dry by profiteers than my wallet sucked dry by the liberal candidates ideas on health care and tax increaseslaugh laugh

madisonman's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:12 PM

And the madman is going to save the world by cut and paste! woohoo! I reject your logic and replace it with my own.laugh
would it still be called logic ?

madisonman's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:14 PM

See you almost got it all, Madison. The part you forgot to copy and paste at the bottom of the article you once again "borrowed" was:

© : t r u t h o u t 2008


Fair use -----Drew------- A. What Is Fair Use?

In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and "transformative" purpose such as to comment upon, criticize or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. Another way of putting this is that fair use is a defense against infringement. If your use qualifies under the definition above, and as defined more specifically in this section, then your use would not be considered an illegal infringement.

willy_cents's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:18 PM
still cut and paste and free from your own thoughts. Using others writings/thoughts is surely a good way for a person to avoid having to "own" them if the sh** hits the fan over them, isn't it?laugh laugh

madisonman's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:18 PM
But realy the topic of this thread is all the lies we were told about the events leading to the Iraq war swindel.......did I miss any lies? can we collectivly list them here just for fun?

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:18 PM

And the madman is going to save the world by cut and paste! woohoo! I reject your logic and replace it with my own.laugh
would it still be called logic ?
We all create our on realities. So I guess in you mind you think your right. I think your misinformed. You highlite all the problems and offer no solutions. Mud slinging. Why have you chosen this site? Really are there any political sites that would be better for you? I hope so.

madisonman's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:19 PM

History will see them as more than just liars. It will see them as war criminals, murderers, constitutional law breakers, thieves of civil rights, election fraud, etc......

But even sadder than their action is the Americana's people lack of action. They are politicians and did what far too many politician do. But we allowed it, we have bowed down to it and the fact the we have not been in the streets screaming for impeachment is of all things, the saddest of them all.
They are guilty of war crimes by the terms of Nuremburg and thnks for your great commentdrinker

madisonman's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:21 PM

And the madman is going to save the world by cut and paste! woohoo! I reject your logic and replace it with my own.laugh
would it still be called logic ?
We all create our on realities. So I guess in you mind you think your right. I think your misinformed. You highlite all the problems and offer no solutions. Mud slinging. Why have you chosen this site? Really are there any political sites that would be better for you? I hope so.
I dont know a thing about creating a reality being that I live in it. please if you have any information that this most interestin article is misleading or they are lieing please feel free to point it out but other than that please try to stay on topic or start your own thread about the truhts bush told about Iraqlaugh

willy_cents's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:22 PM

And the madman is going to save the world by cut and paste! woohoo! I reject your logic and replace it with my own.laugh
would it still be called logic ?
We all create our on realities. So I guess in you mind you think your right. I think your misinformed. You highlite all the problems and offer no solutions. Mud slinging. Why have you chosen this site? Really are there any political sites that would be better for you? I hope so.

political sites require more than cut and paste, they require some amount of discussion and thought. Anyone who only can cut and paste is run off them in a heartbeat because they cannot compete in an exchange of thought out ideas

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